The Ufologist Found A Frame From 1947 With An Alien Mummy - Alternative View

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The Ufologist Found A Frame From 1947 With An Alien Mummy - Alternative View
The Ufologist Found A Frame From 1947 With An Alien Mummy - Alternative View

Video: The Ufologist Found A Frame From 1947 With An Alien Mummy - Alternative View

Video: The Ufologist Found A Frame From 1947 With An Alien Mummy - Alternative View
Video: Drones Take You Inside Hidden World Live 2024, June

On May 5, 2015, Mexican ufologist and host of the "Third Millennium" program Jamie Maussan promises to reveal the greatest secret that he has become the owner of.

Jamie Maussan announced that he had genuine photographs taken in Roswell, where the "flying saucer" allegedly crashed in 1947. And he will show them on May 5 in Mexico City - in a hall for 10,000 people. Among those invited are astronaut Edgar Mitchell, NASA specialists and journalists from leading TV channels. Experts confirm: the pictures are genuine and taken in 1947-49.

To stir up interest, Maussan posted a video on YouTube about authenticating old slides. The alien is smeared everywhere. Except for one frame, in which it can still be seen. Ufologists copied this tiny piece and digitally processed it.

A shot in which the "censor" forgot to paint over the image.


The picture shows the small body of a creature with a large head, lying inside some kind of glass showcase. Two people are visible through it. The man is turned with his back, the woman is looking towards the one who was filming. Her skirt and legs are best seen in the lower left corner. They are in civilian clothes. The military is nowhere to be found.

The showcase is made up of standard perforated slats. Behind the creature's shoulder is not a measuring ruler, but a part of the rack. Such slats can be seen to this day in old American museums. Knowing that the holes are drilled every 2.5 cm, you can estimate the growth of the "alien" - about 90 centimeters.

Most interesting is the sign that covers the legs of the creature. This is exactly the plaque: digital processing has allowed us to see four neat lines, with the top and bottom lines separated from the middle lines by wide gaps. Antonio Bragalia, who saw the original, claims that the text was handwritten in red ink, but it is impossible to read it. Most likely, no one tried to apply modern algorithms to the text that increase the clarity of blurry photos.

Promotional video:

Showcase with a mummy and a sign.


“Both shots are slightly blurry,” Maussan admitted. "Maybe the photographer was nervous during the shoot and his hand was shaking."

From the words of Bragalia and Maussan, we also know what we can no longer see. The body is clearly mummified. The head is torn off from the body and only pressed against the neck. One eye is lost, the other is closed, but they are clearly larger than human ones. The nose is small, and there are small holes instead of ears. There are no teeth in the jaws. The chest is open, the contents of the abdominal cavity are absent. Thin, long arms, possibly with four fingers (the hand cannot be fully seen). The skin is pinkish gray.

“The creature is not a classic 'gray' alien, but something else,” says Maussan. - Something closer to us, but at the same time distant. He looks more like a human than "gray" humanoids. Maybe it's some kind of hybrid."

Living eyewitness

After learning that the secret was partially solved, Maussan said: “The pictures that have been circulated on the Internet are genuine, but they are only copies of poor quality compared to the originals, which are much clearer and show a lot of detail. And these are not fakes. We have not limited ourselves to technical expertise of slides. We have an eyewitness - alas, the only one who was in Roswell's hangar in 1947. He confirmed that he saw the creatures depicted on the slides. He's the only one still alive. He is now 88 years old.

He clearly remembers everything. He was summoned to the hangar. The authorities ordered not to consider anything on purpose and to forget what catches the eye, because it is secret. There were armed people in the hangar. Everyone was very nervous. It smelled strongly. To the nausea. One of the aliens was alive. An eyewitness then wondered why the wounded creature was taken to the hangar, and not to the hospital? After looking at the slides, he said that he saw similar creatures, but not exactly like that. Because they were fresh, and the creature captured on the slides has long been dead."

The name of the eyewitness, of course, is not named. Maussan assures that the sprightly grandfather will also be present at the event on May 5.

Slide Find Story

The slides were discovered by accident. In 1989, an unnamed woman cleaned a house owned by Hilda Rae of Sedona, Arizona. The landlady, who died in 1988, was an expensive lawyer. She owned a private jet and sat at the helm herself. Her husband, petroleum geologist Bernard Ray, was the head of the American Institute of Petroleum Geology's southern division. The couple divorced in the 1960s. Bernard was the first to die.

Hilda had no heirs, and the house was put up for sale. Pulling things out to the dump, the woman found a box with slides. Seeing that there were photographs of historical figures from the 1950s, including President Dwight D. Eisenhower, she brought the box home.

Ten years later, she decided to take a closer look at the slides and saw an envelope tucked into a slot under the lid. It contained the same two slides. A woman brought them to filmmaker Adam Dew from Chicago. According to Adam, it was a "friend's sister" who decided: they say, you are a specialist in photography, you should figure it out.

Adam Dew, current owner of the slides (video from YouTube interview).


Dew, instantly sensing the sensation, slipped the document to the woman to sign and became the owner of the slides. To add value to the photographs, he turned to renowned Roswell experts, Donald Schmidt and Thomas Carey. They, in turn, attracted Jamie Maussan to the promotion of the sensation as a great PR specialist.

Mummy or alien?

Ufologist Gilles Fernandez found a similar mummy in Guanajuato, Mexico, where the Mummy Museum is located. But when colleagues saw the slide, it became clear that these are different bodies. Mexican - a mummy of a child with an ugly head. However, it became clear that terrestrial mummies may have unusual features, resembling aliens.

Skeptics suggested that geologist Bernard Ray found the mummy while looking for oil in the desert, and gave it to some provincial museum. It could also be the mummy of a child with an ugly skull who died of dropsy of the brain. The proportions of the "alien" on the slides correspond to the age of two. The head was blown off during the excavation: archaeologists would not have allowed damage to the exhibit, and geologists could use everything, including bulldozers and dynamite.

Comparison of slide (1) with the mummy from Guanajuato (2, 3). Outlined are the shoes on the feet of the mummy and similar objects sticking out from behind the plaque on the slide.


The final point in the protracted dispute will be set only on May 5, when specialists receive the originals, or at least high-quality copies of the slides. Maybe we'll even read the tablet. And if it says "The Alien Who Crashed Near Roswell in 1947", the world will never be the same again.


Vladimir LAGOVSKY: What if a "flying saucer" with aliens really crashed in the USA?

Not surprisingly, a former American astronaut, Apollo 14 crew member, Dr. Edgar Mitchell was invited to the presentation of the sensation. Several years ago, news agencies and newspapers circulated around the world his revelations, which sounded in an interview with British radio.


“I was lucky enough to touch the fact that our planet was visited and that UFOs are reality,” said an astronaut who walked on the moon in February 1971.

According to Mitchell, they are like us. And they do not differ much from the traditional image known from films and drawings: the aliens are small, with large heads.

Eyewitnesses told the astronaut that the military picked up four bodies. It followed from the interview that the roots of the sensational recognition of the ear