Disks Of The Third Reich: Truth - And Nothing But The Truth - Alternative View

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Disks Of The Third Reich: Truth - And Nothing But The Truth - Alternative View
Disks Of The Third Reich: Truth - And Nothing But The Truth - Alternative View

Video: Disks Of The Third Reich: Truth - And Nothing But The Truth - Alternative View

Video: Disks Of The Third Reich: Truth - And Nothing But The Truth - Alternative View
Video: German Neo-Nazi Party runs for European elections | DW News 2024, June

It all began in 1920 with the creation of a new organization "Vril" within the Thule occult society (the existence of which official science hides to this day). The most common version is that it was a community of female mediums who contacted either aliens or ancient civilizations. However, such a beautiful legend is just a cover for a real secret scientific unit engaged in the study of alternative physics based on the theory of ether.

Already in 1922, the community built the Jenseits Flug Maschine testing machine, which was supposed to not only fly, but also teleport in time and space by creating circular aetheric macro vortices. The design relied both on the developments stolen from Nikola Tesla and on the experience of German scientists - and, of course, on the secrets of ancient Indian texts.

The first experimental discs. Not yet the Reich, but the Weimar Republic
The first experimental discs. Not yet the Reich, but the Weimar Republic

The first experimental discs. Not yet the Reich, but the Weimar Republic.

On trials, only poorly controlled levitation was achieved. The problem was the power of the vortex generator, which was not enough to break through the planet's magnetic field.

Nevertheless, the results piqued the interest of secret societies preparing for the revival of Germany in the form of the Third Reich. The work was continued with expanded funding, but now the main task was to create an energy source of the required capacity. They really got down to it in 1933, when the Die Glocke project was launched to create a reactor suitable for use in disk flights.

The use of scalar fields gave stability to the etheric macrovortex due to the rotation of hemispheres with a heavy isotope of mercury (known as Xerum-525; after it was copied in the USSR, it was named "red mercury").

Die Glocke. "Bell" - not an aircraft, but just an experimental generator, albeit capable of self-levitation and random jumps between dimensions
Die Glocke. "Bell" - not an aircraft, but just an experimental generator, albeit capable of self-levitation and random jumps between dimensions

Die Glocke. "Bell" - not an aircraft, but just an experimental generator, albeit capable of self-levitation and random jumps between dimensions.

The main result of the tests was the creation of an energy source for the Vril macro-eddy generators. In addition, the Nazis gained access to the use of scalar fields in the form of weapons, and also began work on neutron weapons and second-generation hydrogen bombs, without the use of nuclear charges (which explains the backlog of the Germans in the creation of conventional nuclear weapons). Neutron and hydrogen bombs were tested in 1942 in Africa, and scalar weapons were actively used on the Eastern Front.

Promotional video:

One of the earliest test discs developed by the Vril scientists
One of the earliest test discs developed by the Vril scientists

One of the earliest test discs developed by the Vril scientists.

But the main success of the Die Glocke project was the ability to build not only test, but also combat discs, and initially this was also the responsibility of the Vril members.

In 1941, the first truly combat project, the Vril 1 Jager, was tested. The light disc was designed for air superiority and was small in size: a little less than 12 meters in diameter, and a little over three meters in height, excluding the chassis. The crew consists of two people: a pilot and a weapon operator.

Fighter disk Vril 1 Jager. Placing weapons in a turret / turret under the disc then became the standard solution for similar German projects
Fighter disk Vril 1 Jager. Placing weapons in a turret / turret under the disc then became the standard solution for similar German projects

Fighter disk Vril 1 Jager. Placing weapons in a turret / turret under the disc then became the standard solution for similar German projects.

The very first test flights showed almost inconceivable results. The cruising speed of the Vril 1 was 2,900 kilometers per hour, while the maximum speed of the disc during testing was up to 12 thousand kilometers per hour. The flight altitude was limited only by the lack of a pressurized cabin. But these achievements became the reason for the closure of the project: even despite the absolute maneuverability, the human crew could not use the Vril 1 in aerial combat - there was not enough reaction speed.

In the future, it was planned to replace conventional weapons with beam, sound or scalar, which would solve the problem.

A project of a fighter jet using the Vril 9 scalar weapon
A project of a fighter jet using the Vril 9 scalar weapon

A project of a fighter jet using the Vril 9 scalar weapon.

In the same 1941, Vril was working on a reconnaissance version of the disc, designated Vril 7. In fact, it was a development of the Vril 1 design, but had no weapons and was slightly larger to accommodate a crew engaged in visual and electronic reconnaissance.

