Energy Vampires At Work - Alternative View

Energy Vampires At Work - Alternative View
Energy Vampires At Work - Alternative View

Video: Energy Vampires At Work - Alternative View

Video: Energy Vampires At Work - Alternative View
Video: 6 Signs You're Dealing with Energy Vampires 2024, April

The term "energy vampirism" should be understood as such relationships between people, in which there is a power intake of vitality. “Don't be nervous,” says the doctor. “Be calm,” says the psychologist, not realizing that there are people who deliberately provoke us to breakdowns and irritations, because this is the only way to take our vitality.

These people are vampires, they draw out, shake out and suck our psychic energy in all ways available to them. Vampirism is energetic looting. In this case, the vampire always becomes easy and good, and the donor, or the victim of the vampire, always remains "broken" and sick.


Esotericists divide energy vampires into solar and lunar. The energy of the solar vampire people is hot and dry, always aggressive. We say that this is a cruel person, a bloodsucker and a sadist. They themselves attack the "victim", provoke scandals and quarrels, causing mental and physical pain.

The energy of the lunar vampire people is the opposite of the sun. It is cold and damp. If the solar vampire is an energy bandit, then the moon vampire is an energy thief, quiet and secretive. He always cries about his problems, pretends to be deaf and incomprehensible. It's boring. He does not swear, does not quarrel, does not prove, he whines and this brings us out of mental equilibrium.

Where can you most often encounter energy vampires? In the family and at work. And if you can still leave or get divorced from relatives who interfere with your life, then you cannot easily leave a profitable job, especially in our difficult time.

Every morning, waking up, we rush to work. A person who loves his work and the people with whom he communicates on it is filled with the energy of joy in the morning. The other, waking up, thinks of work as hard labor, curses it, gets up with difficulty, but is forced to go. At the same time, he has neither strength nor health, he is already annoyed by everything, something presses on his body - this is a classic energy vampire.


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We get on the same bus, tram or subway car with him. It is hard for the vampire, he needs to throw off these pressing energies, and he steps on your foot, on your pet peeve. The vampire will make it necessarily painful, deliberately, to cause your indignation and anger. It is he who fusses and provokes us to irritation, and we turn on.

Your heart begins to beat faster, reacting to this open rudeness, your inner energy (prana) sways and goes into your outer energy shell (aura). You are shaken and pounded, your joy is gone, and the vampire is still stirring up irritation with insults.

And then your energy finally goes to him. The vampire felt better, he took his soul away, threw off what was hindering and oppressing him, and recharged himself with fresh energy, although not of the best quality, junk, but that suits him. Still would! And you come to work and for a long time you cannot calm down and concentrate, there is no strength, you are squeezed out like a lemon. You threw your pearls into the swamp, but it does not give circles, you were dumped in the mud.

Have you noticed how vampires, shaking someone, feel like heroes, how their eyes sparkle madly at the same time, how proudly they raise their heads? And then the common phrases become clear to us: "You need to go in a taxi!", "And put on a hat!" etc.

If you managed to get to work safely, then a vampire may be waiting for you here.

Quite a common occurrence when the boss is a vampire. A familiar sight when on Mondays he gathers his subordinates and starts scolding. Everyone will get "to the liver", everyone will find an offensive word, inflate the whole team, discourage any desire to work. And after the meeting, he walks away, pats everyone on the shoulder, asks not to be offended, because he is trying, ostensibly for a common cause, saying that if you are not urged on, then you will not work.

Such a vampire boss does not like his job, she does not make him happy. Like any vampire, he is only pleased with something personal, he does not care at all, he would sit on his own. Therefore, your boss does not have that life-giving energy that can inspire and energize the entire team, and delight with his mere appearance at work. Everyone is hiding from him, he keeps the team in fear. He is primarily afraid for himself.

And then it becomes clear to us why he shouts, pounds with his fist, insults right in the eyes, and even in front of everyone. He charges and at the same time grabs his heart. Here is the sign of the Cosmos that in its heart there is no love for you or for the cause.

It's good if he charges from you only on Mondays for the whole week, but if this happens every day, if he gets sick until he spends his vampiric "five-minute"?

