Could The Ancient Egyptians Use Helicopters And Airplanes In Battle? - Alternative View

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Could The Ancient Egyptians Use Helicopters And Airplanes In Battle? - Alternative View
Could The Ancient Egyptians Use Helicopters And Airplanes In Battle? - Alternative View

Video: Could The Ancient Egyptians Use Helicopters And Airplanes In Battle? - Alternative View

Video: Could The Ancient Egyptians Use Helicopters And Airplanes In Battle? - Alternative View
Video: Did Ancient Egyptians Have Technology Like Helicopters And Submarines 2024, September

The pyramids and temples of Ancient Egypt have attracted the attention of historians for more than a thousand years. Yes, there is no reservation here - not the first thousand years: even before our era, the Greeks were very keenly interested in the culture and history of the kingdoms on the great Nile, and even wrote whole volumes of research about them. Some of them have survived to this day. It would seem that for such a huge period of time, all known monuments should have been investigated, thoroughly studied, and it is simply impossible to find anything new in them, with all the desire. But this is far from the case …

* Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun died 3300 years ago … in a plane crash. Such a startling statement was made by the historian William Deutsch, who also reported that the ancient Egyptians ascended beyond the clouds on hot air balloons and primitive gliders.

Since flights were considered divine in Egypt, they were the privilege of members of the royal family and the nobility. “It is interesting to note that many members of the royal family of ancient Egypt, including Tutankhamun, died with broken legs and multiple wounds, as if they had died as a result of a falling aircraft,” says Deutsch.

Deutsch is convinced that the strange objects with wings depicted in numerous drawings and frescoes are nothing more than the first flying machines. The researcher personally made many models of such devices, and it turned out that many of them perfectly "feel" in the air.

"Aeronautics originated in Egypt and soon spread to the territories now known as Tibet, India, Mexico, Turkey, China and Guatemala - that is, where there are air currents that can keep aircraft in the sky," the scientist said. It remains only to understand who suggested the ideas of these devices and helped to design them to the people, technically in many areas not far from the barbarians …

Mysterious hieroglyphs

Back in 1848, one of the many archaeological expeditions working in Egypt, upon a thorough examination of the Temple of Seti in Abydos (one of the oldest cities and religious centers of the ancient Egyptian state), discovered completely mysterious and incomprehensible hieroglyphs. They were located directly above the entrance to the temple, almost under the very ceiling, at a height of about ten meters. It should be noted that there were a lot of hieroglyphs - the walls were simply full of strange signs that frankly put the surprised researchers at a standstill. The only thing that they managed to understand: they discovered not just the texts of ancient writing, but images of hitherto unseen strange objects, possibly mechanisms of unknown purpose.

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No one in the world could say what exactly the mysterious hieroglyphs depict, which are very skillfully carved on the stone by an unknown artist who lived about three thousand years ago. The mysterious signs diligently redrawn by the members of the expedition caused endless disputes and heated debates in the scientific community of Egyptologists. As a result, the majority came to a consensus that, in principle, there are only four mysterious figures, but their images are repeatedly repeated in different angles and variations. But what exactly the ancient Egyptians portrayed, the scientists of the 19th century could not understand.

Any sensation is born, it lives and dies for some time. Inevitably, the time has come for complete oblivion and mysterious hieroglyphs from ancient Abydos …

Reanimation sensation

But almost a hundred and fifty years later, the respectable Arab newspaper "Al Sharq al-Awsat" published a number of sensational photographs taken in the temple of the sun god Amun-Ra in Karnak (a place where many majestic ruins have survived). At the same time, she asked the readers a completely unexpected question: "What do you think: were the ancient Egyptians familiar with combat aircraft?"

Under any other circumstances, such a statement could well cause genuine bewilderment to readers. However, the photographs published by the newspaper of the bas-reliefs of one of the ancient temples, built during the time of Pharaoh Seti the First, who ruled just three thousand years ago, literally caused shock - the ancient artist depicted on a stone a combat helicopter with clearly distinguishable blades of the main rotor and tail, and next to carved images of several other aircraft, remarkably similar to modern supersonic fighters and heavy strategic bombers!

