Houses With Evil Spirits - Alternative View

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Houses With Evil Spirits - Alternative View
Houses With Evil Spirits - Alternative View

Video: Houses With Evil Spirits - Alternative View

Video: Houses With Evil Spirits - Alternative View
Video: Imagine Dragons - Demons (Official Video) 2024, September

It is believed that ghosts are capricious creatures, give them special conditions: ancient ancestral castles or, at worst, abandoned cemeteries. However, where can you find castles for all the ghosts? So they are forced to live wherever they have to, including in ordinary rural and urban houses.

Having approached the house, he was literally dumbfounded: instead of his high "tower" he saw some ancient wreck, not much different from the neighboring houses. Blinking his eyes in surprise, Nikolai decided that he had confused the village. But no - everything around was familiar, but what happened to his house? Couldn't someone just demolish his house and build a hut on this place?

And here's what else surprised Nikolai: it was a clear frosty day on the street, and the structure that had emerged on the site of his mansion, for some reason, was enveloped in twilight. The amazing vision did not disappear. Coming to his senses and realizing that all this was not the result of overwork and not a hallucination, he went to his neighbor across the road.

At first, he was silent, and then nevertheless told Nikolai that in the place of his house there had once actually been a dilapidated shack in which an old village sorcerer lived. From time immemorial, it has been believed that the sorcerer will not die until he passes on his craft to inheritance. However, the sorcerer had no heirs, so death avoided him for a long time. Once his dwelling burned down, and although the remains of the old man were not found in the ashes, no one else saw him in the village.

Only a strange mirage remained. Local residents occasionally watched as the sorcerer's shack "rose" from the ashes on the site of this conflagration. This was usually observed for 5-10 minutes, either in the summer after a thunderstorm, or in the winter on a clear frosty day.

Undoubtedly, on the site of his mansion, Nikolai saw the sorcerer's hut that day. But, fortunately for him, everything soon fell into place - the vision began to fade until it completely disappeared, and a beautiful house reappeared in its place.

Cursed House Witch

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Fifteen years ago, a two-story mansion was built on the corner of the Zabalkovsky cemetery in Kherson. During this time, at least five owners have changed in the house. Some of them ended up in a psychiatric clinic. Others still recall with horror the nights spent in the haunted house.

According to legend, in the post-war years a gypsy camp settled in this area. There was also her own "black" witch - a woman who could help a guy to bewitch or damage her rival. One night, two grown sons killed their mother for money.

They buried her behind the fence of the local cemetery. Where suicides and those whose conscience was unclean during life are usually buried. After some time, the cemetery became inoperative, and this grave was gradually forgotten.

In the early 90s of the last century, part of the cemetery was demolished, - says the Ukrainian researcher I. Kirpa, - and new houses began to be built in the vacant place. The foundation of the new building also grew in the place where the gypsy sorceress found her last refuge. The builders did not bother to thoroughly clear the area where they were going to build the house. Thus, the remains of the deceased witch were literally embedded in the cement foundation of the new building …

On the very first night after the builders disturbed the ashes of the deceased, the owner, who was in his still unfinished house, had a strange dream. A woman ran through the rooms of his mansion, threatening, howling and scratching furniture. In the morning, the man walked around the dwelling and could not believe his own eyes: the furniture in the house was scratched, the broken chandelier lay on the floor, and the sofa on which he slept was pushed a couple of meters towards the window.

It soon became clear that it was impossible to spend the night in the house: the locked doors swung open by themselves, the glass broke in the window frames, the dishes were breaking. Did not help to cope with otherworldly quirks and the rite of consecration of the house. Then the owner of the "unclean" house decided to sell it.

I was selling it for a long time, as rumors about a "damn" house spread very quickly around the area, and no one dared to buy the unfinished house. Until the price dropped to "completely ridiculous."

While the house stood empty, whoever has not visited it. Lovers of anomalous phenomena and couples in love in search of thrills spent the nights there, hoping to see and "play around" with a ghost. In the morning they flew out of there as if scalded. And all with one voice kept repeating about some strange light appearing over the house. He attracts and frightens at the same time.

