Haunted Houses - Alternative View

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Haunted Houses - Alternative View
Haunted Houses - Alternative View

Video: Haunted Houses - Alternative View

Video: Haunted Houses - Alternative View

People tend to reject what they have never seen, or what they cannot explain - this is how we are made. So many do not believe in ghosts just because they have never met them. And they are afraid of them because … you should be afraid.

How many of us have seen Australia with our own eyes? Is everyone able to explain in detail why an airplane flies or the Internet works? This does not mean that all this does not exist in nature. Or that all these inventions are capable of harming us. Maybe the same story with ghosts?

Woman in white and others

It is believed that ghosts are especially fond of "settling" in museums, hospitals and ancient palaces. At one time I had to work in an amazing place - this is a palace, a hospital, and a museum in one bottle.

It was in the distant 90th. I am an evening student looking for a job. I called the editorial office of the newspaper, but somehow mystically ended up … at the Sklifosovsky Institute, or rather, at the Museum of Medicine, which was located in its old building on Sukharevka Street. And I was immediately invited to work there!

This building has seen a lot in its lifetime. Count Nikolai Sheremetyev built it at the request of his wife, the serf actress Praskovya Zhemchugova. She dreamed that at this place there would be a shelter for the poor, the elderly, the crippled and just wanderers - a hospitable home. But the beauty - Praskovya, alas, never saw the palace - she died in childbirth. And the palace erected on Sukharevka became a monument to love, mercy and … human torment.

The sick and the poor flocked here from all over Moscow, brought to the House of Mercy and those wounded in the 1812 war - both Russians and French - were not denied help to anyone. In the 20s, the palace became the Institute of Emergency Medicine named after N. V. Sklifosovsky, where suicides and victims of accidents fell. How much grief and suffering these walls have seen in 200 years, how many people have found their last refuge in them! Many of them, being restless in life, it seems, did not want to leave their last refuge after death.

Promotional video:

The fact that the museum is inhabited by ghosts, employees said as something self-evident. The feeling that someone was standing behind my back, watching, breathing in the back of my head - did not leave me there either. But during the day - still wherever it went, but at night … The watchmen and the watchmen unanimously spoke about the ghost of a "woman in white" that appeared in the long museum corridors. Needless to say, the night guards did not stay long at this job?

The leader of the Moscow diggers, Vadim Mikhailov, also saw a woman in white here: “Once, on duty, we ended up in the basement of this building. And suddenly I noticed: a transparent spot appeared on the ceiling. Gradually, it took shape and turned into a woman in a nightgown. True, she disappeared so quickly that I didn't even have time to scream …"

Who is she - this lady in white? The restless soul of one of the patients who died here? Or maybe it is Countess Sheremetyeva herself bypassing her possessions? Who knows…

Sometimes they come back

Do not think that ghosts live only in palaces and museums - they can visit ordinary apartments as well. As a rule, these are the ghosts of those who lived and died here. They are their loved ones - someone with whom they had a strong emotional connection. A person far from any mysticism, an academician, a world-renowned scientist - Natalya Bekhtereva - in her autobiographical book, said that after the death of her husband, his ghost came to her more than once. She clearly heard his steps in the corridor, the sound of slamming doors, felt an inexplicable movement of air, some vague touches. And once I met face to face with the deceased husband himself …

“I, slightly pulling back the curtain, and absentmindedly look down from my third floor into the courtyard garden of our house. Coming down from the curb, right in the melting snow, a strangely dressed man stands and - eye to eye - looks at me. I know him too well, but it just can't be. Never.

“I don’t know whether this is a product of the work of my consciousness, which was in a state of stress, or something else,” wrote Academician Bekhtereva. - One thing I know for sure - he did not dream of me. After her husband's death, her colleague and assistant Raisa, who volunteered to support Natalya Petrovna at a difficult moment, was always with her. The two of them also watched the appearance of the other owner of the apartment, who had gone into the world. Is it a group hallucination? "We don't know anything about the human brain!" - Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva will say after these events. It is striking that these words were uttered not only by a woman who lost her husband, but also by the scientific director of the Institute of the Human Brain in St. Petersburg.

Ghosts are different

"Settled", tied to one place, in which they now and then appear in front of different people. These are the ghosts that live in museums, hospitals and ancient castles. The inhabitant of the old building of the Sklifosovsky Institute probably belongs to them.