After this discovery, it became clear why the Egyptologists of the 19th century could not understand what is depicted in Abydos. They just themselves did not yet know what helicopters and airplanes look like.

It is necessary to clarify that the Pharaoh of Seti the First was always considered one of the most famous and successful warriors of Ancient Egypt, who strenuously expanded their possessions and repulsed all the attacks of the numerous enemies of his kingdom. At least that's how the story tells about him. This has been known before. And now it turned out that he cruelly dealt with the sworn enemies of his kingdom, using not the usual troops for that time, but combat aircraft, raising the pharaoh's squadrons into the air ?! Rave? Most decided so, not bothering to figure out anything.

Nevertheless, after the reanimation of the sensation, the famous Egyptologist Alan Alford went to study the mysteries of Abydos on the banks of the Nile. He researched mysterious hieroglyphs and became convinced of the complete reality of what until recently seemed completely incredible! Moreover, Alford admitted in an interview with reporters that the ancient Egyptians portrayed a combat helicopter with amazing accuracy. That is, as if they were drawing from life!

So, scientists now had a set of almost identical drawings from two places - Karnak and Abydos. So it was no longer possible to explain all this by chance. Then someone remembered another curious detail: one of the names of the Pharaoh of Seti the First was "bee." Therefore, insisted skeptics who did not believe in aircraft technology from the time of the pharaohs, presumably, the mysterious images are just symbols of this other name for the Network. In other words, they were trying to prove that by carving a helicopter and airplanes, the Egyptians actually depicted a bee. This interpretation was possible, because the ancient Egyptian writing is a figurative letter - inscriptions consisting of separate pictures. Only experts know how to distinguish one from the other based on certain criteria.

- Then, rather, his name was "pilot", - having learned about this absurdity, Alford joked with bilious sarcasm …

Egyptians are children of Mars

An ardent supporter of the extraterrestrial origin of the ancient Egyptian civilization, the world famous ufologist Richard Hoagland, immediately actively joined the heated discussion. In his opinion, the Egyptians descended from the Martians who once visited the Earth, and the mysterious hieroglyphs irrefutably confirm his hypothesis. Ancient Egypt was remarkably similar to Mars in its landscape, and therefore aliens landed there. And the "pyramids" and "face of the sphinx," filmed by the US automatic research stations sent to Mars, according to Hoagland, nullify any objections.

- Why did they need a submarine? - Egyptologists immediately cut it off. And the ufologist could not find an answer to them.

And the thing is that on the frescoes of the temple in Abydos, in addition to a helicopter, a submarine is indeed depicted! Moreover, also with the characteristic of the Egyptians, who loved to prescribe all the details, with an accuracy that leaves no doubt about what exactly the ancient artist wanted to draw. As a result, scientists found themselves even further from solving the mystery of frescoes and hieroglyphs than they ever were.

Yes, everyone has long and well known that there are no seas on Mars and, as astronomers authoritatively assert, never existed. Therefore, Hoagland's extremely bold hypothesis of the coming does not stand up to criticism. As a result, Hoagland was also forgotten, but again until the next sensation.

Quite unexpectedly, in the last decade of the 20th century, Hoagland's theory was actively supported by many Mars explorers who have been studying the Red Planet for many years. And that's why they did it. According to them, constant failures with automatic interplanetary space stations, which for some reason cannot normally land on the surface of Mars and then suddenly interrupt any connection with the Earth, then disappear without a trace, just directly connected with the mysterious hieroglyphs from ancient Egyptian temples.

What does it mean? According to researchers, a unique missile defense system was created around Mars millions of years ago for reliable protection from curious, and even more aggressive, intruders.

Ufologists who adhere to this point of view skillfully repel criticism directed against them. When they are told that automatic devices have landed on Mars and transmitted a series of photographs that clearly show that there is no Martian civilization, they reply: "You can only see what they want or decide to show you."

