The Diversity Of Intelligent Species On Earth In The Past - Alternative View

The Diversity Of Intelligent Species On Earth In The Past - Alternative View
The Diversity Of Intelligent Species On Earth In The Past - Alternative View

Video: The Diversity Of Intelligent Species On Earth In The Past - Alternative View

Video: The Diversity Of Intelligent Species On Earth In The Past - Alternative View
Video: Why are humans so different from other animals? 2024, September

The myths of various peoples tell that earlier monkeys reigned on Earth; other myths claim that after the fiery catastrophe dragons reigned, and still others speak of the kingdom of fish people. But everyone is right, since this was the time of the greatest diversity of intelligent species on Earth. In the Russian language, words have been preserved that indicate the existence of other intelligent species on Earth in the past, for example: "vertivostka" (the word indicates people with tails who lived before), rascal (winged dogs), mermaids, nagas, and dog-heads.


Or the word "cat", which has become synonymous with the word "cat", remember "March cat" indicates a man-womanizer, which was previously used not in a figurative, but in a literal sense, because, as will be shown below, the Russian language was specific and accurate, and there were no synonyms, no homonyms, no figurative meanings in it.

Goths = cats
Goths = cats

Goths = cats.

And at the same time, there was a whole people - the Goths (cats), who captured the whole world in their time. The characters of the ancient Russian chronicles of the Pechenegs (pech + nagas), or Polovtsians (half + sheep, compare with the Russian polkan = half - horse), known to us, did not belong to the human species at all, but were parallel intelligent species on Earth. From the Russian chronicles, we learn that Alexander Nevsky defeated the knight-dogs, and we perceive this phrase as a kind of insult to the knights who attacked Russia. But this is not an insult, but the name of an intelligent species that attacked Russia. Archaeological finds depicting dog-heads are a fairly common event in the excavation of ancient Russian cities. The Catholics have preserved the icon of St. Christopher, who is depicted as a dog-headed.

Pseglauts on the tympanum of the Abbey of Saint-Madeleine in Wesel (France), XI-XII centuries
Pseglauts on the tympanum of the Abbey of Saint-Madeleine in Wesel (France), XI-XII centuries

Pseglauts on the tympanum of the Abbey of Saint-Madeleine in Wesel (France), XI-XII centuries.

St. Christopher. Icon
St. Christopher. Icon

St. Christopher. Icon.

Modern mammals descend from extinct intelligent mammals. In other words, monkeys, cats, dogs, deer, dolphins - all 19 orders of mammals had intelligent anthropomorphic ancestors who, after the loss of culture, turned into wild animals. Indeed, people-monkeys - a fairly common character in ancient legends - descended from mans (the first mammals).

Promotional video:

From mans came dogs (according to ancient Russian legends - dog heads, according to Greek - cinocephaly), deer people (according to northern legends), cat people, whose figures are ubiquitous on the territory of our planet, as well as all other mammals that lived and live on the ground. The discovered human skeleton with a pig's jaw and found human skulls with horns (these findings are also reported by R. Thompson and Michael Cremo in Forbidden Archeology) confirm our conclusion.

A fairly common occurrence - the birth of children with a cleft palate - is a manifestation of human involution to doggies.


If morons and downs are born in people, this is evidence of the transformation of a person into an ape. When newborns exhibit atavisms such as a tail or are covered with hair, this is evidence {A tail may not necessarily indicate brutality. In the already mentioned "Chronicle of the Discovery of America" in reports to the Spanish king, eyewitnesses report about the discovered tribes of tailed people} that people experience a spectrum of animal emotions (anger, fear, resentment), and they give birth to children similar to animals: monkeys, dog-like, with trunk, even dragon-like, as M. A. Orlov {Orlov M. A. The history of man's relationship with the devil. St. Petersburg, 1904. Reprinted by Interbook in 1991}.

A girl with a "trunk" was born in India:

Most of today's vertebrate species have lost their culture for various reasons, and with it they have lost their mind and civilization.

While there was Paradise on Earth, all civilizations, or rather intelligent species, peacefully coexisted with each other, since they were in a genetic relationship, one gave rise to the other and, complementing them, they lived as one big family until an outside force intervened in their life.

All the various intelligent terrestrial species that simultaneously existed on Earth had everything in common: a single religion - Vedo-Vestism, which gave rise to a single culture. There was an exchange of scientific and psychophysical achievements between earthly civilizations, as well as products of specific industries. Their cultures complemented each other and were mutually beneficial.

