Meetings With Monsters: Based On Materials From The Primorskaya Newspaper - Alternative View

Meetings With Monsters: Based On Materials From The Primorskaya Newspaper - Alternative View
Meetings With Monsters: Based On Materials From The Primorskaya Newspaper - Alternative View

Video: Meetings With Monsters: Based On Materials From The Primorskaya Newspaper - Alternative View

Video: Meetings With Monsters: Based On Materials From The Primorskaya Newspaper - Alternative View
Video: A More Coordinated Transit Network: Learning From Other Regions 2024, June

In Vladivostok, a monthly newspaper "Nature and Anomalous Phenomena" was once published for several years - alas, in a tiny circulation. Now it is no longer published - alas and alas, twice … Then there are several notes from this newspaper about the meetings of local residents with the unknown.

A resident of the city of Kholmsk Kostrykina on April 14, 1990 at seven o'clock in the morning went to work and suddenly saw a huge orange ball, as if shrouded in fog. The object was flying low over the houses. He soon disappeared behind the roof of a nearby building.

Kostrykina turned the corner of this particular building. In the next moment, a "man" appeared right in front of her, as if materialized from scratch. The tree, near which he appeared out of nowhere, crackled loudly. The "man" rushed to the side, and he did not run on the ground, but smoothly flew over it, making arcuate jumps in the air. After the fourth jump, he disappeared as suddenly as he appeared …

And three years earlier - in April 1987 - two families went to have a rest in nature. We chose a place for a picnic by the lake near the village of Nekruglovo. There, they also met with "someone jumping" - albeit completely invisible.

By Victor Yu.:

- We kindled a fire. We sat next to him, talked. Suddenly I heard the rustle of dry oak leaves that covered the ground. I thought it was a hare running, but with a peripheral vision I saw that some kind of shadow was jumping. Something like a ball on two long "limbs" or "supports". I looked around - there was nobody and nothing, not a hare, not a ball on legs …

Everyone who was sitting around the fire heard a rustle. It was the middle of the day, the weather was wonderful … After a couple of minutes, we all clearly saw how fallen oak leaves began to creep to the ground not far from us. At the same time, some of them rose again by themselves sticking out above the ground. Then the same thing happened in another place - a few meters from the first. And in another. And further…

We counted four, according to our assumptions, jumps that were made by someone invisible, crushing the leaves at the moment of contact of his invisible feet with the ground … I rushed to where all this devilry was going. The guys rushed after me. We did not find anything special on the ground where the fallen leaves were crushed. I had a premonition that the invisible jumping would repeat itself. I took the camera in my hands and froze in place, waiting. A few minutes later there was a characteristic rustle of leaves crushed by my feet, and I clicked the camera shutter.

Promotional video:

But the story did not end there, - says Victor Yu. - After returning home from the picnic, I developed the film shot on the shore of the lake. And on one of the photographs - the one that was taken when the leaves rustled - a certain smoky humanoid figure with arms, legs and head was clearly imprinted. A spherical UFO hung over the figure in the sky. The camera "saw" what the human eyes did not notice. The unique photo was published in the newspaper "Nature and Anomalous Phenomena" (1991. No. 5).

Independent researchers of anomalous phenomena from Vladivostok traveled during their summer holidays to the city of Kremenchug, in Ukraine, where they interviewed a certain Alexander Ivasenko. Here is what he said:

- It happened on the southeastern outskirts of our city. A group of teenagers of thirteen or fourteen years old went to swim on the Dnieper in the evening. Among them was Lena Barkhotina. The guys chose a rather remote place for swimming. The shore there was sandy, overgrown with willow thickets. Not far from the coast, parallel to it, there was a long island, also overgrown with bushes. When everyone went to swim, Lena remained on the shore to guard the things. She stood at the water's edge, facing the river, watching the swimmers.

Suddenly, the girl heard a strange sound from somewhere on the side, similar to the cry of a young child. Turning her head, she saw a strange creature about ten meters away. It froze next to the willow bush. It was about a meter tall and resembled a kangaroo. The creature had small upper limbs and a straight, triangular tail. Lena managed to get a good look at the kangaroo's face: very large red eyes, a small nose, but there were no ears at all.

