Does An Underwater Civilization Exist? - Alternative View

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Does An Underwater Civilization Exist? - Alternative View
Does An Underwater Civilization Exist? - Alternative View

Video: Does An Underwater Civilization Exist? - Alternative View

Video: Does An Underwater Civilization Exist? - Alternative View
Video: 5 Underwater Discoveries That Cannot be Explained! 2024, September

The territory of our planet is two-thirds covered with water, everyone knows that. Perhaps our planet should not have been called Earth, but something else, for example. Water or Ocean. Despite the fact that we have a lot of water, water remains an aggressive environment for us to this day. We have learned to swim in half on the surface of the water, not very fast, but still …; we learned to dive, not very deep, true, and only with scuba diving, but still …; we have learned to dive in large and bulky devices relatively deep, but for a not very long time, so, for a little bit. We can say that we are lightly scratching the surface of the most powerful, insidious and generous environment in our world.

After a while, we got bored of living alone on our planet. No friends, no brothers, according to reason. We started looking for them. We are trying to find some extraordinary worlds, we come up with some incredible theories about parallel worlds, sometimes forgetting that next to us, literally two steps away, perhaps there is a civilization that not only caught up with us in its development, but also surpassed. What is this mysterious civilization, which seems to be near us, but, in fact, so far away that we are not yet able to reach it?

This is a civilization of underwater inhabitants.

So it all started with Atlantis

How many copies were broken in disputes: was Atlantis or was it not? Someone argued that Plato did not see or hear anything, and that his mention of Atlantis is just a late insertion. True, it is also not entirely clear to whom, and why, it was necessary to insert false information. Writers developed fertile ground and gave us a decent amount of really good and quite realistic novels about Atlantis, about the Atlanteans, about an underwater civilization. But “the boom on the underwater theme somehow died down by itself before the UFO invasion.

Now only the lazy does not write about UFOs and space. There are films and TV series about UFOs. In short, UFOs eclipsed the glory of Atlantis. But in vain. Many facts show that, if not the descendants of the Atlanteans, then at least those "brothers in mind" whom we unsuccessfully seek in the sky, live and act side by side with us. Or maybe they are also trying to contact us? We just don't understand them? Should we lower our gaze from heaven to the water, or rather, under the water …

In March 1966, the US Navy Institute conducted long-range underwater communications tests. An antenna almost a kilometer long was laid along the continental shelf. It stretches for about one hundred and fifty kilometers from the east coast of the United States, then abruptly ends, and further begins the deepest regions of the Atlantic. There was a ship at sea with locators lowered to the bottom to catch signals. The experiment began, and then something incomprehensible began. First, they received the signal itself, then something like a repetition of the signal, like an echo, and some strange, seemingly encoded messages. The experiment was repeated several times with the same result. Signal, signal "echo", incomprehensible message.

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“… One got the impression, one of the experiment participants later admitted, that someone there, in the depths, received our signal, imitated it in order to attract our attention, and then began to transmit his message on the same wavelength. We spotted the source of these signals and found that it is located in one of the deepest regions of the Atlantic Ocean, where the depths approach 8000 meters. Attempts were made to explain these phenomena by reflection of signals from underwater waves of different densities, and the experiment was terminated as a failure.

It was officially closed, but in fact, research continued. Why, but because the signals transmitted through the computer of that time showed that the “echo” signals cannot be the “echo” itself, due to the fact that they are not a repetition of the primary signal. Consequently, there was some other, coded transmission in an incomprehensible and unknown language!

Thirty years later, in 1996, the same signals were passed through Pentagon computers. How these messages were deciphered, the US Navy is stubbornly silent. It is only known that after this, studies of both the bottom itself in this area of the Atlantic and all possible options for methods of long-distance underwater communication were noticeably intensified.

In November 1972, Norwegian patrol ships registered an unknown submarine in their coastal waters. An attempt was made to contact the boat in order to determine its ownership, but it was moving at a speed of about 150 knots (250-280 km / h) !!! Currently, the speed of the most powerful nuclear powered submarines in a submerged state does not exceed 35-45 knots (60-80 km / h). Following unsuccessful attempts to make contact, an attempt was made to depth-bomb an unidentified submarine in conjunction with a NATO fleet patrol. According to acoustics, after the volley was fired, the boat very quickly sank to a depth of about 3 kilometers and disappeared from the radar screens. For reference: the depth of the Norwegian Sea is almost 4 kilometers, and the immersion depth of a nuclear submarine is a maximum of 2 kilometers!

Nothing was reported about the consequences of this operation, but it became known that during the bombing, all electronic equipment, all communications, including sonar stations, were out of order. Whose apparatus was it?

