Anomalous Zones In Space - Alternative View

Anomalous Zones In Space - Alternative View
Anomalous Zones In Space - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Zones In Space - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Zones In Space - Alternative View
Video: Is NASA Hiding A Second Sun? 2024, September

It is customary to call anomalous zones certain places on the planet, where phenomena occur periodically over a long period of time that cannot be explained from the point of view of official science or even simple logic. Very often in the media such places are called "damn", "devilish", "bewitched", "damned". Only in some cases is it possible to speak with confidence about what are the reasons for the occurrence of a particular phenomenon and the time of its appearance, in most cases the age of anomalous zones is determined approximately, based on the study of ancient legends and historical records. It should be noted that there are no generally accepted hypotheses about how such zones arise, just as it is not known how they work.

In addition to the Earth, anomalous zones also exist outside of it, in space, but their presence is not yet widely discussed. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that our planet is not unique in terms of the presence of anomalous places. So, in particular, with the help of telescopes and automatic probes, Black and White spots were found on all giant planets, for which modern science has not yet found an explanation, anomalous places on the Moon were discovered. There is no direct evidence, but only suggestions that such places are also present on Mars (Acidalian plain).

When the first cosmonauts made successful launches, many thought that there were not many surprises in space, and that soon it would reveal all its mysteries. However, further flights have shown that being in zero gravity can be fraught with many surprises not only for astronauts, but also for scientists. In addition, the flights themselves were also not easy, but this became known not so long ago. So, for example, Yuri Gagarin heard melodies in orbit. Vladislav Volkov experienced exactly the same auditory hallucinations during his five-day stay in space in 1969. Many astronauts, according to them, saw some kind of monsters and monsters in space, which seemed absolutely real to them. There are also many rumors about what the American astronauts saw when they landed on the moon. They themselves had no right to tell anything, because they signed a non-disclosure document. However, many of them fell into depression, many became deeply religious people, and some even stopped any relationship with the space agency altogether. Perhaps the only one who dared to talk about his feelings on the moon was Edwin Aldrin, who announced that during the landing he was attacked by cosmic dust that penetrated his brain, thereby disrupting his mental and nervous balance.who stated that during the landing he was attacked by cosmic dust, which entered his brain, thereby disrupting his mental and nervous balance.who stated that during the landing he was attacked by cosmic dust, which entered his brain, thereby disrupting his mental and nervous balance.

By the way, speaking of the Moon: there are many anomalous zones here that the cosmonauts had to deal with. One of these places is the so-called Plato's circus - a round plain stretching for hundreds of kilometers and surrounded by mountains. As a rule, only about 10 percent of all anomalous phenomena that generally occur on the Moon occur in this place, but sometimes something incomprehensible happens there, and then the share of Plato's circus increases several times. NASA data indicate that similar activity was observed there in 1869-1877 and 1895-1927.

The greatest mystery of Plato's circus can be considered the so-called "spotlight", which can occasionally be observed there. He is able to shine for tens of minutes with an even light. For the first time such a phenomenon was noticed by the Italian astronomer Francesco Bianchini in December 1686. Then there was an eclipse of the moon, through which a streak of red light broke through. The impression was that someone was struggling with the darkness that had come. For the second time, the astronomer was lucky to see something similar only after almost four decades.

Later, in 1751, a strip of yellow light at the bottom of Plato's circus, immersed in darkness, was seen by three people at once, among whom was J. Short, a famous astronomer from Scotland. Selenographer T. Elger mentioned the strip of light in their writings in 1871, astronomers F. Fout and L. Brenner in 1895. In the twentieth century, a similar phenomenon is mentioned at least seven times. In addition to light, sometimes there are also references to a temporary bright point of light. In particular, the inhabitants of the German town of Manheim in January 1788 noticed this point exactly in the place of the moon where Plato's circus is located.

It is worth noting that no scientific explanation for this anomalous phenomenon has been given to date. It is only obvious that no lightning in the dust-gas mixture, nor the clouds of gas thrown from the depths of the Moon into vacuum, are not capable of provoking a point glow that would have lasted unchanged for at least a quarter of an hour. In order for a point of light to illuminate the entire surface of the circus, it must be at least seven hundred meters above the bottom surface. Therefore, the idea of the existence of an artificial light source arises …

Another anomalous place on the Moon, the glory of which has deservedly eclipsed the glory of Plato's circus, is the so-called Aristarchus crater. In one of the old books this phenomenon was described as follows: on the mountain you can sometimes see a light point. According to some scientists, this point is the fire of a fire-breathing mountain, and one scientist even suggested that there is a hole in the moon. Despite the fact that modern science has proven the absence of lunar fire-breathing volcanoes and through holes on the Moon, mysterious yellow and blue lights still appear. So, for the period 1866-1867, a similar phenomenon was recorded five times. The point of light did not disappear for almost 2 hours, and was even mistaken for a lighthouse fire.

