The Paracasians Who Lived 3000 Years Ago In Peru Were Not Human? - Alternative View

The Paracasians Who Lived 3000 Years Ago In Peru Were Not Human? - Alternative View
The Paracasians Who Lived 3000 Years Ago In Peru Were Not Human? - Alternative View

Video: The Paracasians Who Lived 3000 Years Ago In Peru Were Not Human? - Alternative View

Video: The Paracasians Who Lived 3000 Years Ago In Peru Were Not Human? - Alternative View
Video: Inside The Americas - Peru's Radio Bomba 2024, September

Strange elongated skulls are found in different parts of the Earth and I cannot come to an unambiguous conclusion about who they may belong to and whether they can be evidence that extraterrestrial beings could previously visit our planet.

Most scientists and historians are inclined to believe that in ancient times there was a certain fashion for a non-standard head shape and that a child's head was pulled together from childhood so that the shape of the skull was different. But I am not particularly happy with this version, although there is some logic in it. If people did this, then there is another version about the purpose of such procedures and it lies in a different perception and disclosure of a person's potential, than simply in the desire to stand out among other nations and people. But could people of antiquity see such skulls from messengers from other planets and then begin to strive to be like them?


The ancient culture of Paracas is quite unusual and there is a mention of a tribe that lived in these areas about 3 millennia ago. Numerous remains were found, which are also of great interest to scientists and historians. Many of the skulls are incredibly long and that's the point. An ancient mausoleum was found in Paracas, in which there were more than three hundred similar bodies and skulls, and scientists decided to take a sample of the CSN in order to establish the people who could build this tomb. The results surprised many and it turned out that the DNA does not correspond at all to human.

In addition, the brain of these creatures exceeded the brain of modern people by sixty percent, which means that the point is not at all in the deformation of the skull, but such a shape of the head was in these creatures from birth, but who were they? So it turns out that three millennia ago in this area there were creatures that have nothing to do with people?

This is either a completely unknown race that lived with people, or aliens from other planets, neither I nor ufologists have other explanations. But scientists are often silent when they are asked questions about this tribe, as if they do not want to tell the truth. But recently, similar skulls were discovered in Antarctica, and this does not fit into the usual picture of the world. We don't know so much about our past that all that remains is to build versions and hypotheses …