An Introduction To Scientific Magic - Alternative View

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An Introduction To Scientific Magic - Alternative View
An Introduction To Scientific Magic - Alternative View

Video: An Introduction To Scientific Magic - Alternative View

Video: An Introduction To Scientific Magic - Alternative View
Video: Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth 2024, October

New science

Today I started a new stage in my life - I am writing my first article on the topic of Vedic psychology or scientific and practical magic - call it whatever you like. But it works. And it helps to overcome problems, attracts material success, health, love, builds relationships with people and fulfills desires. It sounds rather strange, but it is.


To begin with, I will mention one very important point - I have always believed in science, in physical laws, in some purely practical and material things. She was skeptical of various mystics, omens, conspiracies, etc.

I still consider a lot of charlatanism and delirium, but I became convinced that this practical magic, some practices that allow you to change your life - this is also science. It is still nascent, so far known only to a few - but this is a real science. And these are the same laws of physics, only not yet discovered and not formalized "officially". But they work, 100%.

For example, people in the 18th century did not use electricity, nuclear power plants, steam engines, computers, or vibratory concrete pavers. But this does not mean that the earth's electric or magnetic field did not exist. They just weren't applied out of ignorance.

But we can even now widely apply these "magic" physical laws, which have not yet been included in textbooks and have not become a wide object of study. They work - and this is the main thing. And there is a certain positive energy that is inside and around us, and using it, you can change your life, heal diseases, attract money, be just happy in the end. There is also negative energy that can destroy us and those around us, and it is important to be able to neutralize it.

I came to this whole topic for a reason, but studying the civilizations that I have been doing for many years. I read many books, articles on this topic, searched for the most ancient texts and sources, I myself went on several expeditions in search of traces of the past. And I am firmly convinced that once upon a time there was a great civilization on our planet, to the level of development of which we have not yet reached.

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She knew a lot - to build huge buildings, fly into space, she knew how easy it is to overcome gravity or cut a rock like butter. But, most importantly, she studied a person very well, knew his nature, knew how to heal diseases and had a clear set of certain instructions on what a person should do in order to be happy and healthy.

We still meet the remains of this great knowledge, they miraculously survived after the collapse of this civilization. And there are a lot of them, and sometimes we are not even aware that we have some kind of set of ancient scientific knowledge. They are just so ancient that they went to the people, became folklore. In some proverbs, we can see traces of the past, the deepest secrets of the Universe, and I will often quote them in my articles on this topic. And more than once I will return to the topic of this ancient knowledge, which has been partially preserved around us.

I will add that I have always been interested in the biographies of celebrities, wrote many articles, and while studying the destinies of great people, I also noticed some curious nuances and patterns that led them to success or oblivion. And I will share some of my observations on this topic.

Besides, in addition to the most ancient treatises, I constantly follow the news from the world of science. And I see that the latest scientific discoveries are getting closer and closer to those ancient knowledge - we are catching up with civilizations that have gone into the past.

I have many friends-scientists who are engaged in genetics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, and I often consult with them about some of my research, trying to merge the secrets of the past and discoveries of the present. And many of them admit that the ancients knew much more than is believed in our world.

Safety engineering

But before we get down to scientific magic, let's discuss one very important point - safety. Scientific magic brings concrete benefits, changes lives, but they must be used very carefully and start small. Because this unknown energy that is in and around us can be very dangerous.


Nuclear energy can also be useful - generate heat, heat houses, be used to move submarines and icebreakers - or it can kill all life around.

Electricity is irreplaceable - our modern life is unthinkable without it. But if you touch a bare live wire, it will kill you.

It is important to be able to use this great energy and "not stick your fingers in the socket" - then everything will be fine. Since this energy has not yet been studied at all, few people know (if at all) how to use it.

I have seen people who performed real miracles using this energy, often without realizing it. But she destroyed them themselves. One healer I know had a frenzied, irrepressible energy. She knew how to heal very serious diseases, many were charged from her, like from a battery. But as a result, she herself fell ill with all imaginable and inconceivable diseases - because she did not know and did not know how to neutralize the negative energy coming from others, and to restore her, given energy.

And there are a lot of such examples. Therefore, remember that you are working with very complex and still little studied energies, with which you have to be very careful and act relying on your common sense.

Another important nuance - all these things work if they resonate with you. Do not blindly follow any advice and rules, especially if they go against your true desires and needs. You do not need to force yourself, your psyche, doing what causes you rejection - this will only aggravate your problems, you will only lose your already weak energy on this. It is necessary to apply in your life what resonated in your soul, what made you feel - yes, this is mine, yes, I want to do it!

And you do not need to use advice that destroys what is dear to you in reality, what brings joy. I once read a story about how a certain woman began to blindly follow the advice of a Vedic psychologist and, as a result, lost her good and beloved husband, because he could not endure her constant moralizing that one should live completely differently.

Properly understood advice does not destroy good families and deprive true friends - it only strengthens connections and relationships. But do not forget that if you begin to change your life, then fragile structures can fall apart - for example, if you work in an unloved job just for the sake of money, then you can lose it. Or destroy a family that is kept "on snot", exists, for example, only for the sake of the status of a married woman, and in which there is no real love.

I would like to add one more point - many people are looking for some ideal life teachers in whom everything is fine. But I noticed this moment - the best advice comes from people who have had many problems in their lives. They seem to be chosen by the universe as whipping boys and are undergoing many tests. And they on their own skin experienced many problems and now they know perfectly well how NOT to do it. There is a Russian proverb - for one beaten two unbeaten give. And it is suitable for this case too. And I just also belong to these beaten, and from an early age. Many will find a lot of imperfect in me personally and in my life, but I often think - what a pity that I did not know in my youth what I read and learned after 40 years - how many mistakes I would not have made then.

But the most important thing in my life is that after experiencing many trials, problems, illnesses, lack of money, hunger, betrayal of friends and much more, I learned to almost constantly experience the joy of life - the same as in early childhood, when you are happy that you are and happy just like that. I think it's worth a lot - and I want to teach this to other people as well. Moreover, in fact it is very simple. And I will share with you these helpful tips …

N. Trubinovskaya