According to ancient legends, the gods married and married representatives of the human race. For example, Scandinavian legend claims that a man named Odur married the goddess Freya. Is it not from here that the Russian word "fool" comes from, i.e. a man who connected his married life with God. In any case, a similar Russian tale about Ivan the Fool, who eventually marries a princess, confirms this assumption {As it was shown in the author's work "Russian-Borean Pantheon", the tsar was superior in level and capabilities to God}.

The civilization of mermaids was located in the reservoirs of Russia, and their very name (root Rus) indicates the genetic connection of Mankind (at least, the Russians) with the amphibian civilization.


The center of this civilization was in the Black Sea, which the Greeks called Pontus Euxine, which literally means “hospitable sea”. Who was hospitable in this sea? According to the "Big Encyclopedic Dictionary", the Black Sea, according to the Russian and Arabic ancient chronicles, was called the "Russian Sea". True, in Arabic, in which there are no vowels, the sea is called RSL, i.e. Rusalie sea. The Russian tale about Sadko's journey to the underwater kingdom to the king of the sea just tells about that time. But not only between our civilizations and the Rusalia there was an exchange of "tourists".

Thanks to the developed underwater farming of mermaids, the food of people was replenished with delicious and valuable underwater fruits, fruits and vegetables that have now disappeared.

Arnold Becklin (1827-1901) Switzerland, Fishing Pan
Arnold Becklin (1827-1901) Switzerland, Fishing Pan

Arnold Becklin (1827-1901) Switzerland, Fishing Pan.

A local nuclear war led to the death of the civilizations of the mermaids and the Oannas. The Black Sea, at the bottom of which the civilizations of the mermaids and the Oans are buried, still cannot recover from that terrible disaster. Hydrogen sulfide, a protein decomposition product, has poisoned the entire Black Sea; only a narrow surface strip of one hundred to two hundred meters is inhabited.

Hydrogen sulfide is usually released as a result of decay processes, when the remains of animals and plants are carried to the seas and oceans. The assumption prevailing today in science that the hydrogen sulfide zone arose as a result of the formation of the Bosphorus and the mixing of fresh water from the Black Sea, which was supposedly a fresh lake, with the salty waters of the Mediterranean Sea, looks unconvincing. The Baltic Sea, for example, is also half fresh and mixes with the salty waters of the Atlantic Ocean, but freshwater fauna and flora are not dying there, and a hydrogen sulfide zone has not yet emerged.

Some skeptics will argue that if there were so many civilizations and they existed even in the Archean era, then why do archaeologists not find traces of them?

Recently a book by R. Thompson and M. Cremo "The Unknown History of Mankind" was published in Russian, it reports on the findings that testify to the cultural activities of civilizations billions of years ago, and what happens to these findings later. They are not only not told to people, they are simply destroyed, just as ancient books and entire libraries are constantly being destroyed.

We must also not forget that most of the intelligent inhabitants of the Earth were immortal, and even if someone died, they were not buried in the ground, but burned, so there simply could not be any remains.

After all that has been said, it becomes clear why people should not know their folklore, the only guardian of true history, and what danger its collectors, such as P. Kireevsky, A. Afanasyev, N. Roerich, A. Pushkin and others, pose. People are not allowed to know the history of their origin, preserved by Russian folklore and the folklore of other peoples.

The names of the intelligent races that lived on Earth have been preserved in toponymy. For example, the Cimmerians, to whom the modern English Druids rightly refer themselves, were in fact an intelligent race of Kikimor, whose difference from the human race, according to eyewitnesses, is the presence of a patch instead of a nose and the absence of an upper lip.

Pig man (Varangian). From Madame Tussauds
Pig man (Varangian). From Madame Tussauds

Pig man (Varangian). From Madame Tussauds.

It is no coincidence that people with pork snouts are born in England, as was demonstrated in Madame Tussaud's wax museum. The name of Kimry has been preserved on the map, indicating that their habitat was not limited to England alone. All these parallel intelligent races were exterminated by the Jesuits, imposed by depravity and drugs and environmental disasters that occurred in the Middle Ages.

On the territory of Iberia, stretching from modern Spain to Georgia, lived beers - people-bears, compare with the word "den" (the historical name of the Berbers has been preserved, from which the modern name "barbarians" is believed to have originated).

The name of the African continent comes from affe - monkey. In Khortitsa there lived dog-headed dogs, since the greyhound breed of dogs is still called Hort, they also lived in Sina - China (Sina or Kina - from where cynology - the doctrine of dogs). The Black Sea region was inhabited by Goths (cats) - people-cats. In Abkhara folklore, there is a story about a "puss in boots", which points to the time when cat people lived among us. Puss in Boots is a well-known character in a fairy tale attributed today to Charles Perrault, in fact, taken from Abkhara folklore, moreover, all the famous characters of Charles Perrault's fairy tales are taken, and this is another historical and cultural hoax.