For several years now, the house has regularly changed hands. None of the "happy" buyers of a cheap two-story mansion stay here for long.

According to new residents, no one was able to live in it for more than three months. People simply cannot stand their nerves: unexplained scandals occur in families over trifles. Children start to get sick and sleep poorly at night. Strange sounds are heard, things caught fire several times. And, of course, the ghost of the gypsy witch gets it all the time.

A group of Kherson electronics engineers recently decided to deal with a poltergeist in a cursed house. The newly minted ghostbusters made a device that could determine if there were otherworldly beings in the mansion, and spent the night in the house. The result, in principle, turned out to be expected: the equipment clearly showed the movement of some objects, although the hunters themselves did not see anything. They only felt how something terrible literally drove them out of there.

Oven Monster

Another haunted house - outwardly ordinary, made of red brick, under a slate roof, one-story, clearly not abandoned, but also uninhabited - permanently locked - is located in the village of Stepanovka, Sumy region. For more than seventy years, the most incredible legends have been made up about him among local residents.

“It all began in the era of collectivization, when a wealthy peasant, Ivan Shevchenko, was declared a“fist”and together with his family was evicted from their home. Leaving him, Ivan, who allegedly communicated with evil spirits, said: Have they coveted mine? So there will be nothing for you. How long my hut will stand - no one will live in it, not a person, not a power."

After this curse, no one really lived in his house for a long time. People who risked settling in it complained of some disgusting hum and terrible growling at night.

During World War II, partisans once stopped in a haunted house. One daredevil who heard about miracles, on a bet promised to spend the night in the attic. In the morning he went downstairs, pale, without a machine gun and with two sheaves of hay in his hands. When he came to his senses, he told his comrades: “I am sitting in the attic, suddenly I hear - steps on the stairs. Well, I think, they want to scare me, and grabbed the machine gun. Lo and behold - two dead men in shrouds are coming to me! I was confused, dropped the machine gun, but grabbed these two by the belts and went downstairs with them. I go down - otherwise the sheaves turned out to be."

“I came here 25 years ago,” 78-year-old grandmother Lena told Sumy journalists. - Then a family of young teachers lived in this house. At first everything seemed to be fine with them. Then they began to complain: someone is howling, walking in the attic. And one evening we heard footsteps in the hallway. The husband opened the door, looked out - no one. Draft, I decided. But the wife of a black cat in the corner saw. Hefty! She got scared, shouted to her husband, he to the animal - and the cat disappeared. The next day the young people moved out of this house."

Sergei Stepanovich, a 55-year-old resident of Stepanovka, talks about how he foolishly climbed into this house: “When we were young, my friends and I wanted to check whether they were telling the truth about this house. We took a bottle with us and went there for the night. Then there was a warehouse of school rubbish - broken desks, stands. In winter it was, we kindled the stove. After a while we hear a creak in the next room. And then the door opened, and because of it something black, like smoke, burst into the room and turned into something like a ram … How we pulled out of there! I haven’t been there again.”

“During one of the recent parties,” says Pavel, 25, a resident of Sumy, “we decided to tickle our nerves. There was no better place than Shevchenko's house. By nightfall, the three of us arrived in the village, took food with us, two air mattresses and my dog Jack. All the windows in the house were boarded up, and the door was propped up from the inside. When they managed to open it, they saw it - at a school desk.

In general, we settled down, lit a candle. We sat down to play cards. They played until one in the morning - nothing. And then suddenly my Jack's fur rises on end and, like mad, he begins to rush to the stove! We pull him away, and he already comes out with foam. We decided that the cat had climbed. They tied Jack in the corner, opened the oven door. And from there the wind blew so hard that it put out the candle. Jack is huddled in a corner, whining. And we had such a feeling as if someone was looking at us from the stove.

“It became so scary that we went out into the street without saying a word! We jumped out and remembered that Jack had been forgotten! I climbed back into the house, untie Jack, and this continues to watch from the stove. And with such hatred that it becomes bad. Jack jumped out as if scalded, I followed him. But I forgot the mattresses. He climbed back, and the door was again secured from the inside!"

