Where Do Vampires And Cannibals Come From - Alternative View

Where Do Vampires And Cannibals Come From - Alternative View
Where Do Vampires And Cannibals Come From - Alternative View

Video: Where Do Vampires And Cannibals Come From - Alternative View

Video: Where Do Vampires And Cannibals Come From - Alternative View
Video: Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires: The History of Corpse Medicine from the Renaissance to Victorians. 2024, September

Instead of being indignant: "And as soon as the earth carries these creatures ?!", it would not be a sin to think - where do they come from at all? Maybe this is our fault too?

“… We counted 19 cases of cannibalism among the local population, and all of them were not ritualistic and were not a forced measure in the absence of food. On the contrary, the residents interviewed claim that the cravings for eating human meat appear spontaneously and independently of the diet. We have collected a lot of evidence about cases of so-called. vampirism … And although it is too early to draw conclusions, we believe that the behavior of people involved in these cases is influenced by local food of plant and animal origin. Therefore, we intend to conduct a thorough analysis as soon as possible in order to identify possible genetic changes …"

These are lines from a secret report of a special commission that, on behalf of the French Ministry of Health, visited the islands of the infamous Muroroa atoll several years ago, where the French were testing nuclear weapons. And although the islands are officially considered uninhabited and uninhabitable, in recent years many people from other parts of the South Pacific have moved there. They settled in - and as if they remembered the not so ancient "precepts" of their ancestors: you can and should eat your own. What happened?

There is such a thing: environmental compatibility. If a person lives in a certain area from generation to generation, then the cells of his body are built from those substances that he consumed in this area. Hence the physiological characteristics of the organism. I switched to a qualitatively different food - the "information" coming with it changes. The body begins to malfunction, often behaves unpredictably. In the above fragment of the report, it is clearly read between the lines: people with pathological deviations in the psyche ate food affected by radiation, and the above facts are the likely consequences of this.

Those who object that this is such a region - Polynesia, cannibalistic in the literal sense of the word, we will also object: how then can we explain the numerous cases of cannibalism in Kazakhstan? The press wrote about the ten most notorious cases of recent years, but how many of them are still left behind the scenes! As you know, Kazakhstan has also been a testing ground for a long time. In the period from 1949 to 1989, 470 nuclear weapons tests were carried out in the eastern part of the republic, so the main environmental problem of the region today is their consequences, first of all, for human health.

Another country that "gave birth" to the wildest manifestations of the human psyche, Vietnam. During the long war between the North and the South, the Americans, as you know, generously poured pesticides over the Vietnamese land from planes and helicopters. Soon after the victory of North Vietnam, it became clear that mass mental insanity was observed in the territories most affected by chemistry. The poison that was ingested with plants had a detrimental effect on the brain and people gave free rein to the animal instincts that had come from nowhere: all the same cannibalism and vampirism.

The ancient Greek healer Hippocrates showed the world a simple wisdom: a person is what he eats. Nutritionists (and indeed doctors of any specialty) will confirm that a person first of all needs natural products that fully provide the body with the substances necessary for normal life. Among the reasons for the increased morbidity and mortality of Russians, scientists name one important circumstance: the replacement of these products with refined poor-quality food, poor or, conversely, artificially enriched with vitamins and microelements. What is there to be surprised if we have been firmly on food imports for a long time. It was only in the first years of perestroika that citizens accustomed to the poor showcases of grocery stores were delighted with the rush of various overseas food. That each ethnic group should have its own "native" food,somehow did not think. We filled the counters - and thanks for that.

No, as it turns out only now, not at all thanks! We eat anything that is horrible, including genetically modified foods, on which scientists have not yet said their last word. But we feared the "Chernobyl" origin of food contaminated with radiation like the plague, and we do not notice this one created by genetic engineers. And why is it better?

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In the Russian Primorye, nuclear tests were not carried out, the radiation background is clear, but on you - mutant children began to appear here. Several years ago the Vladivostok newspaper reported that the number of children with early puberty in Primorye has tripled! “Babies mature at three, five, eight years. At this age, they have everything like adults: breasts, critical days and everything else. " Moreover, the mammary glands appear even in boys - this endocrine disease is called "gynecomastia".

In the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and developmental anomalies in general, according to doctors, imported products are most likely to blame. For example, when the government imposed a (albeit short-lived) ban on "Bush's legs", adolescent gynecologists immediately noted a sharp decline in the number of children with early puberty.

In rural areas, where people live mainly in their own gardens, there are much fewer cases of such childhood pathology, and in cities with a food assortment of predominantly foreign origin, it is simply a disaster. “Do not feed your children with any imported rubbish!”, The doctors literally cry.

And what to feed? Chicken legs may turn boys into girls, but in many regions they remain almost the only meat available. And how can a child's body fully develop without it? And can we be sure that according to the new law, all food additives of artificial origin and genetically modified raw materials will be honestly indicated on the labels of products imported from abroad and produced in our country?

In 2000, Greenpeace America published a list of companies using GM ingredients. It includes world-renowned corporations supplying to the world market and to our country, in particular, chocolate products, soft drinks and baby food. The haste with which they started using GM foods is surprising. After all, there is still no direct evidence of their harmlessness. But there are reasonable suspicions that such products can not only negatively affect the quality of food, but also cause allergies, increase the risk of malignant tumors, suppress the immune system and … in the most unpredictable way affect the psyche. No wonder they have already been nicknamed "food of Frankenstein".
