Meetings With The Ghost Of Lenin - Alternative View

Meetings With The Ghost Of Lenin - Alternative View
Meetings With The Ghost Of Lenin - Alternative View

Video: Meetings With The Ghost Of Lenin - Alternative View

Video: Meetings With The Ghost Of Lenin - Alternative View
Video: Колыма - родина нашего страха / Kolyma - Birthplace of Our Fear 2024, September

Meetings with the ghost of Lenin during the years of the USSR are practically not recorded. Either these cases were carefully hidden, or the ghost was simply not shown to people. But in the time of troubles after the collapse of the USSR, there were already several cases of meeting with the phantom of Lenin.

Russian poet and prose writer Vladimir Tsybin in his book "News from the Other World" gives some evidence of meetings with the ghost of Lenin in the early nineties of the XX century, on the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In this regard, he notes that famous historical figures appear to us on fateful historical days. For example, the silent figure of Napoleon I in a red coat and holding a candle was often seen in Paris before the French Revolution of 1848.

Here is the testimony of the Volkov spouses given by V. Tsybin. When they walked down the street on November 17, 1991. Voinov in St. Petersburg, they were overtaken by a rare pedestrian here. Stocky, short, in a coat and cap that was not fashionable today, with his hands tucked into his coat pockets, he looked very much like … Vladimir Ilyich.

The resemblance increased especially when he slowed down and, taking off his cap, wiped the sweaty bald spot so familiar to all with a handkerchief. The intrigued couple quickened their pace and almost caught up with "Ilyich" at the intersection of the street with Liteiny Prospekt. It seemed to them that he looked at the bulk of the "Big House" in bewilderment for a while, and then resolutely turned towards the bridge.

A strong wind was blowing along the Neva, and the couple did not dare to follow him across the bridge across the Neva, deciding for themselves that they had seen one of the many doubles that had appeared recently - indispensable participants in television shows and advertisements.

But something in the figure of Lenin seemed strange to them - he walked across the bridge, as if there was no wind. The man walking in front had the hem of his cloak fluttering, and with one hand he held his hat on his head.

The couple were distracted for just a few seconds, and when they looked at the bridge again, "Ilyich" disappeared. They rushed to the parapet of the embankment, but there was no one in the water either.

Promotional video:

In 1992-1993, V. Tsybin reports, before the bloody events of the autumn of 1993 in Moscow, on the streets of the capital and in St. Petersburg, Lenin appeared “in his famous cap, slightly stooped and turned his face away from passers-by. That it was not a man in disguise, it was said that those who saw him on the street in the evening were surprised that he immediately disappeared. According to the newspaper Trud, the ghost of Lenin walked along the Nevskaya embankment for a whole week.

And one student met Lenin's ghost on Oktyabrskaya Square: “Lenin caught up with him - a beard with a wedge, narrowed eyes, sharp and characteristic Leninist movements. Stunned, N. stopped rooted to the spot, and the ghost, finding that he was recognized, entered the monument and disappeared."

The incident of an indirect meeting with the ghost of Lenin was noted in 1993. Strange sounds in the museum-study of Lenin were heard by the head of the Yeltsin administration, Sergei Filatov.

Dining room in the Kremlin museum-apartment of Lenin
Dining room in the Kremlin museum-apartment of Lenin

Dining room in the Kremlin museum-apartment of Lenin

It was in the summer of 1993. The office of the then Kremlin courtier was on the second floor of the presidential residence. And above it was the Lenin Museum-Apartment. At first, this neighborhood did not evoke emotions in Filatov. They say he even went there a couple of times on excursions.

But one day, after sitting up for papers until midnight, the chief Kremlin administrator suddenly heard clearly that the floorboards were creaking upstairs - someone was walking restlessly around the room with small steps: back and forth, back and forth.

Filatov did not attach any importance to this. But a few days later I stayed up late again, and the creaks were repeated. Then he called the guards: "Find out who is up there at night wandering?" “Sergei Alexandrovich, no one is there,” the guards answer. "We ourselves locked the museum with all locks and sealed the door."

“Check it anyway,” Filatov ordered, “you never know? Still, here, just a stone's throw away, is Boris Nikolaevich's office."

The guards thoroughly examined the apartments of the leader of the world proletariat, but they did not find anyone. Filatov seemed to have calmed down, but just in case he stopped staying in his office until midnight.