X-Files On Aliens - Alternative View

X-Files On Aliens - Alternative View
X-Files On Aliens - Alternative View

Video: X-Files On Aliens - Alternative View

Video: X-Files On Aliens - Alternative View
Video: The Real 'X-Files'? 2024, October

We all know the sacramental phrase "the truth is somewhere nearby" from the American television series "X-files", dedicated to the work of FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully in the "X-Files" department. This Friday, together with a professor of the paranormal and author of the bestselling book "How to Run the Universe Without Attracting the Attention of Orderlies," we decided to sort out this complex issue. Perhaps the facts below will lead you to believe that aliens are already among us.


One night, a mysterious UFO light sliced through the night sky of St. Louis, USA. The subject was filmed on camera at around 2.30 am from two cameras located on the roof of the house.


Weak argument? Then let's go over the most important UFO evidence in the world. Let's start with the Hill family.

1. Betty and Barney Hills of New Hampshire claimed to have been abducted by aliens and thoroughly examined aboard a UFO on September 19, 1961.


During the abduction, Betty asked the alien: "I know that you are not from this planet, but from where?" He showed her a map indicating the star from which he flew. The couple returned safely to Earth. Has grown old and died. Already in modern times, scientist David Saunders has discovered that the map is very similar to the Zeta system in the southern constellation Reticuli. It is likely that the couple were indeed abducted and were telling the truth.

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2. An unidentified flying object crashed on a ranch northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, sometime during the first week of July 1947. For a long time, the front pages of leading newspapers were full of testimonies of witnesses and eyewitnesses.

3. Years before the term "UFO" became popular in popular culture, Evelyn Trent was feeding rabbits and noticed a flying saucer hovering over her farm. This happened on May 11, 1950. Her husband was able to quickly capture her with a 35mm camera. The resulting image has become the most famous and controversial photographic evidence of the presence of aliens on our Earth.


4. In 1977, 14 schoolchildren witnessed a cigar-shaped spaceship in an open field near their school. Several local residents witnessed the event, and Mirror Online discovered in its investigation that the Department of Defense of England allegedly tried to cover up the incident.

5. According to the residents of the Kalinovy settlement, everything began on a thunderstorm night on August 13, 1996. It was then that the lonely pensioner Tamara Prosvirina received a "telepathic order" to get up and immediately go to the cemetery. There she found the one who called her: from behind the mound a small creature with huge eyes was looking at her. She took him to her, calling him "Alyoshenka". After a while, the lodgers discovered that the creature was already dead. All this could be attributed to the woman's insanity, but the existence of "Alyoshenka" was confirmed by many witnesses and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the local department.


6. The most unique evidence of the existence of UFOs is the testimony of the first head of the Republic of Kalmykia and the President of the International Chess Federation Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. The meeting with the humanoids took place late in the evening on September 28, 1997, when Kirsan Nikolaevich was getting ready for bed, but suddenly noticed how the balcony door opened, where there was a translucent pipe that stretched to the balcony. The tube housed aliens in yellow spacesuits. Kirsan Nikolayevich was able to ask questions of interest and return home safely.

Subsequently, a member of the State Duma from the LDPR party, Andrei Lebedev, sent a deputy request to the President of Russia, in which he expressed concern that the head of the Republic of Kalmykia, being a carrier of classified information, could transfer it to representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.

We hope that you draw your own conclusions and make a compelling case in the comments. The truth is somewhere near. Have a nice weekend and great mood.