Earth - An Ancient Quarry Of An Unknown Civilization? - Alternative View

Earth - An Ancient Quarry Of An Unknown Civilization? - Alternative View
Earth - An Ancient Quarry Of An Unknown Civilization? - Alternative View

Video: Earth - An Ancient Quarry Of An Unknown Civilization? - Alternative View

Video: Earth - An Ancient Quarry Of An Unknown Civilization? - Alternative View
Video: Drones Take You Inside Hidden World Live 2024, October

Today I will tell you about a very exotic version of ancient history, where our planet acts as a huge mine for an unknown civilization.

Once upon a time I already wrote an article on this topic, but now the level of my knowledge has increased significantly, and along with them the quality of presentation of materials and examples has improved.

Let's first figure out where this version came from?

The version about the ancient quarry began to spread along with pictures of mountains with strange traces, reminiscent of machine processing.

The first to ask questions were local residents and tourists who had a chance to see with their own eyes all the weirdness of nature.


Soon, more intelligent researchers took up the question, after which versions appeared about an ancient quarry called Earth.

Now I will try to build a logical chain and show such examples so that you have no doubts about this version.

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Let's start with the fact that in ancient times there was a certain civilization capable of processing mountains on an industrial scale without any problems. This is proven by real examples.

For example, look at the cultivated mountains in Peru.

The pictures below prove that a certain civilization really could process mountains in ancient times on a huge scale.


And the following pictures show a processed diorite mountain.

This, in turn, proves that ancient technologies and tools made it possible to work with rocks of any hardness without any problems.


But I left the most interesting for last.

There is a visual place where the incredible processing of the mountain is shown, followed by the creation of mysterious objects from it. All this is located in China and is now called the Yanshang quarry.

Just take a look at what pieces were cut out of the rocks.


For you to understand, the mass of these blocks is 6, 8 and 16 thousand tons.

Just think about these numbers.


The existence of Chinese megaliths directly proves that in antiquity there were some builders who could work with entire mountains.

Moreover, the weight of their buildings was prohibitive even for our time.

Recently I was fortunate enough to learn about cultivated mountains in Japan.

The scale of production is striking, but scientists continue to either ignore them, or distort the facts in favor of their official versions.


On the one hand, it is difficult to believe in all this, but on the other hand, we have a lot of facts that directly speak about the ancient development.

Often people in the comments ask the question, why did such a highly developed civilization build only from stone? But the answer will be very simple if it turns out that the Earth was just a quarry.


Just imagine for a second if an extraterrestrial civilization discovered some valuable resources on Earth and decided to start mining them. For some time, they transferred equipment here and built the necessary structures.

After preparation, they took resources from our lands and flew away.

Seems fantastic? Imagine our civilization in some 300-500 years. You think we will not do the same if we find a planet with valuable resources, even if it is inhabited by less advanced life forms. I doubt it.

In America, they have already clearly demonstrated on the Indians that, first of all, power is interested in resources, and only then everything else.

Therefore, I do not deny the possibility that our Earth may be just a devastated ancient quarry. That's all.