Full Cycle Down House - Alternative View

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Full Cycle Down House - Alternative View
Full Cycle Down House - Alternative View

Video: Full Cycle Down House - Alternative View

Video: Full Cycle Down House - Alternative View
Video: Valentino Khan - Deep Down Low (Official Music Video) 2024, September

When it comes to advertising, what is the most important thing in advertising for us, dear citizens? Yeah, that's right, write in 158 point size (which is about the same as a cat with a three-story house) like this:

We work for your prosperity

No, what am I talking about? It's somehow boring and without a spark. Someone worked for me and my prosperity, but somehow unconvincing. What if they do it? Or suddenly they are not very good there, they just flourish? No, it should be more convincing:

We do our best for your business to flourish

Here. This already looks like the truth. Guys are trying, doing their best. Zainki. So that I, therefore, flourish with all my might from commercial friendship with such miracle gentlemen. And it is right. The main thing is to convince me that I will prosper, because if I am convinced of this properly, then the advertisement works, the phones groan with tension and the doors groan long and long from the terrible influx of visitors.

Promotional video:

We do everything possible and impossible to make you rich

Then I burst into tears. All those who just work were sent away to hell. These are clearly better, these are how they try to make my cache rustle in all the cracks. Apparently, they are sleeping and sleeping (or sleeping, or sleeping, is that right?) They worry about me, so that I, too, will flourish and become rich, and no longer wear a sweatshirt. What a wide stranglehold people are, you need to understand this!

We will be happy to see you

There is still nothing on the doors of the restaurant, understandable. At the gates of a warehouse selling vegetable oil in bulk - it is already somehow infernal. What should I understand from this phrase? That they won't spit on my cloak? Or that they will smile at me eighteen times? What good will happen to me if I come to these gentlemen? I sit here, erotically comprehending all the pleasantness of this moment.

I'll burn myself, but I'll leave a friend to smoke

Who and when taught the advertiser to feed the advertising consumer with pathos, rhetoric and empty promises is not clear. I think that if on the street they stop you with a phrase that they want to make you as happy as possible right here and now, then you will begin to strain a little and look for support in the form of a policeman with your eyes. Is not it?

If a man rushes up to you, and weightily, roughly, visibly says: hey, a hat is not needed, it costs only a ruble, a good mink hat! - then your right to refuse or agree, but your interest is attracted, and the calculating machine in my head pounded and clicked. The product is presented by a person, the situation is transparent. A peasant needs a ruble, you have a cheap hat. Everything is very clear.

In advertising, the difference between situations looks like this.

Do I need to explain the difference? The first message tells us nothing. And what you want, then think. And, of course, I can think about anything, but business is business, and therefore we need answers to questions. If two such announcements are next to each other, then the second already has a half-distance head start. Everything is clear there. In the first, nothing is clear. They seem to be saying something, but about nothing. Nothing that makes me pay attention.

Pick up any advertising handbook, and you will find a huge number of examples of people talking about nothing. But that is not all. Okay, if they talk about nothing, it's still excusable. It is much worse when they talk about something specific. Well, tell me, isn't it nonsense that in some company Pupkin & Partners they dream that I will become rich or prosper? And why would anyone need it so that I was healthy or fashionable?

Having rummaged through advertising guides, I found an ingenious advertisement that, with all its pathos, says exactly what a person should hear.

Advertising of mayonnaise
Advertising of mayonnaise

Advertising of mayonnaise.

That's great! It is clearly positioned on wholesalers and retail, the product and the company are indicated, a clear indication of the profitability of the moment (the advertising campaign has already begun). Just do it! Cut your money. Strike while Gorbachev, as they said before.

To secure the material with a dozen idiotic tags on the thumb of the advertising business about nothing. Don't repeat mistakes, don't talk to people like idiots. For they want to cut money just like you, and they know for certain that they will not do it for them and for them.

Come up with more weighty and meaningful alternatives. It's not difficult at all. You can do it. Just speak to the point.

Sell a product, not your associations

Often a strong advertising image becomes a problem of advertising, which you then use in advertising for a long time, because you find it successful. This is good in itself, but we must not forget that you are selling goods and services, and not your advertising images. Looking for examples? Easy!

Associations instead of goods
Associations instead of goods

Associations instead of goods.

By all the rules of perception, first I see complete images (first of all, first of all - planes), but what about girls? And the girls - later. They sell wallpaper. Moreover, this quality - it flies somewhere for reasons I do not understand. At first glance, I can think of such an advertisement whatever my heart desires, but not about wallpaper.

I believe that this slogan or image about a quality that flies up and up from some devil somewhere out there - he just really liked the director of the company. Well, now the company sells not so much a product as quality that flies. Well, we wish her a successful flight, we just have nothing else to do.

Some guy once wrote an article according to which it just so happened that advertising is just some projection of the problems of its creators. It's like a projective test with ink stains: one sees sexual intercourse there, and the other sees a loaf of bread. I, in general, thought that this was all nonsense, but one day I came across a promotional phrase that made me seriously reconsider my assessment of such views.

Needless to say, caramel was advertised? How a person was able to connect one thing with another, what subtext he put into it, I don’t know. The closest in meaning is: Well, man, since you are almost impotent, then look for your luck somewhere else, for example, sell our caramel, this is a great business.

And some kulibins begin to make up different words from the names of their goods or fill each letter with a meaning that is pleasant for them. For example, "Pupkin" caramel will appear to you in an amazing combination:

Well, I don’t know about you, but detailed creatives remind me of mild forms of acute delirium combined with megalomania. For this, and the word is very suitable: Pupkinism. And here is a typical example of advanced Pupkinism.

Crossword instead of advertising
Crossword instead of advertising

Crossword instead of advertising.

