"A Strange Skinny Black Dog Walked Like A Man" - Alternative View

"A Strange Skinny Black Dog Walked Like A Man" - Alternative View
"A Strange Skinny Black Dog Walked Like A Man" - Alternative View

Video: "A Strange Skinny Black Dog Walked Like A Man" - Alternative View

Video: 25 Family Guy Deleted Scenes That Were Too Much For TV 2024, June

A user with the nickname "johnamorTK" told this story a few weeks ago on Reddit. According to him, he may have met a so-called skinwalker - a werewolf from Indian legends.

The name of the city and country is not indicated, but it is obvious that this is somewhere in the USA, since only there are stories about skinwalkers.

“I live in a suburban area and we have many parks with big trees. Therefore, it is always quite shady and cool here, and long before the sun sets, it becomes gloomy and dark here.

On that day, my mother asked me to go to my friend's house and pick up some of my things that I had left with him. This house is not far down the street and to reach it, you have to go through the area where cars are usually parked.

It was early evening, about six, but it was already gloomy. I went to a friend's house and about fifteen minutes later I noticed a small child on a bicycle on the road ahead of me. I did not see the girl there or the boy, because not far from the road next to parked cars, I suddenly saw a very large black dog.

The dog was large and a bit like a hound, looking very thin. At the same time, she had a long shaggy coat. The dog sat on its hind legs and looked towards the child. She didn't seem to notice me.

From afar I did not see anything unusual, but when there was only 10-15 feet (3-4.5 meters) left between me and the dog, I suddenly realized that something was wrong with this animal.


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First, the hind legs, on which the dog was sitting, seemed unusually long for its body and at the same time strangely twisted. And secondly, her front legs … No, I will never forget what I saw.

Its front paws fiddled with the ground rhythmically, much like you pat a blanket in search of keys. Everything looked as if the dog was tugging at its paws in anticipation and anticipation, and at the same time it continued to stare at the child.

Then I must have made some sound of fright and the dog heard it. And then this creature slowly rose to its full height and stood on its hind legs like a man! It looked 6 feet (182 cm) high or maybe even more.

I realized that I would not go anywhere further. I turned around carefully and walked quickly back to my house, feeling it staring at my back. I got out of there safely, but I still don't know what happened to that child."
