What Does Your Spiritual Development Depend On? - Alternative View

What Does Your Spiritual Development Depend On? - Alternative View
What Does Your Spiritual Development Depend On? - Alternative View

Video: What Does Your Spiritual Development Depend On? - Alternative View

Video: What Does Your Spiritual Development Depend On? - Alternative View
Video: How God Delivered Me From An Occultic Church. Jane Van Zundert and Joshua Amatare. 2021-07-10. 2024, September

Spiritual development for most people is a very ephemeral concept. There are no foundations against which a person can determine how much he grows spiritually. What I mean?

It is difficult to measure how much we have developed spiritually over the past year. Some people believe that it is enough to read the prayer of Our Father a certain number of times to grow up in this regard. In fact, it is not difficult to assess the spiritual growth of a person, but certain knowledge, skills and experience are needed.

Now I want to describe to you one case from my practice. A woman who has been doing yoga for a long time (more than 25 years) approached me with the problem that she has a low weight. She attributed this to the fact that she was doing a lot, but felt that her body was a little dry and stretching became worse, despite the fact that she devotes a lot of time to training, and stretching as well.

After examining her, I discovered that she had a parasitic infection. After we removed it, she noticed that her body became softer, more mobile, more alive. And I want to say that despite the fact that a person did a lot of yoga and read ancient treatises, nevertheless, a parasitic infection appeared in her life.

Later I got to know this woman better, got to know her family. We communicated well, and I learned that there was such a situation in her family that she and her husband divorced, but continued to live with him in the same apartment. And a lot of material benefits were brought into their life / their house by their ex-husband. And this situation, that she lived at the expense of her ex-husband, was reborn in the body into a parasitic infection. Despite the fact that she worked a lot with her body, with philosophizing, understanding and reading. However, her spiritual development at that time failed.

After a while, I was lucky to work with her husband, who, as she said, is a more material and down-to-earth person. Nevertheless, in practice it turned out that he is not so much material as does not reject the material world and prefers to work in society. At the same time, rather as a hobby, he is very professionally engaged in astrology and also yoga, but without working out the body. And I was asked to help him when his back hurt.

After looking at it, I discovered that this is one of the healthiest people I have seen. One of the few people who are doing well with internal organs, with blood, with the work of the nervous system. And the only problem that he had with his body, and because of which I was called to help him, is that his yogi wife convinced him to practice joint practices with her. He just overstretched his tendons in this lesson, and his back hurt.

I am telling this in order to show you that spiritual development is directly related to an integrated approach to your body, with relationships with loved ones, with society. If you ignore any of these factors, then there is a big problem with spiritual development. That is, spiritual growth simply cannot take place in conditions when we have something “sagging”.

Promotional video:

We need to pay attention to all aspects of life. And the first question that must be posed before oneself is: “What do I give to this world? . In the context:

- what do I give to my body?

- what do I give to my loved ones?

- what do I give to society?

And when we honestly answer these questions and begin to work on the identified problems, we truly grow spiritually.

From the Editor: this article was submitted by the reader Elena S., who is engaged in healing and extrasensory perception. The author's style and spelling have been preserved.