The Witches Cast A Spell And The Thieves Returned The Stolen Moped - Alternative View

The Witches Cast A Spell And The Thieves Returned The Stolen Moped - Alternative View
The Witches Cast A Spell And The Thieves Returned The Stolen Moped - Alternative View

Video: The Witches Cast A Spell And The Thieves Returned The Stolen Moped - Alternative View

Video: The Witches Cast A Spell And The Thieves Returned The Stolen Moped - Alternative View
Video: Black Magic Potions and Spells That You Should Probably Not Cast 2024, September

51-year-old Briton Deborah Samuels-Stuck calls herself a medium and a witch. And strong enough.

When recently the thieves stole her beloved moped from Debora, she asked the help of other witches and together they cast a very powerful spell on the thieves.

Less than two days later, the moped was returned to her, carefully parked in the same place.

According to Deborah, the imposed spell had to take effect whenever the thieves touched or looked at the moped.

The moped was stolen on January 5, 2019, from a parking lot outside the Deborah home in Gillingham, Kent. And on the morning of January 7, she went out and again found him in the same place from where he was stolen.

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According to Deborah, this shows that their spells are working, which gives hope to other people who are counting on their help.

According to Deborah, since childhood, she has been feeling paranormal around her and knows that her late grandfather has become a Guardian Angel for her. Once he even saved her from a pedophile in a van, and she clearly felt the invisibility touch on herself, which pushed her away from the van.