After the apocalypse, the peoples emerging from the dungeons, as already indicated, collectively bore the name - Tartars, therefore, on medieval maps, the territory of Russia occupied all of Asia, North Africa and Europe and was called Great Tartary. However, in parallel, there was a division of intelligent species and their unification on a territorial basis, i.e. at the place of residence. The name "Byzantium", although spoiled by Latin, hides the obvious meaning: "vesi" - villages, villages and "ant" - a person. In other words, Byzantium (correctly - Vesantia) is the territory where the Antes lived. While the surviving word "Visigothia" meant the area where the Goths lived ("Goth" in almost all European languages still means God). There were also Vesmania, Vesnagia, Vesnagia (according to the Bible, Canaan land,since the reverse reading is khan - nag) and other names that have not come down to us. As we know, Goths, Mans, Velet were destroyed, and people were divided into nations, in order to further play off each other.

Ancient races were destroyed not only by division into nations. Developing early sexuality in an intelligent species coexisting with us in the recent past, calling itself manami (people with tails), we managed to completely transform them into animals. This is indicated by the words preserved in the Russian language: "vertikhvostka" - this is how they still call a woman of easy virtue and "henchman" - a man who has had sexual contact with a tailed beast.

Tailed Mans, flipping:


Mans lived on the territory of modern Mongolia and Manchuria, whose names contain the root "man", while the people who came there called themselves and still call them Hankhs, but we continue to call them Mongols, although they have nothing to do with Mans - tailed people Dont Have. Mans also lived in Taman (literally "creating mans"), located in Europe (the western part of the Caucasus).

Little Russia (the old name of Ukraine) got its name from the small people living in it, "Little Ross", who mixed with the local population and lost their small growth, and the local population, respectively, is tall.

Great Russia was called so because of the giants inhabiting Russia. By the way, according to the testimony of Father Sergei (Endelgard), who returned to Russia from the United States and served in the foreign Russian Orthodox Church, before the revolution in the passport in the column nationality, the word “Russian” was not written, but was written - Great Russian (remember the work of V. I. Lenin “On the national pride of the Great Russians ). And all the inhabitants of Russia: Tajiks, Turkmen, Georgians, Armenians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Poles, Finns and all the other 250 (and according to other sources 400) nationalities were called Russians, just as all US residents are called Americans today, regardless of their nation and race. Today, all Great Russians are called Russians and all Russians (for the convenience of playing off) were divided into Tatars, Moldovans, Turkmens, etc.

Belarus got its name from the white-eyed Chudi who lived there, i.e. nagas.


It is no coincidence that it is in Belarus that the birth of nagas still occurs, in appearance of people, only they do not have a navel, and about which people say that they have a butt in front. Indeed, in nagas, the anus and vagina are combined into a cloaca, as in all oviparous species. Nagas lived not only in Belarus.


The anthropomorphic skull with a crest found by A. Ragotsky near Moscow, which he demonstrated to us, suggests that in ancient times the nagas lived on a fairly vast territory, building their abodes in the ground. They have survived to this day; a number of facts describing the contacts of our contemporaries with these entities, transmitted to us by the famous researcher of the unidentified - A. S. Kuzovkin, confirm the fact of their present existence on Earth.

Some peoples have preserved a large growth (3-5-6 meters) up to our time, as E. P. Blavatsky in the work "In the mountains and jungles of Hindustan." Magellan reported about such giants, he saw them on Tierra del Fuego during his trip around the world. Our ancestors preserved not only growth, but also many achievements of their culture. However, what could not be destroyed by the flood was destroyed by the Jesuit order, operating on the entire planet, and the Inquisition, which were guided by one postulate: God created only man in his own image and likeness, and the rest - giants, midgets, gnomes - were the creation of satanic forces. All of them were subject to destruction. That is why they were forced to hide from people in hard-to-reach places and dungeons.

Mirabell Park in Salzburg (Austria). Dwarf statues
Mirabell Park in Salzburg (Austria). Dwarf statues

Mirabell Park in Salzburg (Austria). Dwarf statues.

Numerous preserved legends about one-eyed giants - Cyclops, allow drawing parallels with modern Chernobyl, where pets (dogs, cows, horses) with one eye or six legs are now born. Cyclops are the result of nuclear mutagenesis, and they apparently survived until the Middle Ages.

