Crystal Skulls - Alternative View

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Crystal Skulls - Alternative View
Crystal Skulls - Alternative View

Video: Crystal Skulls - Alternative View

Video: Crystal Skulls - Alternative View
Video: Crystal Skulls, Healing, Donna Eden & How To Live Long And Healthy | Vishen Lakhiani 2024, September

In 1924, the expedition of the famous English archaeologist and traveler F. Albert Mitchell-Hedges began work on clearing the ancient Mayan city in the humid tropical jungles of the Yucatan Peninsula (at that time - British Honduras, now - Belize). Thirty-three hectares of forest, which had swallowed up barely guessed ancient buildings, were simply burned out to facilitate excavations. When the smoke finally cleared away, the participants of the expedition had an amazing sight: the stone ruins of a pyramid, city walls and a huge amphitheater for thousands of spectators. With the light hand of Mitchell-Hedges, the name of Lubaantun was fixed to the ancient settlement, which in translation from the Mayan language means “City of Fallen Stones”.

Three years passed, and on his next expedition, Mitchell-Hedges took his young daughter Anna … In April 1927, on the day of her seventeenth birthday, Anna discovered an amazing object under the rubble of an ancient altar. It was a life-size, highly polished human skull made of the finest quartz crystal. Its weight was 5.13 kg with a very decent size - 124 mm wide, 147 mm high, 197 mm long. True, he lacked the lower jaw, but three months later, literally eight meters from the place where the skull was found, she was also found. It turned out that this crystal piece is suspended on perfectly smooth hinges and starts to move at the slightest touch.


After some time, researchers drew attention to the fact that in ancient Indian legends as many as thirteen crystal skulls of the "Goddess of Death" are mentioned, kept separately from each other under the watchful eye of priests and special warriors. Naturally, their search began, which soon yielded results. Similar skulls were found in the storerooms of some museums and from private individuals. And not only in America (in Mexico, Brazil, USA), but also in Europe (in France), and in Asia (in Mongolia, Tibet). There were considerably more than thirteen skulls. But not everyone was as perfect as Mitchell Hedges. Most of the skulls looked much rougher. It seems that these were later and not very skillful attempts to create something like the perfect skulls, which are believed to have been given to people by the gods.


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It turned out that Midgel-Hedges was not the first author of such finds: back in the late 80s of the last century, a crystal skull was found in Mexico by one of the soldiers of Emperor Maximilian, now on display in the British Museum. This specimen differs significantly from the Lubaatun specimen - despite the similarity in size, it is less transparent, less detailed, and the lower jaw is fused with the skull.

Another rough "copy" of the crystal skull is in the Museum of Man in Paris. She appears under the name - "the skull of the Aztec god of the underworld and death."

Another completely human skull (“Max”) is of interest. Owner Joan Parks inherited it from a Tibetan monk who used it to heal people.

And finally, one of the latest finds, reported in August 1996 by FATE magazine. In the winter of 1994, a rancher near Creston, Colorado, USA, while riding her horse, noticed a shiny object on the ground. Picked it up. It was a human skull made of transparent glass or crystal. However, the extremely hard material is crumpled and twisted as if it were previously very malleable. Where it came from and why it was so disfigured remains a mystery to this day.


Research results

The most detailed research went to the find of the daughter of Midgel-Hedges.

At first, art critic Frank Dordland took up the study of the skull. Upon close examination, he discovered in it a whole system of lenses, prisms and channels that create unusual optical effects. Thanks to her, the eye sockets began to glow when, for example, a torch or a candle was installed under them (a similar effect is also observed in some other, more perfect finds, in which skillfully made prisms and lenses are also present).

Dordland made several plaster copies of the skull and a huge number of photographs using a microscope and special attachments. The researcher was struck by the fact that no traces of processing were visible on a perfectly polished crystal even under a microscope. He decided to seek advice from the famous firm "Hewlett-Packard", which at that time specialized in the production of quartz oscillators and was considered the most authoritative for the examination of quartz.

A study carried out in 1964 in a special laboratory of the Hewlett-Packard firm showed that the skull was made long before the first civilizations in this part of America. The place where the skull was made turned out to be a mystery: neither in Mexico, nor in all of Central America there is not a single deposit of rock crystal; its only source could only be quartz veins in California, but rock crystal of such high quality is not found in these places at all.

