Science Fiction Writers See The Future - Alternative View

Science Fiction Writers See The Future - Alternative View
Science Fiction Writers See The Future - Alternative View

Video: Science Fiction Writers See The Future - Alternative View

Video: Science Fiction Writers See The Future - Alternative View
Video: Science Fiction Writers Who Predicted The Future 2024, October

One of the founders of the genre, Jules Verne, predicted not only space travel, submarines, helicopters, but also artificial satellites and guided missiles with a jet engine. HG Wells described the laser in The War of the Worlds. And many such prophecies have been made. What other predictions about the future hide the pages of famous science fiction writers?

In When the Sleeper Wakes up, H. G. Wells described the home videotape recorder, Earth Armadillos predicted tanks, War in the Air focused on the use of aircraft in battle, and World Liberated painted a grim prospect of nuclear war.

One of Wells's most popular novels, The Time Machine, resonated with free explorers, scholars, and writers. It was not for nothing that the legendary writer and encyclopedist Jorge Luis Borges admired Wells's work. However, his interest in the concept of time was further fueled by the studies of the English philosopher and aviator John William Dunn.

After analyzing the phenomenon of prophetic dreams, Dunn came to the conclusion that in fact a person in a dream moves into his future along the fourth spatial dimension, similar to the time dimension. Later, having experimented with time on himself and on other people, Dunn became convinced that he was right and wrote the book "Experiment with Time" about it.

According to Borges, Dunn believes that “each person is given in a dream a bit of individual eternity, which allows him to see the immediate past and the near future. The dreamer looks at all this with one glance, as if God observing the cosmic process from his immense eternity "- and thus becomes like the Creator."

Meanwhile, disputes over the possibility of creating an apparatus with which it would be possible to travel in time do not subside until now. Moreover, history knows a number of factors that make one think: maybe the time machine already exists and even operates?

In January 1899 in Connecticut (USA) and in January 1905 in various parts of England, the appearance of "savages" with an incomprehensible speech was noted.

In 1950, in Times Square, New York, a strangely dressed man suddenly appeared in a stream of fast-moving traffic on the roadway.

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The driver did not have time to brake and hit him, causing the unknown person to die on the spot. The police carried out the most thorough investigation and came to a mind-blowing, but undeniable and indisputable conclusion - the deceased had inexplicably arrived from the past … His data were precisely established and irrefutably proved: in 1879 this man went out for a walk and did not return. Archival documents confirmed that for many years he was listed as missing.

On September 27, 1989, on the outskirts of Voronezh, while walking in the park, a 16-year-old teenager disappeared in front of an astonished crowd. He returned after about forty minutes, but he looked much older. According to doctors, his age was approximately 25 years. The guy couldn't explain anything.

Albert Einstein faced the phenomenon of time during the Second World War during the famous "Philadelphia Experiment", which ended tragically. Einstein immediately destroyed all the records and declared that experiments with time were extremely dangerous.

Russian scientists from the Moscow Aviation Institute of the Plant. Khrunichev in the early 90s of the XX century, they tried to create the first working model of a time machine. In experiments with the improved model, the clock placed inside the apparatus fell behind by exactly four hours, and the instruments recorded magnetic oscillations four hours before the start of the experiment.

In 1991, chemical engineer, philosopher and inventor Yuri Kunyansky said that with the help of his time machine, one can travel to any era not only of our Earth, but also of the Universe.

The technical basis of a time machine is the interaction of electromagnetic fields of certain frequencies and amplitudes. And its essence is in a new philosophical understanding of time. Time, like space, has an extension, which means that it leaves the possibility of movement along it.

According to Kunyansky, everything in the world is interconnected, if space is surmountable, time should have absolutely the same quality. The main thing is to create the conditions required for this.

According to the author of the bold hypothesis, everything was calculated before him. He only pieced together scattered data. Even DI Mendeleev defined weight as the interaction of masses. The interaction is electromagnetic. If so, it is necessary to calculate the frequency ratio in which the object, that is, the time machine, emitting certain frequencies by its own generators, would create a total electromagnetic vector that neutralizes the gravitational one. Then there will be "unweighing" and the ship will not weigh anything.

A minimum of energy is required to accelerate it, but this is in theory. Engineer Kunyansky claims that it is possible to create such a ship in practice.

Having ensured the "unweighing", it is necessary to proceed to the next task of accelerating and moving the ship. For this, Kunyansky suggests using a laser. Given that the structure is weightless in flight, its maneuverability can be instantaneous.

But where to get energy? According to the author's calculations, the power of a small battery is sufficient for this. It will provide electricity for a frequency of 7 hertz. Having subsequently created a potential difference: the ship's hull - a generator, it is possible, under certain conditions, to obtain a current with a voltage of 50,000 volts. This will be enough for everything else. The power of such energy can be observed in nature.

“Let's take the Earth,” says Yuri Kunyansky. - Geophysicists have long been observing the planet's electromagnetic fields with a frequency of 7 hertz. There is also a potential difference between the Earth and the ionosphere, resulting in lightning. In other words, the Earth itself is a kind of time machine."

Unfortunately, they did not believe in the project of a time machine in the early 90s, the theory was challenged, the project was closed, and now, it seems, they have completely forgotten about it. Although who knows, maybe the production of the time machine is kept in the strictest confidence, and it has long been ready? The answer to this question awaits us in the future …