As follows from the legends of the Central American Indians and from Hindu mythology, along with the Boreans, there was a civilization of monkeys. The great Rama, who led the Aryans to India, during the conquest of Ceylon made a military alliance with the king of bears and the king of monkeys - Hanuman against the giants of Ravana and used warriors-bears and warriors-monkeys in this war.



These monkeys were what we now call "snowmen" and, as already indicated, there were about 400,000 species at that time. This number was due to the fact that after the nuclear catastrophe began the struggle for survival, which was the reason for the demarcation of races among themselves and feralization (turning into monkeys). The very word "monkey" (without + yana, ie without the masculine principle) testifies to homosexuality, which is the beginning of savagery.

On the prevalence of homosexuality in animals, there is an excellent work by R. Chauvin "Animal Behavior", which cites numerous facts of the presence of this defect among many animal species, which once again confirms that homosexuality is one of the reasons for the savagery that led once intelligent species to the modern animal condition.

According to the legends of the Indians and Hindus, the flood was sent to Earth by the gods because people copulated with monkeys.

The American researcher Lawrence Green, who lived among gorillas for a long time, was able to prove that people cannot interbreed with monkeys, but the Russian anthropologist and specialist in relict hominids A. Kozlov in his research cites a case that occurred in the 19th century in the south of our country. A prince of one of the Caucasian peoples, having caught a female Almasty (Bigfoot), put her on a chain. The female gave birth to a child from him, who grew up and lived among people until he died in 1956. According to the description of eyewitnesses, this hybrid was no different from other people.


Having examined the structure of his skull, A. Kozlov noted that he had a slightly sloping forehead, slightly more protruding superciliary arches, and the rest was similar to the skull of a modern man.

Wild woman from Abkhazia Zana and her descendant Khvit. Igor Burtsev:

The skulls of horned people (Taurus) are periodically found, which indicates their relatively recent disappearance. Some archaeologists try to explain these finds by the fact that the horns were inserted artificially, as if for ritual purposes. But why did a deceased person need to insert horns?

Moreover, there are no holes in the skull, but depressions have formed for them. It is clear that they could appear only during the life of these intelligent beings. And the word "Tavrida" itself indicates that the Tavry is not a legend at all, they actually lived in the Crimea (so now Tavrida is called).


In addition to legends about the existence of intelligent species in the past, their authenticity can be indicated by the names of some rebel heroes passed off as humans today, although, judging by their names, they were representatives of other intelligent species that inhabited the Earth not so long ago. For example, Robin Hood is a forest robber, the leader of a forest people who did not want to be baptized again (the medieval period of the Reformation), who helped people who lived in cities to avoid baptism. We must assume that Robin Hood is a spoiled "goblin hood", i.e. "Good goblin", and even more correct goblin-god.

Artist: Hilda Koe. The Goblin Market (c. 1899)
Artist: Hilda Koe. The Goblin Market (c. 1899)

Artist: Hilda Koe. The Goblin Market (c. 1899)


The fact that the forest was inhabited by intelligent beings is evidenced by the word “forest” itself, the reverse reading is “village”, besides we know that the forests were reserved, that is, they lived there according to the Vedas. And "beasts" are, in reality, not animals, but believing people who kept the faith in its original form (c + faith = beasts, ie people with faith), who were worse for the baptists than animals. The name of another famous leader, Jan Gusk, refers to the leader of the bird-men, who are described in the Ramayana as allies of Rama. The same can be said about Dacians (reverse reading "reptile"), who were most likely naga.


Birds and goblins are parallel sentient species descended from nagas.

Paleontologists find skeletons of Neanderthals, Australopithecus, Sinanthropus and other anthropomorphic species everywhere, and anthropologists try to represent them as human ancestors. But the ancestors of man were Atlanteans, giants, Boreans. Many people have a question: why, then, are not the bones of our ancestors found? They are found, but referred to as dinosaurs or other large reptiles. They found human skulls two or more meters in size, but these findings simply do not want to be recognized, so as not to violate the theory of the origin of species. In 1990, the Tekhnika-Molodyozh magazine reported on the discovery of a fragment of a human skull over two meters in size.


The translator of the Velesovaya Kniga wrote about such a find, Yu. P. Mirolyubov. A lot of such material remains have already been found; you can read about them in the books of Mikhail Persinger, Charles Fort and Colossimo. It's just that some anthropologists are hypnotized by the idea that man could only have descended from ape or ape-like ones. But in life everything did not happen like that.

V. A. SHEMSHUK "How to return Paradise"