A Resident Of Odessa Is Sure That He Filmed Chemtrails Over The City - Alternative View

A Resident Of Odessa Is Sure That He Filmed Chemtrails Over The City - Alternative View
A Resident Of Odessa Is Sure That He Filmed Chemtrails Over The City - Alternative View

Video: A Resident Of Odessa Is Sure That He Filmed Chemtrails Over The City - Alternative View

Video: A Resident Of Odessa Is Sure That He Filmed Chemtrails Over The City - Alternative View
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About chemtrails or chemtrails, which allegedly cause Morgellon's disease and which serve as a tool for regulating the human population, the reason for the stimulation for Odessa residents these days was a video that appeared on the video hosting "Youtube". The footage from the user under the pseudonym Gaz Miller supposedly shows the notorious chemical aerosols being sprayed in the air by an airplane, disguised as contrails.

The author of the video filmed "chemtrails" on January 11 and 14 this year over Odessa and assures in the comments that "The powder from the plane is released intermittently, so that people would think that this is a contrail, but the trail does not disappear." Another video shows overlapping aircraft flight paths and cruciform contrails.

Chemtrails over Odessa on January 11 and 14, 2014.

It should be recalled that talks about chemtrails over Odessa have been going on for several years. Since 2009, it has been a favorite topic of urban Internet forums. Conspiracy theorists accusing the "occupation government" (in this case, the United States), from time to time upload videos from random operators to the Internet, after which discussions begin in the media: who, how and why is spreading "diseases" over Ukrainian cities. According to Wikipedia, chemtrails are just a kind of "urban legend" and there is no evidence of the reality of the existence of chemtrails!

The arguments of the conspiracy theorists about tanks, about aircraft routes in the "grid", about long-lived condensation trails, etc. find a prosaic explanation:

The condensation trail from an aircraft may indeed last for a long time (this factor depends on temperature, humidity and wind shear). And since the air in industrial cities is polluted by emissions, then with a certain direction of the wind the aerosol from these emissions can really fall on the city.

Airways are not a line, but a corridor about 10 kilometers wide, which is why parallel tracks appear. Also, air routes for the most part run along the parallels and meridians, and if weather conditions prevent the tracks from quickly dissipating, a "grid" appears in the sky.

Spraying from a height of many kilometers (and the standard flight altitudes of long-range aviation pass at an altitude of 9-11 km) is in any case extremely ineffective. And the photographs of the tanks in the aircraft cabins are just water tanks.

Promotional video:

By the way, in 2011 in Ukraine, some initiators of chemtrail applications even sent to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Only representatives of the Kharkov Union of the Russian People (RNU) collected over 1500 signatures under the document. The Petition, in particular, stated:

We, the undersigned citizens of Ukraine, petition the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada to adopt the Law of Ukraine on the prohibition of artificial climate change. Under the pretext of combating the mythical and scientifically unfounded "global warming" and the "greenhouse effect" aviation around the world is spraying chemicals containing metal atoms and ions, which create an atmospheric layer that reflects the sun's rays back into space (US patent No. 5.003.186 "Stratospheric Welsbach Sowing to Reduce Global Warming"). Billions of dollars are spent on this. For some, it has become a profitable business, and for others, most of whom are a source of joint and musculoskeletal diseases, bronchopulmonary, respiratory and allergic diseases, a new emerging disease of morgellons and other diseases,caused by a weakened immune system.

Sprayed nano- and microparticles penetrating through the respiratory system cause damage to the mucous membrane, poisoning the body, and getting into the human blood cause damage to red blood cells.

Despite numerous public protests against the spraying of chemical reagents by aviation all over the world, the state authorities of many countries, including Ukraine, stubbornly refuse to recognize the very fact of the ongoing spraying of toxic chemicals, which violates the current articles of the Constitution and the Criminal Code of Ukraine …

No one received any official answers to this.