Ten Monsters Who Scared The World - Alternative View

Ten Monsters Who Scared The World - Alternative View
Ten Monsters Who Scared The World - Alternative View

Video: Ten Monsters Who Scared The World - Alternative View

Video: Ten Monsters Who Scared The World - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Scary Videos to Watch with your Girlfriend... if you had one 2024, June

It's no secret that the fauna of our planet has not been fully studied - from time to time there are reports of the discovery of a new species. There are even creatures on Earth that cannot be classified. The reason is simple: no one has ever been able to catch them. We present to the readers a list of ten such monsters.

1. In August 2009, two New Zealanders with cameras went to the most remote corner of the Mongolian Gobi desert to find evidence of the existence of a monster that no one believes in. The Mongolian "death worm", or, as it is also called by the locals, Allghoi Khorkhoi, outwardly resembles the digestive system of a cow. According to legend, the worm is buried in the sand and, when a potential prey is nearby, hits it with a charge of acid and electricity. The New Zealanders plan to stage a series of micro-explosions to simulate the shaking of the sand as a large animal moves, and then see if the curious worm gets out or not. The researchers are not sure that they will be able to catch the curiosity alive, and, apparently, they do not really want to. According to them, video recording would be enough for them.

2. The world still does not lose hope find Bigfoot or Yeti. There are many legends about these woolly giants: they deem live in forests and mountains, are able to cover huge distances in one fell swoop, steal children at night and steal fish from nets placed by people. In 1967, two Californians made a short "documentary" film of one of these monsters. In America, the excitement began, people poured into cinemas and talk shows. Since then, hundreds of people have tirelessly hunted Bigfoot, but so far without success.

3. Undisputedly the most famous mysterious creature on Earth is the Loch Ness monster. The first mentions of it date back to the seventh century. More than once, scientists dived into the depths of the lake and examined it with sonar, but the giant was never found. It looks like a little more - and the legend about Nessie will finally strengthen in the status of another terrible fairy tale.

4. In May 2001, the capital of India was attacked by unknown creatures, outwardly similar to monkeys, but much taller. The intruders scared the townspeople so much that one pregnant lady fell down the stairs, and two men jumped out of the balcony in panic. All three, alas, died, prompting the police to investigate this strange case. Meanwhile, there were all sorts of rumors among the people: they said that these creatures were Pakistani terrorists, that they were the embodiment of Hanuman, the monkey god. For several weeks after the intrusion by strangers, the streets of Delhi were guarded by reinforced police units, but the attacks stopped as suddenly as they began.

5. In the jungle of the Amazon you can lie in wait for a variety of dangers, but the "terrorist number one" is rightfully considered a giant anaconda. This snake is more than 10 meters long (a record-breaking snake - 11 meters 45 centimeters - lives in the Tokyo zoo), according to the stories of local residents, easily overturns and destroys wooden boats, leaving the passengers no chance of salvation. However, according to scientists, such giants are rare. Most anacondas grow up to a maximum of 5 meters, but this does not stop the adventurers. Indeed, in the jungle, there are still legends about monsters over 30 meters long!

Even Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, believed in their existence and personally promised 50 thousand dollars - an unheard-of amount at that time! - to the one who delivers the giant anaconda, alive or dead, to the Bronx Zoo, which was led by his close friend. The award did not find its hero, although the famous British adventurer Percy Fawcett in 1907 claimed to have seen such a giant, but he did not have enough material and technical means to transport him from the jungle to the United States. Fawcett was unable to finish what he had begun: he disappeared without a trace in the Brazilian jungle.

6. The small monster Chupacabra, whose name is translated from Spanish as "sticky goat", looks like a reptile and a kangaroo. It was first noticed in 1995 by residents of Puerto Rico, claiming that a miniature pest killed more than 150 cows by drinking every drop of their blood from them. Subsequent stories added more and more detail to the image of the Chupacabra: she had eyes and wings that glow in the dark. The monster is still seen in various parts of Latin America and the United States, so TV shows about the paranormal do not remain without new plots.

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7. From a black-and-white horror movie to a spicy romantic saga, the vampire image barely changes. The most famous vampire remains Dracula. Bram Stoker wrote his novel after meeting the Hungarian writer and traveler Armin Vambery. He liked to dress simpler and go on a trip somewhere in the Middle East or Central Asia. Another hobby of Vambery was collecting stories and legends in the Balkan Valley. Most likely, he heard the legend about Dracula Vambery from the Carpathian gypsies.

8. Over the past two hundred years, the jungles of the Congo Basin have been plundered by hunters for Nessie's "relative" - the mythical Mobele-Mbembe, which in Banut means "one who stops the river." Mbembe is similar to a plesiosaur and feeds on plants, the researchers believe. The local population fed the colonial expeditions with stories about a monster, a half-dragon, half-elephant, which leaves deep traces and growls terribly. In 1981, the monster was photographed, but the authenticity of the picture is rather doubtful.

9. In 1832, James Prinsep, one of the most respected scientists in colonial India, was passing through Nepal and noticed a two-legged creature, tall and hairy, which, catching Princep's eye, immediately disappeared. The name "Bigfoot" was given to him only in 1921 - it was then that a British colonel heard about him from his guide while climbing Everest. In 1954, the British Daily Mail sent an expedition to find Bigfoot. It was not possible to find it, but the members of the expedition got hold of several dark brown hairs, presumably from the head of a Bigfoot, which were kept in a remote Buddhist monastery.

10. In Papua New Guinea, hitherto unknown representatives of flora and fauna are still found. These include ropen, a winged reptile similar to a pterodactyl. Or maybe it is he himself. Ropen has become a favorite animal of creationists looking for living dinosaurs in order to prove to the world that the Earth is much younger than it is commonly believed. In 2006, Texan Paul Nation traveled to the mountainous region of Papua New Guinea and camped in a village rumored to nest ropen in the vicinity. The night vigils ended in a complete fiasco: Nation never saw a single ropen.