If a person cannot earn respect with his work, interest, love and kindness, he begins to demand it. Remember, as in Pushkin: "When he got seriously ill, he made himself respect …"

The vampire boss has the most employee turnover. Nobody wants to work with a vampire, live in daily mental shocks. They are already enough in our life. The worst thing is when vampires run childcare. I have seen the heads of kindergartens, principals of schools and children's clubs, where, due to their fault, there is a constant tense mental field in the collective of workers. It is time for the top management to pay attention to the fact that people are quitting, which means there is no spiritual comfort, there is and will not be real work, because "the fish rots from the head."


When the boss is a vampire, on this basis, sycophants and saints appear. These are weak people, and by this they protect themselves from energy shocks. But the chief vampire needs slovens like bread, he will keep them near him constantly, keep those who can be offended and insulted every day with impunity, or, as we are used to saying, energetically shake.

It is useless to fight the chief vampire, from this he will be even better charged with your energy. You are a "switchman" for him, a "scapegoat", he is glad to see you every day, he is looking for a meeting with you, you are an invaluable find for him, he cannot live without you, you are his personal donor. You can demand three or five times the amount of your wages - this is compensation for your health. But remember that he gets sick even more until he charges from you.

Try an experiment: do not react to the rudeness of the boss, smile, say something about the weather, and you will see a miracle. He suddenly turns red, turns purple, shakes and grabs his heart. You did not give him your energy, and the symptoms of vampirism were revealed to you: screaming - from powerlessness, rudeness - from bad manners, rage - from anger. So everything secret becomes apparent.

Are only bosses not loving their jobs? Do we ourselves love her, the one we go to every day? Work is the energy field of our activity, and in this field we spend most of our life.

For many, this is an unhappy part of their life. Will he have strength and health, won't he take it from his colleagues, and then at home and on the street? And let it be a signal for you when someone says that he does not like his job.

This is a signal that a vampire is near you. In general, it is already clear who and how relates to work. And let him not be offended that his boss scolds him, and in the team he does not enjoy authority. This is a common trait of vampires - no one likes them, and they do not enjoy authority in their collective.


There are many people who do not hide that they do not like their work, that they are serving their sentences there. But at the same time, they are always cheerful and cheerful, they do not pay attention to anyone, for they live in their thoughts in some other world of theirs. And at any opportunity, they strive to escape from work to the place where their soul sings and enjoys. It can be sports, art, various hobbies of technical creativity, etc. But at the same time, with their idleness, they provoke to be shouted at, and then they take offense and call the offender a vampire.

And isn't there a person at the job you love that you don't love, and that's why he annoys you. And just because you think and talk about him all the time, your energy goes to this person, and you have to periodically recharge from someone.

The one who at your work is the most judgmental of others is a potential vampire. A normal, healthy person forgives everyone everything or does not notice the one from whom the spiritual stench emanates.

Even more often people of "vacant positions" act as vampires at work. Here the vampire can be seen immediately, because with every gesture and word he emphasizes the importance of his person. In front of some, they curry favor and lisp, and with others in fierce relationships.

Vampires do not wash, so they will rob you anyway by rolling. They pretend to be deaf, and we have to shout all the time, and this is annoying, because we notice that they hear a quietly spoken word addressed to them.

There is a large group of moon vampires who pretend to be incomprehensible. They have to explain elementary things exactly so many times until we “explode”. And at this time they receive their portion of waste energy. Here is the advice of the sage: "Do not sit under a rotten tree, do not associate with a man of extinct mind." (E. Roerich "Community").

Technological progress has given rise to another sophisticated type of vampirism - telephone. The telephone vampire, when calling, does not share with you joy, but splashes out on you the next or the same problems. It can be a relative, an acquaintance, a colleague - they call almost every day and always at the wrong time, taking up a lot of time, taking away from business.

You listen to them with irritation, and an invisible stream of your energy flows to the vampire. Geographic distance does not matter. The telephone channel is most often used by moon vampires. Here's my advice. When distributing your phone number, warn that your device is old, broken, and during a call it may turn off.

You can find your own, more efficient way. The identifiers of telephone numbers included in our technical service will help us to "see" a person with whom you are already tired of communicating.

From the book by Alexander Astrogor "Energy Vampirism"