"Petrels". This is when images of living people suddenly appear in front of a person - friends or relatives, who at that moment are in trouble or even dying. So, on May 5, 1821, the mother of Napoleon Bonaparte was visited by the ghost of her son. He told her: “May 5, eight hundred twenty one, today!” And disappeared. After some time, she received the news that the emperor had died on the island of St. Helena on May 5.

Ghosts are messengers. "Our dead will not leave us in trouble, our fallen as sentries …" - Vysotsky sang. Sometimes our departed relatives come to the world of the living in order to convey a message or warn us about something. Sometimes, even after death, they continue to protect and protect us.

Irina stood at the crosswalk, the green light came on, the girl stepped onto the roadway. At that moment, the cell phone rang. "Grandma" - flashed on the display. Irina froze in place … Her beloved grandmother died two months ago. At this time, a huge jeep swept past the girl at breakneck speed. If she had not been delayed by a phone call, she would have inevitably found herself under the wheels of a distraught car. And here, on the other side of the road, in a crowd of people, Irina clearly saw her - her late grandmother. But after crossing the highway, she could no longer find her - she seemed to have disappeared into thin air. Meanwhile, Irina's mother continued to call from her grandmother's apartment - she went there to pick up some documents and suddenly it was as if something pushed her to the phone. That is why the inscription “grandmother” appeared on the display. “It was my grandmother who saved me. She protected me all my lifeand after death she became my guardian angel”- Irina is sure.

Restless souls. These are ghosts who have some unfinished business, an important life purpose - they cannot go into another world until they achieve their goal. And these goals can be different: to punish the criminal, to atone for their guilt before the living … This is the ghost shown in the movie "Ghost", where the murdered hero of Patrick Swayze was stuck between worlds to warn his beloved that she was in danger.

Or am I losing my mind?

How to understand that a ghost has settled in your house? "Unexpected aliens" often make inexplicable noises: rustling, knocking, opening and closing doors, and even moving furniture. Spontaneous switching on - switching off the light, TV and various household appliances - can also suggest "guests" from a parallel world.

Other signs of ghosts: the disappearance of things and their subsequent appearance in the same place, inexplicable cold, strange shadows and, of course, unusual behavior of animals - dogs can bark at someone invisible, cats - watch their gaze as "someone" crosses room.

However, you should not get carried away and fall into excessive suspicion. After all, "incomprehensible" noises can be produced by a completely earthly "guest" - the one from the breed of small rodents. Could it be that the cat is watching his movements so closely? Furniture can be moved by neighbors behind the wall. And you, most likely, have abandoned the “mysteriously” disappeared thing somewhere, but forgotten …

"Do ghosts exist?", "Who are they?", "Why do they come to us and what do they want to say?" - No one knows. Perhaps the time will come, and we will receive accurate answers to his questions so worried. In the meantime … While probably humanity is simply not ready to find out this secret. There will be some other ending here. There will be some other ending here. There will be some other ending here. There will be some other ending here. There will be some other ending. There will be some other ending. There will be some other ending. There will be some other ending. There will be some other ending.

Voices from the other world

Even the famous inventor Thomas Edison wrote: “If a person continues to exist after what we call death, it is reasonable to assume that those who have left the earth will have a desire to make contact with those whom they have left. If we can develop an instrument so sensitive that it can be influenced by a person left after death, then such an instrument should record something. And he was right!

Artem Mikheev, a professor at St. Petersburg University, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, together with his colleagues, developed a special apparatus with which one can communicate with voices from the other world. We were lucky to see the operation of the device with our own eyes. In an old Petersburg apartment, the front door of which opens directly into the courtyard (which is already mystical for a Muscovite), several bioenergetics gathered at once. Around - icons coexist with photographs of aliens, and a dachshund runs back and forth and from time to time barks into the void. As they explained to me, this animal still sees spirits and reacts to their appearance by loud barking.

Communication with the spirits should take place according to the following scenario - a question is asked into a microphone connected to a computer. With the help of a special program, this question is transformed into the so-called "sound canned food" - that is, a bunch of scattered sounds and syllables. And again, with the help of the program, the sounds are shuffled like cards and, in an amazing way, folding into completely connected words.

Artem, who has been communicating with spirits since 2008, said that spirits "live" at the so-called Sanchita station. The population there is mixed: there are people who have left us, and angels, and aliens: “Souls there are sorted by layers, according to the level of development, according to spiritual characteristics. In our world, a person says one thing, thinks another, does a third, and means a fourth. And with them, whatever you think, it materializes. There are completely different concepts of time and space. They say that we need to be more careful with our thoughts …"

But finally we start asking questions. The moment is very exciting. After all, not every day you have to communicate with ghosts.

