A Case In A Hostel Built In A Cemetery - Alternative View

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A Case In A Hostel Built In A Cemetery - Alternative View
A Case In A Hostel Built In A Cemetery - Alternative View

Video: A Case In A Hostel Built In A Cemetery - Alternative View

Video: A Case In A Hostel Built In A Cemetery - Alternative View
Video: Париж. Орёл и Решка. Мегаполисы. RUS 2024, September

Somewhere out there in Sweden or England, old cemeteries to this day keep divine peace under the canopy of green branches. In the old days, in our city, many crosses and graves were demolished clean. Houses and buildings of factories grew on this place. Now people live in these old houses, they celebrate name days and weddings, children are born and … strange, mysterious and inexplicable events take place

Svetlana settled in the hostel ten years ago. For the first four years, nothing of the "otherworldly" bothered her friendly family. All sorts of oddities began after the birth of their second child.

Svetlana now remembers that moment to the subtleties, to the smallest detail. It happened at night, when she went to the washbasin to wash the sliders and diapers - there was no time at all during the day. She bent over her wet laundry, immensely tired during the day, in anticipation of a quick rest. And suddenly a terrible fear began to roll over her slowly and surely, more and more - with all her skin, downright spine, she felt someone's alien gaze.

At first Svetlana was afraid to move, then she remembered how she had been taught to deal with fear - you just need to look back. This, however, was not easy.

When she gathered her strength and turned her head, she saw that there was no one behind her. Just a bare wall.

Svetlana immediately calmed down, turned and began to wash. And again a terrible chill crept down my back. Without waiting for another shock, she grabbed the laundry and, barely alive with fear, ran into the room.

However, the "psychic attack" was repeated the next time. The already laborious washing turned into a living hell. Now, appearing in the sink with a bunch of unwashed linen, Svetlana seemed to shrink into a ball in advance. For five nights the unknown "tormentor" haunted her, and then everything stopped as suddenly as it began.

What it was or who it was - only God knows. Perhaps the invisible stranger who once appeared in their room. Svetlana and her son stood at the window, fed the birds with crumbs - this was their favorite pastime. Suddenly the little boy, who had just begun to speak the first few words the other day, pointed to the corner of the room with his finger and said distinctly: "Uncle!" Svetlana glanced into the corner - there was no one there.

"What are you, dear, there is no one!" - she reassured either herself or the child, but her heart again seemed to feel cold. But the son stubbornly kept repeating about his uncle, surprised that his mother did not see him. But why doesn't she believe him? There is an uncle standing there! They argued to the point that the offended son even cried. Who stood there is still unknown, however, experts know that children and animals, unlike adults, are able to see all kinds of field entities - brownies or ghosts.

Or maybe it was the same "black man" whom a neighbor once met in the corridor. According to her, he was a very strange old man, all in black and "somehow creepy and gloomy."

- Are you looking for someone? - asked the neighbor, since she had never seen him here before.

“I’ll live here,” the old man said slowly in a strange, muffled voice, walked down the corridor and disappeared into the darkness.

The neighbor was unspeakably surprised - no one seemed to be going to move out, and no one was expected to have guests … Be that as it may, this gloomy old man no longer appeared in the corridors of the hostel.

In these corridors, however, some strange things often happened, especially at nightfall. Then suddenly someone invisible will pass next to you - footsteps are distinctly audible, then the door seems to creak … And then the ghosts indulge, they bring guests to fainting.

Somehow a friend came to Svetlana, they walk together along the corridor, the light is dim, it is not visible. Suddenly she says with fright:

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- Oh, Sveta! Someone flew near me now! Oh, what is it …

- Yes, they fly here, all sorts of flying, - Svetlana said wearily and habitually.

She had to see even worse - we are already moving on to kitchen stories. One day he stands by the sink, washing dishes. Suddenly he looks, right next to her appears from the air … a green leg! And just as slowly it disappears in it - as if some green man had stepped. Svetlana in fear threw the dishes and left the kitchen.

