Japan Will Conduct The First Tests Of The Concept Of A Space Elevator - Alternative View

Japan Will Conduct The First Tests Of The Concept Of A Space Elevator - Alternative View
Japan Will Conduct The First Tests Of The Concept Of A Space Elevator - Alternative View

Video: Japan Will Conduct The First Tests Of The Concept Of A Space Elevator - Alternative View

Video: Japan Will Conduct The First Tests Of The Concept Of A Space Elevator - Alternative View
Video: Are Space Elevators Possible? 2024, June

A team of Japanese scientists from Shizuoka University, as well as other organizations, is going to conduct the first experiment associated with the idea of developing a "space elevator" - a device that can theoretically connect the Earth and the space station with a special cable, which in the future will open up new possibilities in the output of payloads to low earth orbit; and the delivery of people.

This is the first time such an experiment will be conducted in space. Before scientists begin to create a full-fledged "space elevator", they will have to solve many engineering and scientific issues associated with the development of special, high-strength cables with which the space elevator will be raised into orbit. The experiment should take place in the coming days.

Within its framework, scientists want to use two ultra-compact satellites-cubesat (dimensions 10 × 10 cm), which will be launched into orbit using the N-2V launch vehicle. The satellites will be connected to each other using a 10-meter steel cable, on which an impromptu blank will be installed, which will act as an elevator. With this set, the Japanese want to prove the reality of the "space elevator" theory.

The essence of the experiment is to stretch the same elevator along a cable 10 m long. The wire will be suspended at this time. Cubsats, in turn, are needed in order to keep the cable taut. The space elevator will begin its journey along the wire from the container, inside which the launch vehicle will deliver the satellites into orbit.

It will be possible to track the movements of the "space elevator" using cameras installed on satellites. However, experts note that even if successful, the Japanese will not yet come close to the end point of the "space elevator" project.

The launch of the N-2V carrier rocket with two satellites on board is scheduled for September 11.

The first idea of a space elevator was proposed by the Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky back in the 19th century. Then, about a hundred years later, this topic was "raised" again in his work by the British science fiction writer Arthur Clarke. In the minds of modern scientists, such a device will be able to deliver people and goods into orbit at speeds up to 200 kilometers per hour. According to preliminary calculations, the total cable length of a full-fledged space elevator will be about 96,000 kilometers. According to Japanese scientists, the project to build a space elevator could cost the treasury 10 trillion yen, which is roughly the cost of the maglev train project, which is planned to connect Tokyo and Osaka. At the same time, experts say,the cost of delivering 1 kilogram of weight into orbit using a space elevator is estimated at several tens of thousands of yen (or approximately 1/100 of the cost of delivering the same volume using a space shuttle).

According to scientists, the most important challenge in the implementation of the idea of a space elevator is the development of a suitable high-strength cable along which this elevator will move. Such a cable should have good shielding against high-energy cosmic rays. According to the researchers, carbon nanotubes can serve as an excellent base material for such a cable. Another challenge to think about is the delivery of electricity from Earth to orbit. In addition, it will be necessary to somehow solve the problems of space debris and take into account the factor of a possible collision with micrometeorites.

Nikolay Khizhnyak