When Was Tasmania Part Of Arizona? - Alternative View

When Was Tasmania Part Of Arizona? - Alternative View
When Was Tasmania Part Of Arizona? - Alternative View

Video: When Was Tasmania Part Of Arizona? - Alternative View

Video: When Was Tasmania Part Of Arizona? - Alternative View
Video: Geologists explain why Tasmania is different 2024, June

Geologists from Monash University in Melbourne became interested in a series of rock formations in the Rocky Cape National Park in Tasmania, Australia that looked suspiciously similar to the rocks that make up the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA.





According to study author Jack Mulder, the rocks in Rocky Cape National Park are definitely out of place. Based on this purely visual conclusion, detailed studies of the chemistry and geology of rocks in Rocky Cape were carried out: the distribution of isotopes, the percentage of minerals and different rocks, the approximate age and so on were studied. And as it turned out - the Grand Canyon in Arizona and the Rocky Cape National Park are geologically identical, like the fingerprints of the same person. And this discovery put the geological community at an absolute standstill.

“We came to the conclusion that Tasmania should be tied to the lithospheric plate on which the United States is located, but for some reason it is on the other side of the planet,” Mr. Mulder complains to his fellow scientists. And Mr. Mulder's surprise is understandable.

According to the views of modern official geology, the continents were once a single supercontinent called Pangea. At some point in time, Pangea became covered with volcanic ridges, magma began to flow from the volcanoes and cool, which, ultimately, pulled Pangea to the continents observed today.

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The theory of the giant protomaterial turned out to be quite harmonious, because, firstly, it perfectly explained the coincidence of the coastline of some continents, and secondly, it also explained the coincidences in the chemical composition of rocks at the edges of the once docked together continents.


However, in the light of the new data Pangea, once again, it turns out that it is spreading at the seams, since neither on the hypothetical Pangea, nor on the hypothetical Rodinia Australia and America did not contact in any way. This raises a logical question for geologists: where did this similarity come from and why?

Since this strange similarity could not be explained by the common continent, geologists tried to draw on the theory of antipodes of mantle plumes by looking: what is opposite Tamania on the other side of the Earth? On the other side of Tasmania are the Azores - the top of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge that separates the North American Plate from the Arabian. There is nothing in common with Tasmania in the Azores.

On the antipodes, geological theories ended and conspiracy theories began. For example, the theory that the Earth is some kind of artificial object that some supercivilization molds in the solar system according to a single project. For example, what is one Mars worth:


The theory of typical planetary designs is quite interesting, but it seems quite radical. Moreover, there is another theory, vehemently rejected by the officials, but perfectly explaining all existing geological and other anomalies. This is the theory of thermonuclear fusion in the Earth's core.

According to this theory, some time ago, the Earth was much smaller in size and there were no oceans at all. That is, it was, as it were, the same Pangea, but stretched over the globe in such a way that the east coast of Japan adjoined the coast of Chile and Peru - the chemical composition of the rocks along the coastlines there completely coincides. In this case, Tasmania will just adjoin somewhere to Arizona. It all fits together.

As the elements were synthesized in the core of the Earth, the planet grew and over time water appeared on it. Perhaps it was the so-called juvenile water, which, in theory, was formed by combining hydrogen and oxygen. Perhaps it was water that enters the crystalline structure of the geological mass of the mantle and when the mantle is heated, minerals release this water. Which of these theories is more correct in principle does not play. The main thing is that water appeared on the planet, and along with water, organic life.

Since the planet was small, the force of gravity on Earth was much less, which gave rise to a biosphere of gigantic dimensions. But over time, as a result of the growth of the planet and, most likely, for some other reason, the biosphere was replaced by a modern one and trees, several kilometers high, no longer grow.


A simple and straightforward theory that explains everything. Moreover, it explains not only geological, but also archaeological paradoxes. For example - the so-called polygonal masonry, which can be seen today only in Peru, Chile and … Japan:


Medieval Japanese castles have always raised great doubts among archaeologists, since a civilization that knows the secrets of polygonal masonry cannot build bamboo chicken coops. It is more likely that the daimyo strained the peasants to build fortifications on some more ancient foundations built at a time when Japan was one with Chile and Peru. Officials start frothing at the mention of this heresy, but the problem is that the languages of the Chilean Indians and the Japanese aborigines are surprisingly the same.

So, if Mr. Mulder and his company took a couple of Navajo chiefs with them to the project and told them at least in general terms about the “dead Tasmanian language”, the world would surely see another fantastic discovery. It is possible that the brilliant idea of turning to linguistics will visit Mr. Mulder in the future - unless, of course, problems with the Earth's core again begin a little earlier. In this case, no one will have time to share their discoveries with the scientific community.