The Funeral Of The Witch - Alternative View

The Funeral Of The Witch - Alternative View
The Funeral Of The Witch - Alternative View

Video: The Funeral Of The Witch - Alternative View

Video: The Funeral Of The Witch - Alternative View
Video: Female Metal Vocals Vol.1 2024, September

I wrote down this terrible story from the words of an eyewitness, the story is true from beginning to end. Later I was able to verify this story, the facts turned out to be real. The names have been changed at the request of an eyewitness.

It happened in a small village in the South of our vast Motherland. The village was founded more than two centuries ago, and many families have lived here from generation to generation. The family about which we will speak is from the old-timers. They had all sorts of things in their family, the youngest son was imprisoned, mother and father shed many tears. Father, Yegor Petrovich, was respected and appreciated both at work and later on retirement. Good advice could give, fix anything or assemble a tractor from old pieces of iron. This fact was even described in the local newspaper. Mother Anna Alexandrovna was a foremost worker in the field for more than forty years. The two sons turned out to be completely different, one might say yin and yang. Senior Andrei, an excellent student, an exemplary boy, after school served in the army, entered a technical school, in the eighties he worked on the party line, and in the nineties he went into business and was very successful. Although I didn’t make friends with anyone. People who know him, describe him as a not very pleasant person who is looking for profit everywhere, and will easily do nasty things to a loved one. He early married a girl from his native village, gave birth to two sons. They don't say anything good about them, as one of their acquaintances said, you can't go around genetics.

The youngest son Kostya studied poorly, so to speak, corridor education, but he had a carriage of friends and girlfriends. And from his father he got the talent of his father, he knew how to repair anything. Because of his character, he sat down for the first time, then the second. Oddly enough, they did not treat him worse in the village, but on the contrary. The male part of the population respected and feared, and the female half followed him in love with their eyes. Only now the young man has already found his beloved. His daughter was born, and a couple of months after this joyful event he was imprisoned for the second time and for a long time. But sooner or later everything ends. The term ended, the son returned, the parents breathed freely. Life was slowly getting better, despite the hungry nineties. In the village they did not feel hunger, their own garden, economy, you can live.

And now a little about Anna Alexandrovna. It is known for certain that her mother was a healer, healed people and livestock. There were also sorcerers in their family, they were highly respected. Once, during the war, a neighbor ran to Anna's mother in tears. The cow is sick and dies, and she is the only breadwinner in the family. That family lived on the brink of poverty, three children, small, small less, and even her husband perished in the war. In general, the healer calmed the woman, stayed with the cow for the night, gave the cow some tincture, read the conspiracies. In the morning, the woman saw a completely healthy cow and a tired medicine. In general, there were rumors in the village, they say, Anna also knows a lot, but does not want to. She wondered fortune-telling, and her prophecies always came true.

Years passed, Yegor Petrovich died, the eldest son was also engaged in business and became a rich man. Kostya and his wife worked for Andrey. In 2002, Anna Aleksandrovna suddenly felt unwell, she was taken to the hospital. The old woman was urgently admitted to the hospital and after the tests were done, her relatives heard a terrible diagnosis - cirrhosis. The doctor was very surprised at the state of Anna Alexandrovna, her organs literally decomposed, and for a long time and how she lived is generally incomprehensible. A day later, the grandmother died in the intensive care unit. Only in the morning did the relatives find out, or rather they called them. The deceased's daughter-in-law told how Kostya woke up at about 1 am and said that his mother had died. It was at this time that Anna really died.

In the morning, preparations began for the mournful ceremony, and since it was hot July, they decided to hurry up with the burial. In the morgue, the old woman was dressed up on her last journey and immersed in a gazelle. At night, sons and daughters-in-law were on duty in turn, the house was full of acquaintances and friends. Prayers were read by a friend and relative of the late Olga Stepanovna. It is noteworthy that a couple of months before her death, Anna Alexandrovna severely punished her son Kostya, in the event of her sudden death, invite Olga Stepanova to read prayers and vigil at the tomb. When asked by her son, the mother only grinned, saying "you yourself will understand when the time comes." Kostya fulfilled his mother's will.

In the morning, on the day of the funeral, the weather was excellent, the sun was sunny, green around. Then the strangeness went. In the coffin, the deceased looked better than during life, as if she had become younger. A serene face with a slight smile on its lips. This spectacle made many uncomfortable. The priest began the funeral service. Suddenly a terrible wind blew, just a hurricane, the sky darkened, a thunderstorm was gathering. The few who drove up later said that the cloud hung only over the house where the funeral took place. The wind intensified, a terrible downpour broke out, lightning split the sky in terrible flashes. Father, everyone else was baptized and prayed. Lightning struck directly into the ground, which looked scary in this area. One of the lightning struck the poplar at the gate, and it crashed onto a parked car. Thank God no one was in the car at that moment.

They began to read the canon, a special prayer for prayer. The downpour flooded the eyes of those who came to the funeral, people were simply scared. In the sky, in this chaos of nature, a flock of crows circled, exactly over this yard. A small tremor sowed more panic. The stools on which the coffin stood shook, the coffin swayed. Everyone staggered back, a frightened whisper sweeping through the crowd. "She was definitely a witch," "a witch is buried, it always happens", "she did not give the gift, so she leaves like that." The whisper grew into a hum; the priest looked around the crowd disapprovingly. The weather raged even more, some kind of hum was heard from everywhere. Finally the funeral service ended, the coffin was covered and loaded into a car. Half an hour later, the crowd stood at a fresh, deep grave. The last prayers to the thunderclap were even more frightening. People watched as several lightning strikes simultaneously hit a nearby field. The coffin, meanwhile, was nailed up and lowered into the grave. As soon as the first clods of earth hit the coffin lid, the rain stopped. In a couple of minutes the wind stopped and the sun came out.

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At the commemoration, everyone discussed the recent cataclysms of nature, neither before nor after, none of those present had seen such. The story did not end there. For nine days, the children and grandchildren went to the cemetery. Wreaths, flowers lay as fresh as there were no days gone by. Flowers should have dried up long ago, but no, as fresh. After a couple of years, the image on the granite monument began to change. This was noticed not only by relatives, but also by those who simply knew the grandmother. Now she was young on the memo, although everyone knew which picture they used to make the monument. The photo was taken shortly before the death of the old woman. And yet, weeds do not grow on the grave, the flowers bloom violently. On the neighboring graves, everything is quickly overgrown with grass, relatives do not have time to clean up, and Anna Alexandrovna is clean and tidy. Here is such an unusual story of a simple old woman.