Throne Of The Gods - The Mysterious Royal Tomb Surrounded By Giant Sculptures - Alternative View

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Throne Of The Gods - The Mysterious Royal Tomb Surrounded By Giant Sculptures - Alternative View
Throne Of The Gods - The Mysterious Royal Tomb Surrounded By Giant Sculptures - Alternative View

Video: Throne Of The Gods - The Mysterious Royal Tomb Surrounded By Giant Sculptures - Alternative View

Video: Throne Of The Gods - The Mysterious Royal Tomb Surrounded By Giant Sculptures - Alternative View

Mount Nemrut is an impressive and mysterious place located on one of the peaks of the East Taurus (Taurus) mountain range, at an altitude of more than 2000 m above sea level, in southeastern Turkey.

Many people know this ancient place as Nemrut-Dag, a temple tomb and house of the gods, built by the Hellenistic king of Commagene Antiochus I, as a monument to himself. The mountain is decorated with fragments of huge statues built over 2000 years ago.


To prove the equality of the gods, Antiochus I ordered the erection of an artificial hill 50 meters high on the top of Mount Nemrut. At the foot of the "pyramid" were installed statues 8-9 meters high, depicting him surrounded by gods.

Among the many massive statues of Greek and Persian gods, Antiochus I was the foremost place. He chose this special place, wishing to bring himself closer to the gods, and hoping that he will forever be remembered as the king who built a magnificent religious sanctuary.


The monumental figures of the deities seated on their thrones were the most important element of the entire ensemble. The backdrop for their rows, placed on a podium carved into the rock, was a man-made mound of rubble. The five central figures represented the gods. On both sides of the podium were pairs of guardian animals - a lion and an eagle. At present, a pair of animals from the southern part completely collapsed and fell to the foot of the podium, and from the northern pair only a fragment of an eagle has survived.

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Opening of the Nemrut-Dag complex

The unique mountain peak was discovered in 1881 by the German road engineer Karl Suster.

East terrace on Mount Nemrut, altar, stepped pyramid
East terrace on Mount Nemrut, altar, stepped pyramid

East terrace on Mount Nemrut, altar, stepped pyramid.

Despite the sensational discovery, Mount Nemrut has waited for over half a century to rekindle the interest of researchers. In 1939, the author of his doctoral dissertation on the Kingdom of Commagen, Friedrich Karl Derner, arrived in eastern Anatolia and began a systematic study of the mountain. However, excavations did not begin until 1953, when the American School of Oriental Studies conducted accurate surveys of the site.


According to scientists, Nemrut has not attracted sufficient scientific attention due to its specific historical and geographical conditions. The mountain was “too eastern” for classical archaeologists studying the civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome, and at the same time “too classical” for orientalists.

Mysteries of the Royal Hill

Archaeologists believe that ancient secrets are hidden inside the mountain that hides the tomb of the king of Antioch. In addition, there are numerous legends about the treasure hidden at the top of the hill.

An artificial mound on Mount Nemrut
An artificial mound on Mount Nemrut

An artificial mound on Mount Nemrut.

However, the truth about the tomb and possible treasures was not revealed during archaeological research, which lasted more than half a century. Even the use of dynamite, which only lowered the mound by 5 m, showed nothing useful.

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient rampart that experts say indicates a unique knowledge of the advanced astronomy of the people of that period. It moves along a slope at an angle of 35 degrees and has a length of about 150 meters. Computer analysis showed that two days a year, the sun's rays illuminate the bottom of the mine: once in accordance with the constellation Leo, the other with Orion.

Stone heads

The magnificent statues of Nemrut are located in the first degree earthquake zone, very close to the East Anatolian fault, which is seismically active.

West Terrace on Mount Nemrut, head of King Antiochus
West Terrace on Mount Nemrut, head of King Antiochus

West Terrace on Mount Nemrut, head of King Antiochus.

Therefore, mounds, statues and steles are vulnerable. The height of the pyramid has been reduced from the estimated original 60 m due to weathering, previous uncontrolled exploration and the rise of visitors.

West terrace, head of Zeus
West terrace, head of Zeus

West terrace, head of Zeus.

West terrace, heads of Hercules and an eagle
West terrace, heads of Hercules and an eagle

West terrace, heads of Hercules and an eagle.

Once upon a time, giant figures were intact. Today, stone heads of the gods, separated from the statues, are scattered throughout the complex. They never recovered. After numerous earthquakes and destruction, the heads look as if they were deliberately cut from the body.

The monument to Antiochus I on Mount Nemrut is a convincing proof of the megalomania of this ruler, who considered himself equal to the gods.