- Are any cataclysms expected on Earth in December 2012?

- Calm down! (I hear a clear and even a little commanding intonation answer in the headphones)

Next to me is a paranormal researcher and a well-known healer in St. Petersburg. They closely monitor the communication session. And, as Artem explains, they do everything so that the conversation “does not interfere”. As I understood, spirits of a different plan can interfere with the conversation - these are restless entities that wander on the ground, building for us - the living - intrigues and obstacles.

- When will a cure for cancer be invented?

- Twelve. (Sounds very fuzzy. Twelve? Months? Years?)

- What is the most pleasant thing in life after death?

- Hush. (We are conjecturing with Artem: obviously, it is quieter there, calmer).

- What is the most unpleasant thing?

- We hear through everyone …

- What is my cat's name?

- My answer: an animal. (The name was not named, but you can hear it so clearly and clearly that it creeps down my spine. Such an answer can hardly be called a sound coincidence …)

“To form words and sentences from that world, spirits need a very large amount of energy,” Artem explains to me over tea. With the help of the phonemes that we provide them, it is much easier for the inhabitants of the subtle world to communicate, they use sounds as a constructor …"

I don’t know about the ghosts from the Sanchita station, but I felt so after the “communication session”, like a squeezed lemon. I fully understand the desire of people who have lost their loved ones and want to get in touch with them by any means. And yet we must understand that any communication with the world of spirits may reveal some secrets for us, but it certainly will not add strength …

Natalia Vorotnikova, clairvoyant, winner of the first "Battle of psychics":

Strong people are not afraid of ghosts

Ghosts are my favorite topic. I often see them and know how to find a common language with them … Usually ghosts are attached not to some person, but to a place. This may be the place where they died as humans, or - with which they have a strong emotional connection. There are also those among the ghosts who are held back by something on Earth: they have not completed some important task for them, and therefore cannot leave. There are many ghosts in places of murders, hospitals - where people experienced pain and suffering.

They often live in old apartments or premises. People who then live there often feel someone's presence nearby: it seems to them that they are being watched, they hear some incomprehensible rustles and sounds. And it happens that they even see some kind of cloud-containing object. In general, ghosts, one way or another, are constantly with us. If you open your eyes wide and defocus your gaze, you can try to see them - the main thing is to find the right place and be patient.

Each ghost has its own character: there are calm and harmless ones, and there are extremely aggressive ones. As a rule, such ghost-aggressors and during their lifetime were distinguished by an evil disposition. Sometimes they can even enter the human body, settle in it - they seem to be trying to live life anew. This is called "sharing". But a strong person with a stable psyche should not be afraid of this, people who are weakened, "de-energized" become victims of ghosts.

And there are also harmful ghosts: they make noise, do petty mischief, hooligans, and can tickle. Usually they fight like this for their territory if you apply for the premises where they live. In such ghosts, of course, there is little pleasant, but they are completely harmless. Again, a psychologically stable person reacts to them completely calmly. And the weak, of course, they can frighten.

The presence of a ghost in an apartment can be determined by the reaction of animals. Was the cat scared for no reason, hisses, arching its back? The dog howled, did its fur stand on end? All this may mean that an "uninvited guest" has appeared to you.

Alisa Moskvina, parapsychologist

Tips for new settlers

I am a parapsychologist with 15 years of practice. Among other things, I am also engaged in bioenergetic room design. People turn to me with a request to carry out energy cleaning of an apartment, house or office. This service is primarily popular among new settlers or used car buyers. Of course, there are cases when you cannot do without the help of a specialist, but everything in the apartment is "not too neglected" - the new settlers can handle it themselves.

So, you move into an apartment where someone lived before you. This means that it would be good to free her from negative energy. In this case, one must proceed from the following things.

First, you need to understand: any work with energy is a waste of your own strength. Therefore, cleansing should not be carried out at a time when you are sick, because your health may deteriorate. Secondly, before you start cleaning energies, you need to clean the room properly. And the best thing, of course, is to make repairs in the apartment (at least cosmetic).

You only need to clean the apartment counterclockwise. Pay special attention to corners, mirrors, glass and other reflective surfaces. Well, now, actually self-cleaning. If you are a believer, take holy water from the temple and sprinkle it on the premises. But candles need to be taken not wax, but those that are usually purchased for home use (but always lit). Frankincense also has good cleansing properties. If you are not religious, then you can use incense in the form of sticks, such as sandalwood.