Other housewives, however, also got it. One of them was frying pies in the kitchen one evening, butter splashing, the pies are browning, and the plate is already full - carried away, in a word. Suddenly, someone approached her from behind and pushed her forward lightly.

- What a joke, - the hostess was angry, - I have a hot frying pan here, oil splashes, found time to push!

At the same time, it turns around, and behind - again, no one, emptiness. The reaction is the same - she grabbed the plate and ran into the room, even forgot about the frying pan.

With another neighbor, who was also doing something in the kitchen, our invisible men made a joke even cooler. In the same way, someone came up from behind and covered her eyes with her palms. She and let's guess which of the tenants is "played" in this way. When all went through, "someone" removed his palms. Well, then everything is according to the published scenario - emptiness behind the back, horror in the eyes and flight into the room.

But there was nowhere to run from the constant presence of mysterious strangers. In the same rooms, someone stomped, creaked with bed springs, sniffed next to them on the pillow, or even spoke in a voice beyond the grave.

Once one of the dormitory residents was sitting in a room alone and reading a book about various miracles, ghosts and UFOs. With each page of the book, it became more and more interesting to read, but more and more worried in my soul. Unable to bear it, the woman finally slammed the book shut and said to herself aloud: "Well, all this is nonsense, it doesn't happen like that!" And someone's loud voice suddenly, clearly and eerily, as in horror stories, answered her: "No, it happens !!!"

After that, the frightened reader was shaking for a long time with fear, she did not want to enter the room and could only fall asleep when the light was on.

Invisible spirits were everywhere. Once Svetlana was really numb with horror when, while washing the buckets in the sink, she could not find a brush and said in her hearts: "Damn, well, where have you gone!"

And at this time, the brush, before her eyes, fell into the middle of the room from nowhere - right out of thin air.

However, over the years, a lot of things got into the hostel - either it is not known where, or it is not known why. In one of the rooms, for no apparent reason, a wall clock and a samovar fell from the cabinet to the floor. And they lay down exactly like this, in a row in the center of the room - a clock, a samovar and a lid.

Quite unexpectedly, many things disappeared and then reappeared in other places. Once Svetlana was combing her hair and gave her little son to hold the hairpin, who was sitting in the crib, did not know how to walk and, naturally, could not take her somewhere. Turned around - no hairpins. I searched everything, it's useless. I found it only two weeks later, far under the sofa. How did she get there?

The only ones who, perhaps, knew and felt something in their own way are pets. Over the years, Svetlana noticed one strange feature: none of the animals that she took to her home on her own initiative could live here for long. A terrible tragedy for her family was the death of her beloved marble doge Dolly. Despite her exceptional care, she soon fell ill for some unknown reason. Dolly was dying long and painfully, no medicine helped her. Svetlana, it seemed, the only thing she could support in her a faint spark of life was her natural strength and love. However, at one of the most difficult moments, someone suddenly said to her (just someone's thought arose in her head): “Don't hold her here, let her go. You see how she suffers. Let her go in peace. Immensely tired, exhausted Svetlana, thinking, mentally agreed:no matter how painful it was to part with Dolly, it was evident that it was not her destiny to live. And as soon as she thought it, Dolly, letting out a long sigh, immediately died. This was hardly a coincidence.

But the "noblewoman" Motya, who came from nowhere, still lives. She came to the door of Sveta's room, sick through and through and terribly hungry. However, she recovered surprisingly quickly. In the same way, a huge, beautiful black cat, Basya, appeared in their house. Basia was, unlike Moti, healthy, well-groomed and well-mannered (however, he was not listed in the familiar hostel cats). And he went straight to the same door, scratching and meowing until they let him in. And when he entered, he immediately fell asleep on the sofa. He behaved very confidently from the first minutes, as if it was here that he was supposed to live.

Basya clearly understood something in all these mysterious incidents, because he immediately began to accompany the hostess during the night wash. When he was around, nothing strange or even just alarming happened.