Winter mirage

Nikolay Smolyaninov bought the two-story brick mansion from his former business partner for almost nothing. He was just going abroad and urgently sold his property. The house was located 30 kilometers from Chelyabinsk, on the outskirts of one of the endangered villages and looked like a royal tower.

Nikolai spent the whole summer with his family in his new country house, sometimes hunting and sometimes fishing. In the fall, he moved to the city, and when winter came, he decided to visit his suburban home - whether thieves had climbed into it.

Having approached the house, he was literally dumbfounded: instead of his high "tower" he saw some ancient wreck, not much different from the neighboring houses. Blinking his eyes in surprise, Nikolai decided that he had confused the village. But no - everything around was familiar, but what happened to his house? Couldn't someone just demolish his house and build a hut on this place?

And here's what else surprised Nikolai: it was a clear frosty day on the street, and the structure that had emerged on the site of his mansion, for some reason, was enveloped in twilight. The amazing vision did not disappear. Coming to his senses and realizing that all this was not the result of overwork and not a hallucination, he went to his neighbor across the road.

At first, he was silent, and then nevertheless told Nikolai that in the place of his house there had once actually been a dilapidated shack in which an old village sorcerer lived. From time immemorial, it has been believed that the sorcerer will not die until he passes on his craft to inheritance. However, the sorcerer had no heirs, so death avoided him for a long time. Once his dwelling burned down, and although the remains of the old man were not found in the ashes, no one else saw him in the village.

Only a strange mirage remained. Local residents occasionally watched as the sorcerer's shack "rose" from the ashes on the site of this conflagration. This was usually observed for 5-10 minutes, either in the summer after a thunderstorm, or in the winter on a clear frosty day.

Undoubtedly, on the site of his mansion, Nikolai saw the sorcerer's hut that day. But, fortunately for him, everything soon fell into place - the vision began to fade until it completely disappeared, and a beautiful house reappeared in its place.

Another "new Russian", or rather, "Novolatysh" "mansion with jokes" is located in one of the villages of the Riga region of Latvia, in a birch grove. No one has lived in the house, built in the early 90s of the last century, for several years, the window panes are broken, and the windows and doors are boarded up. But sometimes, they say, on dreary autumn evenings, a light is turned on in it, strong male abuse, the sound of breaking furniture, pistol shots and the ringing of a mobile phone can be heard.

“Friends called the owner of the expensive mansion Shcherbaty,” a local summer resident Semyon Albertovich told the Riga researcher of anomalous phenomena V. Barmaleev. - Either he had a problem with his teeth, or the surname somehow sounded similar. He was angry like a dog. Never say hello! You walk by, you greet, and he will either mutter something in response, otherwise he would throw something in your direction. He didn’t like his neighbors, and he didn’t like people in general”.

According to Semyon Albertovich, Shcherbaty was one of the so-called shaven-headed knights of crimson jackets, a lover of colorful shirts, the owner of kilogram gold chains and a black BMW. At one time, he held about a dozen retail "outlets" in Riga.

One morning they found him half-dressed on the threshold of the house, covered in blood and with a bullet in his head. And after a while an inscription appeared on the gate: "For sale".

Soon, new owners appeared in the mansion, who were engaged in redevelopment of the dwelling. However, the repairs did not last long. Literally two weeks later, a fire broke out in the house. Why it happened, the owners did not explain to the locals. Moreover, the already familiar announcement was hung on the gate: "For sale."

After that fire, it burned ten more times. But, according to the summer residents, everything is somehow very strange - that is, the fire is visible from the window, there is smoke, but there is no fire as such. Once the firefighters arrived, and the fire had already gone out. Only in vain the doors were knocked out.

“And still in the house someone swears and cries in a man's voice, - Semyon Albertovich shares his impressions with Riga journalists. - And the cell phone rings from time to time. At first we blamed everything on homeless people. They thought it was they who settled there. And then, as the fire doors were broken, and we entered the absolutely empty room, we had doubts”…

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