Travelers on Chronos' Ribbon

There are a lot of disputes and hypotheses. A very interesting point of view was expressed by the famous Egyptologist Bruce Rawls. Immediately making a special reservation that he, of course, is far from the genre of fantasy, Rawls quite seriously believes: there have been no interplanetary expeditions to Earth from other star systems and even from Mars in time immemorial. According to the researcher, the priests of Ancient Egypt, who had unknown to us knowledge (from whom they inherited them, a separate question), who constituted the caste of "initiates", discovered one secret of nature after another in the twilight of their temples. In particular, it has now been absolutely proven that they knew how to receive electric current and used it for their own purposes. Let the batteries they create are primitive in our opinion, but do not forget - they were made three thousand years ago! Further, as Rawls suggests,The ancient Egyptian priests could, in some unknown way to modern science, look into the distant future … (If, moreover, they did not invent and use the TIME MACHINE, which did not reach us!) If the priests could go or look into the future, then this is where they are " spied on "combat aircraft, helicopters and a submarine!"

In all fairness, Rawls' version stands on the same shaky ground as the Hoagland hypothesis.

- If the ancient priests knew how to penetrate into the future, why did not they depict in their temples, for example, ballistic missiles or modern sea vessels? Wouldn't they have amazed the imagination of the ancients along with the helicopter? - objected opponents of Rawls.

And again a dead end. But scientists, meanwhile, continue to argue fiercely. Some believe that the ancient Egyptians themselves possessed many secrets of aeronautics and knew how to fly! But then, over time, these secrets were lost. However, others stubbornly believe that only too ardent imagination and a great desire to see what they want in mysterious hieroglyphs helps enthusiasts to see modern helicopters, submarines, and so on in Egyptian drawings and bas-reliefs.

But what about the facts?

Let's forget for a while about the passions of scientific discussions and turn over the pages of scientific and popular scientific Western journals, looking for echoes of our topic in them. Here are the results:

* Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun died 3300 years ago … in a plane crash. Such a startling statement was made by the historian William Deutsch, who also reported that the ancient Egyptians ascended beyond the clouds on hot air balloons and primitive gliders.

Since flights were considered divine in Egypt, they were the privilege of members of the royal family and the nobility. “It is interesting to note that many members of the royal family of ancient Egypt, including Tutankhamun, died with broken legs and multiple wounds, as if they had died as a result of a falling aircraft,” says Deutsch.

Deutsch is convinced that the strange objects with wings depicted in numerous drawings and frescoes are nothing more than the first flying machines. The researcher personally made many models of such devices, and it turned out that many of them perfectly "feel" in the air.

"Aeronautics originated in Egypt and soon spread to the territories now known as Tibet, India, Mexico, Turkey, China and Guatemala - that is, where there are air currents that can keep aircraft in the sky," the scientist said. It remains only to understand who suggested the ideas of these devices and helped to design them to the people, technically in many areas not far from the barbarians …

* "Colombian golden airplane" - this name was given to an elegant four-centimeter object, which was probably used as an amulet or jewelry pendant and made no later than the middle of the first millennium BC. In total, 33 such items have been found to date, and they have been found not only in Colombia, but also in Peru, Costa Rica, Venezuela. Their appearance is different, but the basic design of the aircraft with horizontal and vertical tail fin is common. Artists gave their products the appearance of living creatures with eyes, toothy jaws, some covered with a notch in the form of scales. So, maybe this is a prototype of some long-extinct animal? However, experts fully agree with the conclusion of the US biologist Ivan Sanderson:they can in no way be identified with any of the representatives of both the fossil and the modern fauna of the planet known to science.

“In the figure of the“golden airplane”, modern aviation experts saw: a) a model of an aerospace aircraft with a reclining cockpit

In 1956, the "golden airplane" was exhibited among other exhibits at the "Gold of Pre-Columbian America" exhibition held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The deltoid wing of this figurine and the vertical plane of the tail (which never happens in birds) attracted the attention of American aircraft designers. By agreement with the exhibition management, they were allowed to conduct research on the ancient "airplane" in a wind tunnel. And then it turned out that the golden "Inca bird" behaves best of all at … supersonic speeds, the study of which was in full swing. The figurine was returned to the museum, and the deltoid wing and the high vertical plane of the tail unit migrated to the Lockheed aircraft design bureau, which soon created a supersonic aircraft, which at that time was the best in the world …