Another, well-known, already canonical case, which the US Navy refuses to explain to this day. In 1963, off the coast of Puerto Rico, the US Navy carried out maneuvers to work out actions to find and identify enemy ships. The maneuvers were attended by: the aircraft carrier "U smallpox", five escort ships, thirteen submarines, naval aircraft. They tested the latest device for detecting submarines, it was towed on a cable by one of the aircraft. Submarines in this area were maneuvering in the "silent running" mode. After a while, according to the hydroacoustics on the escort ship, one of the boats seemed to have broken formation and began to deviate from the intended route. The operator made the assumption that this is one of the "traps" for which such maneuvers are so rich. Confused by one thingthe boat was sailing at a speed of about 100 knots (about 180 km / h)!

The submarines began pursuing the alleged enemy, despite the fact that they could not catch up with the "enemy", tk. their speed was a maximum of 30 knots (about 60 km / h) -. After some time, the pursued submarine sharply increased its speed (I) and plunged almost 6 kilometers (!) With a record speed and speed. The immersion depth of a standard submarine is a maximum of 1.5 kilometers. Subsequently, according to the reports of acousticians on the submarines themselves, chasing a "deep-sea ghost", as the journalists dubbed this submarine, an approximate "portrait of it was drawn up." The cigar-shaped form, with strongly pointed ends, 30-35 meters long, is very maneuverable, apparently, inertia is practically reduced to zero, it has some kind of single device giving it a stroke. The speed is truly fantastic - over 280 km / h or over 150 knots! Probably,can develop more that it is not fixed. The immersion depth is not known, but exceeds all known standards. They can be practically invisible to radars and locators.

Currently, the intelligence of the US Navy is seriously concerned about the increased incidence of the appearance of unknown vehicles off the coast of the United States. Despite the strictest secret regulations, Art. if such devices are found near the areas of maneuvers, or other areas of operation of American or NATO ships, do not take any hostile actions, nevertheless, sometimes collisions do occur.

During maneuvers in the Pacific Ocean near Indonesia, where depths reach 7.5 kilometers, noises from a submarine were recorded, differing from the noise of standard boats taking part in the maneuvers. An attempt was made to bring one of the boats of the fleet closer to an unidentified boat. As a result of the boat commander's mistake, an American submarine collided with an unknown boat. A rather strong underwater explosion took place. According to the data received from the locators of neighboring ships, both ships sank.

The ships that took part in the maneuvers had the necessary equipment to lift victims from great depths, from damaged submarines. The rescue team was promptly launched, whose task was not to lift and rescue the crew of the submarine, but to search for any parts, and in general any objects from an unknown ship. It was possible to lift from a rather shallow depth several pieces of metal that resembled fragments of the periscope of an ordinary boat, as well as something that looked like a piece of sheet sheathing.

Just a few minutes after lifting the finds aboard the flagship, acoustics reported that at least 15 signals from unknown and unidentified submarines were recorded in the disaster area. One of the signals was estimated to be about 200 meters long! An order followed to immediately suspend the maneuvers, special attention was paid to the categorical prohibition to respond to any enemy actions. It was emphasized - for any. Even if they might seem hostile. The arrived submarines immediately tightly blocked the location of the disaster, creating something like a dome cover.

When one of the American submarines made an attempt to get closer to the crash site, almost all of its instruments went out of order at the same time. With great difficulty, the boat managed an emergency ascent.

The disaster zone was tightly blocked for all types of locators. There was a kind of white, empty spot. Attempts have been made to establish contacts with unknown and elusive submarines. There were practically no responses to the signals. Practically because after transmitting a series of signals, which were supposed to serve as an attempt to establish contact, one separated from the bulk of the unknown boats and, having described a circle that included all surface ships, joined its own. It was noticed that at the moment the boat passed under the ships, all locators and communications equipment stopped working. After the boat was removed for a long distance, the instruments resumed their work. After a few hours, the signals of the mysterious submarines disappeared from the radar screens. Not only the remains of someone else's submarine were not found at the crash site,but also the remains of an American submarine. The scientists had fragments in their hands, which they managed to quickly pick up. After research in the CIA laboratories, it was concluded that the composition of the metal is not known, and some elements do not occur on Earth at all. After the examination, any questions on this topic were suppressed by the Pentagon and the US naval intelligence in the bud.

In 1997, the Australian Navy's Kalmar bathyscaphe surveyed the Bellingshausen Basin. The depth of the hollow is about 6. kilometers, the device went over the bottom at about 40 meters. His movie camera captured an incomprehensible oval shape, radiating a strong inner light. The contours were clearly outlined, thereby immediately filming the version of the phosphorescence of the rotting remains of any creatures, the film was studied by scientists at the University of Melbourne, as well as by specialists from the naval forces. There was only one conclusion: buildings of artificial origin. Literally a couple of weeks later, we re-surveyed the same area. The camera did not record any buildings, except for a fairly flat bottom. It is not known what was recorded on the film.

If we assume, based on the above facts, that a developed civilization with a powerful submarine fleet really lives on the seabed, then it becomes uncomfortable and scary.

It's good if this civilization has good intentions, but if not?..

Maxim Bulle