Jules Verne: The Amazing Predictions Of A Science Fiction Writer - Alternative View

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Jules Verne: The Amazing Predictions Of A Science Fiction Writer - Alternative View
Jules Verne: The Amazing Predictions Of A Science Fiction Writer - Alternative View

Video: Jules Verne: The Amazing Predictions Of A Science Fiction Writer - Alternative View

Video: Jules Verne: The Amazing Predictions Of A Science Fiction Writer - Alternative View
Video: The History of Sci Fi - Jules Verne - Extra Sci Fi - #1 2024, October

Jules Verne (1828 - 1905) is widely known today as the father of science fiction. Instead of following in his father's footsteps as a lawyer, Verne became interested in literature, and his fascination with books led him to become a writer.

His science fiction stories were based on science and technology, and he inspired generations of scientists, inventors and explorers. What is really remarkable is that many of Jules Verne's predictions came true and he was actually able to predict the future. It's fair to say that he was in many ways a man ahead of his time. Here are some of Verne's inventions that have come true.

1. Electric submarines

The Nautilus is an amazing submarine created by Captain Nemo of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.

In his novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Jules Verne introduced us to an electric submarine, which he called the Nautilus. It had a properly decorated dining room, as well as other possible luxuries. It was a bit like other submarines, such as the three-passenger Alvin, which was powered by lead-acid batteries. The submarine in the novel was also fully powered. If we read the novel, we see that the main character, who was Captain Nemo, tells us the details of the submarine as "a powerful agent, obedient, fast, lightweight, suitable for any use and reigning supreme on board my ship."

On behalf of his naval protagonist, Verne conceived what was essentially an "all-electric" ship, at a time when the first practical uses of electricity were only a few decades and a century before the construction of such ships became possible. …

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2. News releases

In his book "In 2889," Verne wrote that "instead of the chronicle of the Earth, subscribers talk every day, who, based on interesting conversations with journalists, statesmen and scientists, learn the news of the day." This is a remarkably accurate prediction of what a modern news release is like.

The Associated Press claimed that the first newscast began after Verne introduced it.

3. Solar sails

Jules Verne suggested a light-engine spacecraft in his novel From Earth to the Moon in 1865. Scientists of the modern world call this technology solar sails. Verne is believed to be a visionary writer who gave his predictions and expectations about modern technology prior to their actual time.

Modern scholars think that he predicted many things that happened because he read and talked a lot with people and he knew what was happening in the world around him.

4. Lunar modules

Jules Verne also predicted the present lunar module. In his book From Earth to the Moon, he described "projectiles" in which, he said, a car could be used to transport passengers to the Moon. He describes it as a cone-shaped capsule. Vern imagined that "the big cannon will fire and you will have enough force to break through gravity."

This is another prime example of how Verne's ideas about how you do things have always been grounded in material realities.

5. Skywriting

Verne used to spread his attention to everything in his environment. Advertising was one of them. In his essay In 2889, he described "atmospheric advertisements."

He said that "everyone noticed these huge advertisements bouncing off the clouds." "They are so large that they can be seen by the population of entire cities or even entire countries."

6. Videoconference

Verne came up with an idea of how people who sit in two distant places and look at each other can maintain communication. In his book In the Year 2889, Jules Verne described a "phonotelepot" that is akin to our video conferencing technology. He wrote that the phono-telephone allows "to transmit images using sensitive mirrors connected by wires."

7. Taser

Jules Verne had the ability to relate to all the insignificant things in his environment. Although the main interest was aroused by cars, he did not leave weapons either. He gave the idea for a pistol that delivers a strong blow. In his book Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, he wrote: "It was an electronic control device." The taser of the modern world is very similar to the presented idea.

Verne wrote that the balls sent by his pistol were not ordinary balls, but a small glass case. These display cases are covered with a steel case and weighed with a lead ball. These are real Leyden bottles. He also said that “in them, electricity is forced to experience a very high voltage. At the slightest shock, they are discharged, and the animal, no matter how strong it is, falls dead."

Today Verne is remembered not only because he was a great storyteller, but also because he was a genius with a great scientific curiosity who predicted many inventions. There is no doubt that Jules Verne was a man ahead of his time.

Mikhailov Alexey