A Violent Solar Storm Will Hit The Earth In The Near Future - Alternative View

A Violent Solar Storm Will Hit The Earth In The Near Future - Alternative View
A Violent Solar Storm Will Hit The Earth In The Near Future - Alternative View

Video: A Violent Solar Storm Will Hit The Earth In The Near Future - Alternative View

Video: A Violent Solar Storm Will Hit The Earth In The Near Future - Alternative View
Video: The Grid vs. The Next Big Solar Storm 2024, September

Scientists from NASA believe that life on Earth could be hit by a severe storm that will soon occur on the Sun.

They came to this conclusion after analyzing the processes that take place on our star.

As astrophysicists say, the most powerful geomagnetic storms have occurred on the Sun more than once. And some of them have already hit our planet. In particular, it is known about the strongest geomagnetic storm of 1859, called the "Carringtor phenomenon" in honor of one of the British scientists who recorded a solar flare.

Now the impact will be much more tangible. After all, humanity largely depends on electronics, which are extremely sensitive to such influences. Experts believe that a powerful geomagnetic storm can destroy the magnetic field of our planet. Under the influence of geomagnetic waves, all aircraft that are in the air at this moment can fall. Communication satellites and GPS will also be damaged. All memory on computers and mobile devices will be erased.

Previously, NASA published footage of the year of the Sun's life. The video demonstrates the most powerful flash on the star that occurred in 2012. Fortunately, then geomagnetic waves passed by the Earth. But whether our planet will be so lucky in the next storm on the Sun, no one is ready to say.