Ask the person who did it just one question: why did you do it, and he will fall into a deep trance of bewilderment, because he himself will not be able to explain why he built all this. It's cool, I guess. My head starts to ache from such a steepness of fantasy while you reach the letter F, trying to figure out what this is about.

I repeat once again: sell your product, not your associations. Associations are good. But this is not a product. Their job is to help you sell, not confuse the consumer or give them headaches.

Girl, why didn't you ask for money, beauty and health?

I always remember this anecdote about a moronic girl when I see color solutions in advertising, made, to put it mildly, in some pathological combination. Have you ever seen the word "Black caviar" written in blue letters? But I have met. Or hit a black and white yogurt ad in a color magazine. Uh-huh, just such an advertisement should cause a fit of consumer demand, because yogurt is associated precisely with something black and white, with rubberized galoshes and felt boots.

Someone might say that such advertising should attract attention. Oh yeah! You are right here. And if you strip naked and go out in this form on the street, then you, too, are provided with full and unconditional attention. Everyone will only look at you, and nowhere else. True, at the same time they will twist their fingers at their temples, but these are already little things in life. Attention is what matters most. Put the word "yogurt" out of sausages, or write the word "Heat" with ice cubes. Holy work. It will be very original and original.

Some useful tips for the adequacy of perception

1. Caution with goods and words in general that evoke persistent color associations. Red and black caviar, for example. It is risky to paint sausages in green (mildew and stale feeling), and even write about them in shades of green. Conversely, contrasting transitions (for example, from "cold" to "hot") will be mistakenly depicted in a single color scheme. Cold is associated with blue, warm and hot - with sunny, orange, yellow, red.

2. In some cases, advertising in a gray pencil design is interesting, but not for all products. Fruits, juices, chocolate, caramel - all this requires color solutions without fail. As soon as you see the orange juice tetra-pack in black and white, I'll take my words back.

3. Never make your product a background, background for the text. This is a very common mistake when creating visual ads.

Product as a background. Wrong
Product as a background. Wrong

Product as a background. Wrong.

Firstly, such a text becomes difficult to read (the first option is wrong, the second is right).

Product by face. Right
Product by face. Right

Product by face. Right.

Secondly, it spoils the impression of the presented product. Flies separately, and cabbage soup also separately.

A close mistake is to put a stamp or seal on your product with the words "Cheap" or "High quality". And also obliquely or upside down. This is bad. It is very similar to a veto, to a ban, to the old Russian "to lose". You don't have to fuck your product. The seal, if you really want to, is placed neatly, touching only with a corner, or not touching at all (on the left - this is wrong, on the right - right).





4. Who is visiting the optometrist? Some people think that if they write the inviting text in the largest possible font, then clients will immediately trample with all their might. And someone, quite the opposite, writes the text in such a font that it is just right to examine it under a microscope.

The text is a symbolic speech: it must be heard and heard, and this is it. It shouldn't annoy the listener, that is, it shouldn't be too loud or too quiet, that's two. And, finally, the third: it must be perfectly understandable for the listener. Agree that if you need to listen while squatting or in the lotus position, then there will not be many listeners, or there will be none at all. So is an advertisement: if it needs to be twisted ninety degrees or one hundred and eighty degrees, if you need to learn to read from right to left or master some cunning wisdom of reading, then most likely they will not read it.

The Universums of Advertising Psychology

There will be at least two of them on the move. The first thing that is quickly understood after researching a given advertising guide is that there are two categories of advertising messages - one to sellers, and the other to buyers. The first advertises the product to those who will resell it. This is one psychology. The second advertises the product to those who consume it. And this is a completely different psychology.

And if it is still possible for the consumer to cram empty promises or pretentious rhetoric, then it is just as useless to address the seller in this way, as it is to offer an enthusiastic cattleman to join Greenpeace. Here's a simple example of this separation:

But open any advertising guide, and you are sure to stumble upon those who are talking to a wholesaler like an imbecile (“You trust us,” “Fantastic taste for your table,” “Please your loved ones,” and so on).

The second universe is branding: company branding or product branding. Of course, it makes more sense for a manufacturer to promote his product than his own company, while a non-manufacturer, on the contrary, is more interested in promoting his company. This will correct some of the advertising focus.

The seller focuses on certain advantages of his company, the goods go by a steam locomotive. The manufacturer depends on the quality and all the visible and invisible advantages of his products (and the company itself is a steam locomotive). It is clear that this is not suitable for all cases, but for many it is for sure. At the very least, this is worth thinking about.

A bit of down marketing

An important part of advertising now is all sorts of marketing moves, or, more simply, the opportunity to collect labels and corks in the trash heap and try to get a T-shirt or an ashtray for it.

In massive advertising campaigns, especially for impulse goods of very high demand, such an approach is fully justified and bears fruit. But in some cases, the hair moves from the intentions of marketers or individuals who think so of themselves.

It makes very sense to ask - how long has this inventor been examined in a psychiatric dispensary?

If you use such ingenious marketing moves, then ask yourself one simple question: will the realtor's promise to give you three kilograms of sausage and a bag of semolina as a gift will greatly stimulate you when choosing an apartment if you buy this particular apartment? If the sausage stimulates you, then it's time for me to retire.

I would like to say: the examples I have given are taken from real life, from the most, that neither is, real advertising materials. No jokes. Everything is for real.

Mother of learning

1. Speak only to the point. The lack of content makes you uninteresting.

2. Sell your product, not your associations, slogans and mottos.

3. Respect the laws of perception and communication. Be adequate.

4. Say what they want to hear from you, not what they want to tell you.

5. At a minimum, try on yourself what you want to convince others.

Vit Tsenev