… No matter how frightened the residents of this strange hostel at first, you get used to everything, however. Something will happen again - gossip and forget. In the end, everyone is alive - and thank God. But are they healthy? As soon as Svetlana moved here, the whole family began to get sick much more often. Then they got used to it, but at first the contrast was clearly noticeable.

All this is no coincidence - both diseases, and all these mysterious cases with invisible people. A single picture, made up of numerous stories, “fragments of life” of many families of this hostel turns out to be rather creepy - two worlds - real and invisible - live in it at the same time, every now and then intersecting.

An attempt to find out the reasons for this phenomenon made us look into history. Until the end of the forties, this place looked completely different - the outskirts of the city called Upper Elan, fields and swamps and a large old cemetery. Once bulldozers roared here, and the cemetery along with the crosses was mercilessly razed to the ground. At this place, a large construction site began to the sound of bravura melodies and heroic communist slogans. The buildings of the Kontur plant were erected, and next to it were dormitories. And at the same time - the basis of future troubles for the residents of the entire neighborhood.

Already known to our readers parapsychologists, employees of the service "Ghostbusters" Alexander Masyutin and Andrei Ivanov comment on these events as follows:

- In this hostel, incomprehensible things are not accidentally happening. The fact is that two unfavorable zones coincided here. The hostel itself is built on a swamp, that is, in a geopathogenic zone - on water, which carries a negative charge. To put it simply, this water is charged from the environment. In this case, from the barbarously destroyed cemetery. And any cemetery in itself is a negative psychogenic zone that has accumulated in itself the suffering of the dead, their pain and grievances, their desires unfulfilled during their lifetime. Here is a doubly "killer" overlay.

Those "invisible", which were so frightened by the inhabitants of the hostel, are the souls of the dead, who, for various reasons, cannot find peace for themselves. During a conversation with Svetlana, an amazing incident happened: the soul of one of the invisible inhabitants of this hostel came into field contact with us. As it turned out, the one who once pushed one of the women in the kitchen. He explained the reasons for his behavior. The souls of these people are not at all aggressive, in fact, they did nothing particularly bad for the tenants. This is just a kind of manifestation, a desire to attract attention. Perhaps the tenants would have been frightened in the end and would have resorted to the help of the church necessary in such cases. This is what the suffering souls of the dead ask for. Indeed, in those years when this cemetery was actively "inhabited", the funeral service in the church was under the strictest ban - since 1917. And then their last refuge was mocked by the caterpillars of bulldozers.

In order to help yourself and thus the dead, you need to do the following: order a prayer service for the dead in the church, and then invite a priest and consecrate your home.

There is nothing strange in the fact that many people in this house are sick - this is a geopathic zone. We are ready to help residents. To do this, you need to call 21-45-65 and send a message to the pager for subscribers 42-09 and 42-10.

… What we have told you about the mysterious incidents in the hostel on the street. Usova, 17, does not mean at all that they are limited to just this address. In one of the five-story buildings located nearby, another "barabashka" is raging, about which Viktor Fefelov, the director of the Tomsk Association of Biolocation Operators, will soon tell us. An extremely unfavorable situation in the house on the street. Uchebnaya, 42. Here, in only one entrance of ten apartments, ten people are sick with cancer. The fact is that this house was built on the site of a cemetery church, which was demolished along with the graves.

By the way, this fact plays a significant role in the fate of Svetlana. It is in this building that she works. With her natural high energy and the fact that she is constantly - both at home and at work - in strong geopathogenic zones, it is not surprising that so many strange and incomprehensible things happen to her.

The destroyed cemetery was quite extensive, therefore this territory is considered one of the most unfavorable in Tomsk. Even cheerful students from the nine-storey dormitories at Vershinka live and do not suspect that they are in a strong geopathogenic zone. Maybe it's for the best. It's a shame, however: life is already full of problems and troubles - why should we bear the cross for the thoughtless decisions of our ancestors?

They did business there, and we are here to "worry".

"Yamskaya Sloboda" (Tyumen)

38 (468) from 24.09.2008