When The Sun Stopped - Alternative View

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When The Sun Stopped - Alternative View
When The Sun Stopped - Alternative View

Video: When The Sun Stopped - Alternative View

Video: When The Sun Stopped - Alternative View
Video: Richard´s Fun Facts - How did the sun stop still for nearly 24 hours during Joshua’s Long day 2024, October

There are many historical mysteries that eventually find their explanation thanks to new archaeological discoveries, etc. At the same time, some of the described events remain unsolved even now. One of these hard-to-explain historical mysteries, it seems to me, is the event described in the Bible when the "sun froze" and "stopped in the sky", as a result of which the day lasted several hours longer than usual

This is what the Bible directly says (Book of Joshua, Chapter 10, sections 12 and 13): “12. Joshua (Navin - V. L.) cried out to the Lord on the day on which the Lord delivered the Amorite into the hands of Israel, when he killed them in Gibeon, and they were beaten before the face of the children of Israel, and said before the Israelites: Stand, sun, over Gibeon, and the moon, over the valley of Aialon! 13. And the sun stopped and the moon stood while the people took revenge on their enemies.

Isn't this written in the Book of the Righteous: "The sun stood in the sky, and did not rush to set it down for almost the whole day?" This event seems even more intriguing and incredible when Z. Sitchin [1] compared it with the fact that, according to some chronicles and legends in South America, at the same time the sun did not rise for about 20 hours, that is, the night lasted longer than usual … According to Z. Sitchin, this happened around 1400 BC. And if these two events coincide in time, i.e. happened "in one day", then this can mean nothing more than the fact that it really had a global character, i.e. synchronously observed in different hemispheres of the Earth.

In other words, our planet indeed temporarily, and very significantly, slowed down its rotation around its axis … Z. Sitchin tries to explain this by the influence of a comet that has come close to the Earth, which, to put it mildly, looks naive. Firstly, comets have an incomparably smaller mass than the Earth, in order to somehow influence it gravitationally, especially temporarily, so that soon the planet will return to its usual speed of rotation around the axis! …

Secondly, if this phenomenon was caused by some truly massive body, for example, planetary size, or a "wandering" rather massive "black hole", etc., then it would probably be accompanied by all sorts of catastrophic phenomena, which is not mentioned at all. The only mention is about large stones supposedly falling from the sky, but this, even if it happened, clearly does not correspond to the scale of the catastrophic events that would have taken place in this case …

Naturally, the most "simple" explanation would be to consider all this "poetic fiction" showing the omnipotence of the Lord, and so on. Most likely it was. Moreover, even an elementary estimate shows that the Earth, which has a circumference around the equator of about 40 thousand km, and makes a complete revolution in 24 hours, has a linear speed on the surface near the equator of about 1666 km / h, that is, more than the speed of a jet liner … Now imagine what will happen if this "liner" is suddenly braked? …

For a real change in the length of the day to occur by several hours, it is necessary that the speed of the Earth's rotation first slows down sharply, and then increases again, returning to the same value. Even if we imagine that there is someone (or something) capable of performing such a manipulation with the giant top of our planet, then changes in acceleration would lead to the "sweeping" of everything from its surface, as well as to structural destruction in the depths of the planet. This rapid deceleration, in turn, would lead to the release of such a huge amount of the planet's kinetic energy that it would most likely be simply destroyed … Due to the fact that no noticeable catastrophic phenomena are described, except for the already mentioned "stones from the sky ", During this" solstice ",then this phenomenon could in no way be a real short-term deceleration of the Earth's rotation, and was local.

True, its explanation in this case does not seem very easy … As for the South American legends about "a very long night", now it is simply impossible to determine, with an accuracy of the day, whether they occurred synchronously with the "solstice" in another hemisphere, but only in this case, one could speak of the global nature of the phenomenon (or its visibility …). It can also be added that the explanation of the possible reasons for the longer "nights", or the unexpected onset (continuation) of darkness is much simpler than the explanation of the "standing" of the sun, and is encountered in history more than once.

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Most of these phenomena, most likely, can be explained by such atmospheric phenomena as the presence in the air of a large amount of soot from nearby fires, emissions into the atmosphere of products of volcanic activity, etc. For example, the notorious "Egyptian darkness" is most likely due to the consequences of the explosion of a volcano on the island of Santorini, which led to the release of a huge amount of ash and other eruption products into the atmosphere, which eclipsed sunlight for some time. Some other cases are somewhat more difficult to explain, such as the one that took place at the end of the 19th century in Canada [2]. “On September 5, 1881, the so-called 'dark of the day' occurred over the town of Goderich, a small port on Lake Huron, Ontario. Clouds gathering in the west and south became visible around noon. It got darker by the hourand already at three o'clock in the afternoon there was a complete impression that it was already midnight, and after another half an hour - the whole town and its surroundings plunged into ink darkness. It was impossible to see the hand already at a distance of 10 cm from the face. This continued for a long time, until the blackness in the east began to give way to red reflections, and the darkness became like a moonless night, but no less.

And so it went on until the next morning. " Despite the fact that there were some forest fires in the vicinity of the town, it is difficult to imagine what exactly this could cause such pitch darkness. One can give another explanation of the origin of such "black clouds", causing complete darkness in the daytime, based on the hypothesis of the "Alien" V. Fomenko [3] … In particular, one of the types of "economic" activities of the Alien is the periodic movement of large concentrated masses of pollutants atmosphere of substances, with their subsequent discharge to the surface in certain "safe" places - in order to clean up the atmosphere. Such transportation, undoubtedly, can be the reason for the onset of "night" in the daytime … The supposed stop of the sun is quite another matter.

Until now, I have not seen more or less intelligible attempts to explain this phenomenon (provided, of course, that it actually happened), except for the intervention of a "divine" force, which in itself does not explain anything … The above-mentioned "cometary" explanation of Z. Sitchin looks too naive. Let us assume that there is such a super-powerful civilization, which in fact can safely (ie without inertia) “slow down” the rotation of the Earth, contrary to all the laws of physics and mechanics now known. And for what? - To make an appropriate impression on one, albeit a patronized, tribe?.. It is unlikely that, even with such opportunities, enormous resources will be squandered, in any case … Much more realistic is the assumption that if such a phenomenon is in case took place, then it was of a local nature.

This effect could be achieved, for example, by "hanging" in the sky, i.e. in orbit around the Earth, the "artificial sun" is some kind of huge mirror, or some kind of autonomous temporary source of strong light radiation. Such, no doubt, is available to a super-developed civilization. In this case, in a certain area within the scope of its action, lighting can indeed exist after sunset, creating the illusion of "the sun is standing in the sky", especially for illiterate people who are not familiar with such "miracles of technology" … Even Based on the modern level of terrestrial science and technology, the possibility of creating a similar effect with the help of a specially oriented large mirror in near-earth orbit is seen. What can we say about the technical capabilities of more advanced "brothers in mind"?.. There may be another explanation.

There are many modern cases associated with UFO sightings and contacts with "ufonauts", when all kinds of illusory "bodily" forms were created, as well as various types of illusory objects, which sometimes even have a physical essence. Similar information is also given in the ancient Indian Vedic literature - "Mahabharata", "Ramayana" and others. In light of this, it is legitimate to assume that the observed effect of "stopping the sun", as well as "falling of large stones from the sky", was a consequence of the use of the same technologies for creating illusory objects and phenomena.