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Later evidence of a "star" in Aristarchus crater also exists. In particular, in 1870 in Aristarchus, against the background of darkness at night, a strip of light and several points could be observed. A day later, the blue lights reappeared.

By the way, various light phenomena were repeatedly observed on the Moon. The earliest of such evidence is a report by J. de Louville, an associate of the Paris Academy of Sciences. It dates back to 1715. While observing a lunar eclipse, the scientist was able to see flashes or tremors of light rays from the western side of the moon. These flares were short-lived, but always appeared from the direction of the Earth. In addition to Louville, at the same time E. Galley observed similar flares in Britain, which made it possible to exclude the version about the possibility of an accidental superimposition of a meteor trail on the Moon. Later, a similar glow was observed several times: in 1737, near the Sea of Crises, in 1738, something similar to lightning appeared on the lunar disk, in 1821 - light stripes were seen on the dark side of the moon,in 1824 - a strip of light about 20 kilometers wide and about 100 kilometers long appeared in the Sea of Clouds. Light phenomena on the moon were also noted in 1842, 1865, 1877, 1888, 1902 and 1965.

It should also be noted that not only streaks of light and flares were observed on the Moon. Sometimes there are also reports of unidentified flying objects. Most often we are talking about luminous points, in particular, a group of objects captured by the Clementine probe in March 1994. However, there are much more interesting observations.

In particular, in April 1979, a long, bright object could be observed on the Moon, which cast a clear shadow over one of the lunar craters. The object was about 18 kilometers long and about 1.8 kilometers wide. The ends of the object looked like points. In August of the same year, a second similar object could be observed, but in the area of another crater. This time it had a wing equal to one fourth of its length. The length of the object was about 40 kilometers.

Most often, such objects were observed over the Sea of Tranquility. All objects were light or dark spots that moved hundreds of kilometers over several hours.

All these cases cannot be explained by the appearance of dust clouds raised by the impact of the meteorite, because the fall of the meteorite causes a symmetrical release of the soil. In addition, one cannot also say that these are gas clouds, since they are not able to move over distances of more than 20 percent of their radius. In addition, all these objects were non-spherical. These objects could not be debris that remained from past lunar expeditions, because, according to the calculations of scientists, they should have left orbit within a year. Thus, there are only two assumptions - either a small comet or a UFO …

A few words must be said about the above-mentioned Acidalian plain and red spots.

The Acidalian Plain is on Mars. It is located between Arabia and the volcanic region of Tarsis, north of a place called the Mariner Valley. The famous district of Kydonia is located here. The plain got its name from one of the details on the map of J. Schiaprelli. The depth of the plain is approximately 4-5 kilometers. Judging by the geological features, it can be assumed that volcanic activity was observed here. It is believed that the basis of the soil of the plain is black sand, which arose from the erosion of basalts. Ice is observed over the surface of the region. The valley gained its fame thanks to the widespread opinion that there were artifacts of extinct Martian civilizations, among which the "sphinx", "face" and "pyramids" can be noted. Apart from this, there are other details,which arouse considerable interest of scientists, in particular, the "pipes" that can be observed in photographs taken by the Mars Global Surveyor apparatus.

The Great Red Spot is a kind of formation on Jupiter, which has been observed for 350 years. It was first discovered in 1665 by G. Cassini. Before the Voyagers flew into space, most astronomers were convinced that these spots were of a solid nature. The slick is about 25-40 thousand kilometers long and 12-14 thousand kilometers wide. At the same time, the sizes are constantly changing, but the general tendency suggests that they are moving towards reduction. So, for example, about a hundred years ago, the size of the spot was almost twice as large as today. Despite this, it is the largest atmospheric vortex in the solar system. As for the red color, scientists have failed to explain its nature until now. There are, however, suggestions that phosphorus chemical compounds give this color to the stain.

In addition to the Great Red Spot, other spots can be observed on Jupiter, but their sizes are much smaller. They are usually brown, white, or red and have been around for decades. Despite the fact that similar phenomena were recorded in both the northern and southern hemispheres of the giant planet, stable samples are for some reason only in the southern. The oval of the large red spot was formed in the period 1998-2000, after the merger of three smaller white ovals. The new formation was initially white, but in 2006 it acquired a brownish-red color.

Similar spots, besides Jupiter, exist on other giant planets, in particular, on Neptune. A large dark spot is very similar to a red spot. It was first discovered in 1989 by Voyager 2. Like Jupiter, this is an anticyclone, but its life span is much shorter. A large dark spot resembled our planet in size. There are suggestions that the spot is a hole in the methane clouds of the planet Neptune. This spot is constantly changing its size and shape. In 1994, when trying to photograph this phenomenon with the Hubble telescope, the spot on Neptune completely disappeared. At the moment, scientists are observing a new spot that appeared several years ago and was named the "Great Northern Dark Spot".

Thus, space, as Vladimir Vorobyov, an employee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, says, is a book that mankind is currently trying to read, but, despite all his efforts, he managed to master only the first page of this huge and endless multivolume …