Hunter Mysticism - Alternative View

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Hunter Mysticism - Alternative View
Hunter Mysticism - Alternative View

Video: Hunter Mysticism - Alternative View

Video: Hunter Mysticism - Alternative View

For the most part, hunters are superstitious people and believe in omens. Each of those who go on a hunting, trophy hunt makes an offering to the forest spirits.

In special, sacred places, the hunter sprinkles with vodka, leaves food - in a word, Burkhanite, otherwise he will not have a hunting apron. Meanwhile, the fishermen assure that encounters with the extraordinary, the unknown, occur with them very often.

Hunting bases are usually located in the most convenient places, often farms are built on the site of abandoned villages. The area where people once lived also has its own energy, especially strong if some tragic events took place on this territory.

In the Olkhonsky district, not far from the village of Kurtun, there was a village whose name no one even remembers. In its place, the hunters built a winter hut. No sooner had they built up than They began to come. “They didn’t come to everyone,” recalls Boris Ditsevich, senior researcher at the Sibokhotnauka educational center, the stories of his comrades. - We then analyzed and came to the conclusion that the visions were in sensitive people, the least skeptical.

They are people in white robes, a man with a white beard and a woman with long white hair. No one remembers the features of their faces, but every hunter they came to said one thing - a handsome man, very tall, and a very beautiful woman. White people could come night and day. And everyone who has seen them describes their state as semi-conscious. One day They came to a hunter who was tracking game in the winter forest. The man lost consciousness, he does not remember how much time he spent in the cold, but then he was surprised for a long time that he was not overcooled or frostbitten.

When white people appeared, they asked: “What are you doing here?”, And when they were answered: “We are hunting,” they strictly said: “You cannot hunt here”.

Having decided that the white guests would not just leave, and after the incident in the winter forest they were also dangerous, the hunters decided to call a shaman from Kurtun. He took four bottles of vodka and sprinkled them in the corners of the hut. The ritual lasted more than two hours, during which time the shaman came into contact with white people and found out that they were residents of an abandoned village who died a violent death. What exactly happened to them, the shaman did not say, it is forbidden to talk about it. After the ritual, the souls calmed down and no longer appeared to the hunters.

In another winter hut, black people with disheveled beards were seen, and they were much less peaceful than white ones. In general, the hunters had a bad reputation behind this winter quarters, everyone who spent the night here woke up completely broken, with a head buzzing with pain. People suffered from hallucinations. Once in winter a hunter fell asleep here, who dreamed of black men who began to strangle him. Upon waking up, the man realized that he was actually suffocating. On naughty legs, he got out of the winter hut and briefly lost consciousness. One could assume that the person was poisoned by carbon monoxide, because the stove was heated, but it turns out that the reason was somewhat different.

Promotional video:

- The point is the heater-stove, - explains Boris Ditsevich, - such stoves need to be laid out from pebbles - stones that are taken from the river bank. These were also bedrock stones interspersed with copper, which, when heated, emitted poisonous gases.

Night guest

Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences, lecturer at the Irkutsk Agricultural Academy Oleg Zharov is a man of the old school and is sure that for any incredible story a logical explanation can still be found.

“Often we had to go hunting or carry out some research in the taiga alone,” says Oleg Vitalievich. - So, one hunter spent the night in the winter hut alone, with him was only a dog. The winter hut was heated in black, and when the wood burned out, the hunter closed the vent.

After a while, the flap fell, the hunter, not giving it any importance, put it in place. Soon, the flap dropped to the floor again, and the hunter became worried. The vent was located high, from the street neither man nor animal could reach it, and the dog would have sensed an intruder. The hunter went to bed with a carbine in his arms. Toward morning, when dawn had barely dawned, he was awakened by the sound of a falling flap. Someone blocked the light in the vent, the hunter fired into a dark spot from a gun. After that he went out into the street. A dead owl lay in the snow. It turns out that the bird used the vent as a warm place to spend the night.

Inviolable princelings

Hunters have an unspoken rule - you cannot shoot unusual animals. The spirit protects them especially and punishes for extermination. Excessively large, having a wonderful color, in a word, animals that are different from their fellow hunters are called princelings.

“If you kill the prince, you’ll see no luck,” says Boris Ditsevich, senior researcher at the Sibokhotnauka educational center. - One hunter told how one day in the forest among the trees he saw a white spot. When he approached with caution, he saw a white musk deer. It was, of course, an amazing beast. Usually musk deer have a brown skin color, matching the dark coniferous forest, and this one was albino - with a white skin, pink nose and reddish eyes. Such animals are found 1 in 10 thousand.

The hunter could not cope with the temptation and shot the beast. After that, the hunting fortune left him, and he had to wait a very long time for his next trophy.

“I know another hunter who could not resist and shot a white roe deer,” says our interlocutor, “I don’t remember what followed, but I remember his words well:“I wish I hadn’t done this.”

Boris Ditsevich himself faced such anomalies more than once. During an expedition to the Kalakan River (this is the right tributary of the Vitim), he found discarded moose antlers with a 20-kilogram build-up, an elk skull with a strange bump 15 cm in diameter. Local hunters said that they met red deer with strange growths instead of horns.

Our interlocutor explains the presence of these bone anomalies by trauma to young horns in dense thickets, at the same time the influence of radiation is not excluded. Its percentage is high on some natural solonetzes, which are formed in the places of faults in the earth's crust.