Cars In Odessa Stall Because Of UFOs? - Alternative View

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Cars In Odessa Stall Because Of UFOs? - Alternative View
Cars In Odessa Stall Because Of UFOs? - Alternative View

Video: Cars In Odessa Stall Because Of UFOs? - Alternative View

Video: Cars In Odessa Stall Because Of UFOs? - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

Anomalies. Dozens of cars for three days deafen in the parking lot at the Sports Palace. The phenomenon is observed on a site with a radius of one hundred meters

PHOTO: Even brand new cars stalled and did not start until they were pushed out of the “zone”.

Cars on Shevchenko Avenue have been stalling for four days in a row. Superstitious drivers blame evil spirits, and pragmatists blame the electromagnetic field, which is allegedly created by a mobile communications tower nearby. Yesterday, employees of the state center of radio frequencies arrived at the place where the inexplicable is taking place.

The first time the state of emergency was recorded on October 8. Among dozens of parked cars, about 30 cars simply did not start. Their owners were hopelessly tormenting the keys in the ignition locks. When motorists began to understand that the phenomenon was massive, they began to call tow trucks to pull them out of the "Bermuda Triangle", or call familiar specialists. “What is it, I need to feed the child, but the car is 'dead',” complained the owner of one of the injured cars Vika. In addition, the owners of the cars themselves complained about their well-being.

"Specialists of the service station recorded the fact of unauthorized hacking of the on-board computer of the car," Sergei Vasilenko, the owner of one of the injured cars, told Segodnya after the accident. started up again.

“I blame the communications tower next door for everything,” says motorist Olga, whose car has just been pushed out of the “paralyzing” zone. But the management of the Palace of Sports denies this version, explaining that the tower was erected about five years ago, and there were no such cases in the parking lot before.


The employees of the mobile operator company, which owns the tower, arrived at the scene, checked the radiation and stated that everything was working normally. The fact that the anomalies are not associated with radio waves is also said by employees of the state center of radio frequencies. “Perhaps there is an anti-bug somewhere nearby, which blocks“wiretapping,”maybe he is the culprit. Or maybe a cable has broken through somewhere out of the ground,”one of the engineers suggested. The field laboratory specialists worked in the parking lot for several hours. As a result, it was established with an accuracy of seven meters that the radiation comes from the side of the Sports Palace. They plan to fence off the site, and if the phenomenon does not disappear, more detailed studies will begin.

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The only ones who confidently name the source of troubles are Odessa ufologists. “Similar things happened near Zhevakhova Gora, which is considered a cosmodrome for UFOs,” Vyacheslav Konyakhin, a member of the Odessa UFO center, told us. "The fact that cars do not start may indicate that an unidentified object is hanging over the building, which affects the equipment." By the way, about ten people from the ill-fated parking lot really assured us that they saw an incomprehensible white object in the sky that looked like a UFO.