Megaliths And Dolmens Of Crimea: Main Mysteries - Alternative View

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Megaliths And Dolmens Of Crimea: Main Mysteries - Alternative View
Megaliths And Dolmens Of Crimea: Main Mysteries - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths And Dolmens Of Crimea: Main Mysteries - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths And Dolmens Of Crimea: Main Mysteries - Alternative View
Video: Unique Megalithic Dolmen with traces of ancient drilling 2024, September

On the Crimean peninsula, at the intersection of underground rivers and fractures of the earth's crust, in varying degrees of preservation, there are architectural monuments of primitive society, collectively called megaliths - "big stone".

These mysterious artifacts of the past, about the origin and purpose of which scientists and esotericists are debating, are still poorly researched, practically not included in tourist routes and are devoid of respect from the local residents.

Crimean megaliths

On the territory of Crimea, there are a variety of prehistoric stone structures, such as menhirs - high rough obelisks (Skel menhirs), tumulus - an underground chamber with a bulk dome (Pionerskoye village), cromlechs - complexes of boulders forming a circle (Alushta cromlech). However, the most widespread form of ancient architecture are dolmens, which are tetrahedrons made of sandstone blocks with one hole-manhole, covered with a stone cover on top (Sevastopol dolmens, "Tash Koy"). Usually located in ensembles from 4 to 40 pieces, they are called "Taurus boxes", although they appeared on this land much earlier than the representatives of the Taurus tribe, who lived here since the 6th century BC. to the 1st-3rd centuries A. D.

Maybe a tomb?

Historians and archaeologists, based on the remains of people and animals found inside some dolmens, concluded that these stone structures in the distant past served as burial chambers. However, not all representatives of the tribe were buried in them, but only noble members, performing magical rituals over them.

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According to one version, before the funeral of the deceased, the ashes of the previous deceased were extracted from the dolmen, therefore, Taurus boxes with a large number of burials are extremely rare. According to another opinion, if the crypt was filled, everything except the skulls was removed from it, and new bodies continued to be added. Material artifacts were found in almost every dolmen where bones were found. For example, bronze jewelry, iron swords, paste beads, stone tools, pottery.

The last shelter

According to an alternative explanation, dolmens served as the last refuge for leaders and priests, where they were brought in while still alive. Feeling the imminent approach of death, they said goodbye to their fellow tribesmen, asked to be placed in a stone box and covered with a top stove. There, cut off from the outside world, they plunged into a deep trance, gaining the ability to contact the Mind of the Cosmos and comprehend the secrets of being. After the death of the “prisoner”, the knowledge that was revealed to him during meditation filled the dolmen space, turning it into a shrine, to which, like a temple, other members of the family came for consolation and requests.

Information and energy centers

Based on the fact that megalithic structures similar to the Crimean dolmens can be found in different parts of the planet from America to Japan, from Ireland to Africa, some researchers agree that they are part of a single planetary information system. Erected not at all in a chaotic, but in a precisely verified order, they have a direct connection with the energy fields of the Earth, which have an impact on the evolution of civilization. Each person, being near the dolmen focusing the energy flow, becomes a transformer of the purifying energy that rises from the bowels of the planet (feminine principle) and goes into Space (masculine principle). However, only dolmens preserved in their original form, covered with a slab-lid, have such properties.

The sandstone of the Crimean megaliths, consisting of quartz inclusions, effectively conducting biocurrents, enables people to recover from bodily diseases, renew their aura, experience mystical experiences, communicate with ancestors and comprehend the future.

Vibrations piercing the body, inner tremors, dizziness, staggering from side to side, cold and heat have been experienced by sensitive visitors to dolmens near Gaspra.

Ultrasound generator

Scientists from Kiev who studied the Crimean dolmens found that at certain hours of the day, ultrasonic pulses of a set frequency break out of their acoustic cavity through a round hole into the cosmic ether.

The most powerful bursts of radiation are recorded in the predawn time, as well as on the days of the spring and autumn equinox.

According to the researchers, the ancient priests had the knowledge of how to tune the dolmen to the required vibrational frequency. To do this, they used clay pots, on the surface of which there were special geometric ornaments - zigzags and rings. By turning the vessel and changing the position of the pattern, they reached the required level of vibration. By the way, according to the assumption of the developers of this version, the human remains found in the Taurus boxes belong to the priests who were buried in the very dolmen where they served during their lifetime.

Build method

Another mystery of the Crimean megaliths is the method of their construction, since the date of their construction dates back to centuries, when in the arsenal of people there were only primitive tools. According to the hypothesis of archaeologist Yuri Voronov, multi-ton slabs for dolmens were mined in quarries, where holes were carved in the layered rock along a predetermined contour, into which wooden pegs were driven. Constantly filling the recesses with water, the "builders" achieved the swelling of the wedges, which split the stone of the required size. At the next stage, the chipped block was placed on wooden rollers and, with the help of bull traction, was delivered to the place of construction of architectural monuments, most of which were located at a distance of more than 1 km from the nearest quarry.

However, this theory has opponents who doubt that the animals could transport two-ton stones more than 1 m high and about 2 m long over the winding mountainous terrain.

In addition, when examining the components of the dolmen, they do not find traces of the splitting on the surface of the boulders, although some of them have perfectly preserved ornamental marks.

Against this background, the version was born that the megalithic structures did not consist of colossal blocks, but were poured from a special solution, which, when solidified, completely imitated the structure of natural stone. With this method of construction, the problem of delivery of building materials disappeared, and its shape and size could be adjusted at the request of the architects.

Ashkhen Avanesova