In 1942, the Vril 7 began testing over Britain, and since 1944, a small series of discs was in service and was used for reconnaissance over Allied troops, as well as for drawing up maps with the aim of attacking the mainland of the United States. All attempts to intercept the reconnaissance aircraft and air defense of the allies were unsuccessful.

Photo of Vril 7 taken by Allied aircraft
Photo of Vril 7 taken by Allied aircraft

Photo of Vril 7 taken by Allied aircraft.

The engineers at the Vril community weren't just dealing with military issues. In 1944, they began work on the first spacecraft, codenamed Vril-Odin. An important distinguishing feature was the use of pulse antigravity technologies, developed in the framework of the competing Haunebu project, which made it possible to solve the problem with the destruction of cells of living organisms outside the axis of the disk.

It was supposed to use Vril-Odin for the development of both the planets of the solar system and the underwater resources of the Earth, since the disc could move under water.

Construction of Vril-Odin began in 1944, and in 1945 the unfinished ship was used to evacuate part of the Vril community cadres (the rest were shot by the SS themselves to prevent falling into the hands of the allies).

Vril-Odin cargo space disk and the design of its power plant
Vril-Odin cargo space disk and the design of its power plant

Vril-Odin cargo space disk and the design of its power plant.

Another project of the Vril community was spacecraft in the form of huge cones, which used etheric macro vortices to bend reality and travel into subspace - and, accordingly, travel to interstellar distances. By all accounts, their fields would be powerful enough to destroy any planet, making these ships ideal weapons of intimidation. But the projects never went beyond sketches.

Sketch of the Vril etheric spacecraft
Sketch of the Vril etheric spacecraft

Sketch of the Vril etheric spacecraft.

Disc-shaped giants

The Vril community, although it was the first in the creation of German discs, is far from the only and not the most important one. By the end of the war, the Haunebu project became the main project for the Reich.

In 1934, engineer Viktor Schauber developed an antigravity generator by using the Coanda effect for gravitational fields created by rotating magnetic gyroscopes in three planes. In 1940, his developments were combined with the results of the Bell project, which made it possible to create a new type of anti-gravity engine that creates a macro-vortex not inside the disc (as in the Vril projects), but outside. This solved the problem of the danger of a vortex for living creatures not located close to the axis of the disk, and provided the disk with additional protection.

One of the test discs created under the Haunebu program
One of the test discs created under the Haunebu program

One of the test discs created under the Haunebu program.

The design work for the new discs was undertaken by Arado in collaboration with engineers from the special SS units. The Haunebu series was to become the main type of war discs of the Third Reich. In total, four types of discs were developed, of which two were tested.

Haunebu I is an interceptor for the destruction of strategic bombers. Speed - up to 17 thousand kilometers per hour, autonomy - 55 hours. Armament: two 8.8 centimeters cannons to destroy bombers and four defensive autocannons.

The Haunebu II is a versatile disc with reinforced cannon armament and armor. Eight 8.8 and two 11-cm guns allow the unit to fight on equal terms with any ground equipment and fortifications. In addition, he could perform the role of a carrier of nuclear and neutron weapons.

Combat discs Haunebu I and Haunebu II, not to scale
Combat discs Haunebu I and Haunebu II, not to scale

Combat discs Haunebu I and Haunebu II, not to scale.

The further development of the Haunebu program involved the creation of real flying battleships, adapted for warfare in all environments and on all planets of the solar system.

The Haunebu III was designed as the main escort ship for larger discs and anti-gravity ships. Haunebu IV, with a diameter of more than one and a half hundred meters, had armor and armament similar to any conventional battleship that existed at that time. The last two discs were not built until the end of the war, and only at the Antarctic base in 1947, two Haunebu IIIs were completed and successfully used in battle against the American fleet.

Haunebu III and Haunebu IV superheavy discs, not to scale
Haunebu III and Haunebu IV superheavy discs, not to scale

Haunebu III and Haunebu IV superheavy discs, not to scale.

Another project carried out at the Antarctic base was the Andromeda disc carrier - a huge cigar-shaped apparatus capable of carrying up to two Haunebu II or six Vril 7. The reason for developing such a project was the desire to give the early discs a carrier capable of transporting them from planet to planet. Several Andromeda carriers were used to demonstrate intimidation of the United States in the early 50s. Later, after the normalization of relations, the technology was sold to the Americans, and they became the main one for the Sun Guard space aircraft carriers.

Anti-gravity carrier of Andromeda discs
Anti-gravity carrier of Andromeda discs

Anti-gravity carrier of Andromeda discs.

Author: Yuri Kuzhelev