The newspaper "Nature and Anomalous Phenomena" specifies: "The most interesting thing is that a similar creature was met in Primorye too!.."

Alexander Ivasenko continues his story:

- When the creature made crying sounds, the upper lip on its face rose, and small teeth became visible … "Kangaroo" made a short awkward jump towards Lena Barkhotina. Here the girl's nerves could not stand, and with a loud cry, and right in her clothes, she rushed into the river and ran through the shallow water to the swimming children. Those at first could not understand what was the matter, what Lena was so scared of - they themselves did not see that creature. After hearing her story about what had happened, the guys rushed in a crowd to the place where, according to the girl, a strange animal stood next to the willow bush. There they found on the sand a clear trace of one of the creature's hind paws - three-toed, about 25 centimeters long … How the creature disappeared, where did it go - neither Lena nor her comrades saw.

In the course of a survey of local residents, it turned out that people who came here on vacation in the summer, occasionally found strange footprints on the river bank, and even on a long narrow island. Or rather, extremely strange chains of footprints! The footprints of the soles of children’s bare feet stretched across the sand. After a couple of meters, these tracks began to transform into triangular, and then from triangular to "bird". At the very edge of the water, the chain of "bird tracks" broke off.

The creature that left traces, as it were, was modified in the process of its movement along the sandbanks.

Another example. Primorsky Territory, the Vangou river, from the bank of which - forty kilometers to the nearest village Kievka.

V. G. Ermakov recalls:

- It was a long time ago - in September 1959. Standing on the river bank, for about seven minutes I heard screams such as I have never heard in my life. At first, the sounds resembled monotonous singing, then suddenly turned into heartbreaking "female" screams. And again - monotonous singing. And again - wild screams … And around - a deaf taiga. Dusk. I was not alone on the bank of the river, but together with my brother. His face changed when these sounds were heard. Scary!.. We had two dogs with us. Both of them were born and raised in the taiga. They were not afraid of any beast and never barked in vain. So, when the heart-rending cries of the "taiga devil" began, our very brave dogs seemed to have gone crazy. They howled with fear, huddled at our feet …

As it turned out later, the Chinese Yong Wang Shan, a local resident, a hunter, also heard heart-rending "female" screams on the same day, but an hour later. According to him, it was "the Great Master of the taiga himself squealed, and I have never experienced such fierce fear in my life as when I listened to his fierce cries."

Cries of the "taiga devil" were heard in these parts and much earlier. So, for example, in 1944, the soldiers, camped near the village of Yekaterinovka, saw a huge glowing ball descending from the sky. At the moment the ball touched the ground, heartbreaking "female" screams were heard from the taiga.

The indigenous inhabitants of the Primorsky Territory from among the old-timers remember well that a couple of days after the appearance of the luminous ball, an unknown "snake" strangled several cows near Yekaterinovka. He just strangled him - that's all. The “snake” did not devour the strangled animals. Soldiers and local residents staged a crowded raid - they went in a long chain through the taiga and in search of a mysterious strangler, but they never found him …

The south of Primorsky Krai is rich in unusual representatives of flora and fauna, but there are also reports about creatures that are practically unknown to anyone. About fifty years ago, an encounter with such a creature took place on the Eldagou River, the upper tributary of the Suchan; now this tributary is called the Partizanskaya River. The meeting with the monster is described in the local newspaper of those years. The taiga hunter saw a huge and dark creature falling on him from the top of a tree in a gliding flight. The taiga man fell onto his back, and a creature similar to a man, but with huge wings, flew over him, almost touching him.

The mention of "a man with huge wings" can also be found in Arseniev's books written at the beginning of this century about his wanderings to these very places.

The habitat of the "man with wings" stretches, according to indirect data, from Mount Pedan to Mount Cloudy … In 1988, this creature caught the eye of a group of tourists camped at the foot of Mount Pedan. "A huge" winged man "flew over the tents and the stream. He sank into the thickets on the other side of the stream. The tourists did not dare to go, curious, to the place where the humanoid winged "monster" landed.