But the most striking discovery was that the "antediluvian" skull was made from a single crystal. Moreover, contrary to all known laws of physics. Here's what one of the company's best experts, engineer L. Barre, said about this:

His colleagues agree with the expert's opinion. In order to prevent the skull from falling apart during processing, the most precise analytical methods were needed: the cuts should be strictly oriented relative to the crystal growth axes. However, the manufacturers of the mysterious find did not seem to care about this problem at all - they triggered the skull, ignoring all laws and regulations. The professionals at Hewlett-Packard were left wondering: “This damn thing just shouldn't exist. Those who created it have no idea about crystallography and fiber optics. They completely ignored the axis of symmetry, and this thing inevitably had to fall apart during the initial processing. Why this did not happen is impossible to imagine. However, the fact, as they say, is obvious: the crystal skull is a reality,which anyone can see in the Museum of the American Indian.


One of the most respected researchers of crystal skulls, Frank Joseph, wondered if there was a "prototype" for the "Mitchell-Hedges" skull and what would the owner of this skull look like? For the purity of the experiment, this task was entrusted to two independent groups: the New York police laboratory, specializing in the reconstruction of faces from skulls, and a group of psychics who "connected" to the skull in a trance state … Both independently stated that "the prototype the crystal skull was the skull of a young girl. The portraits obtained by both groups turned out to be very similar (see picture on the left).

In recent years, psychics have taken up the study of the skull. They found that the skull changes color and transparency, and sometimes suddenly surrounds itself with a 45 cm glowing halo. In addition, it emits low, high-pitched sounds that are very similar to the ringing of silver bells. From time to time, an incomparable smell begins to emanate from a mysterious object, causing the people present to feel thirsty. When psychics touch its surface in different places, they experience distinct sensations of heat, cold, or certain vibrations, as if some source of energy is hidden inside the skull.

Several years ago, the psychic Star Johnson conducted a series of sessions with the skull "Max", during which he telepathically communicated with an extraterrestrial civilization.


Ancient legends told of strange rituals associated with crystal skulls. Thirteen clergymen were supposed to simultaneously peer into "their" skull. Tradition says that in this way the priests could see any secrets - not only what happens in other places, but also the past and the future, right up to the end of the world. Legends also said that the initiates could see the day of the return of the gods in the turtles …

Today, some researchers suggest that the crystal skulls found were made in Atlantis and only miraculously survived the catastrophe. And supporters of the hypothesis of space paleocontacts consider the skull to be the creation of aliens.

Some scholars believe that the ancients used them for medicinal purposes. Thus, Joan Parks, who inherited the crystal skull "Max" from a Tibetan monk, claims that the latter has been very successful in using the skull to heal people. Observations of researchers and questioning of eyewitnesses have shown that crystal skulls do somehow affect those who approach them. And on different people - in different ways. Some experience discomfort and incomprehensible fears. Some even faint and lose their memory for a while. Others, on the contrary, strangely calm down and even fall into a blissful state.

There is a strong belief that crystal skulls also have mystical properties. Psychics and highly sensitive people amicably assure that the skulls evoke special, almost hypnotic states, accompanied by unusual smells, sounds and vivid visual hallucinations. However, not only especially sensitive, but also ordinary people claim that at times they saw how a skull in the dark began to glow or fill with a "white fog", and then "mysterious images of people, as well as mountains, forests, temples and darkness" appeared in it …

There is also a version that the skulls acted as recipients and conductors of the collective unconscious, that is, that heritage of feelings and knowledge that always circulates in space in the form of energy.

Possible further directions of research

Crystals have a remarkable property: they have their own memory. This is largely due to the fact that the crystals have a rigid structure. Each mineral has its own, purely individual spatial lattice. The arrangement of particles inside this lattice, although quite stable, is not ideal and not stable. They can shift from external influences, and from this the crystal lattice takes on a unique shape, that is, it becomes a kind of chronicle of the events that took place during the formation and growth of the crystal. And if there was an instrument on which it was possible to reproduce what was recorded, then the "chronicle" would be decipherable.

In addition, energy transitions in a crystal can be used in a similar way. The simplest energy memory of crystals is demonstrated to us by the effect of luminescence, that is, the ability of a crystal to glow under the influence of external energy exciting it.

There is also a noteworthy phrase in the description: “… a kind of prism carved into the back of the skull, at its base, so that any ray of light entering the eye sockets is reflected in them. Look into his eye sockets and you can see the whole room … . To some, this resembles the working fluid of a laser device. Of course, this similarity is extremely distant, but still …

The optical properties of the skulls and the lenses and prisms contained in them are also prompting the idea of the possible use of holographic technologies. It is easy to check this: it is enough to irradiate the skull with a laser beam at different angles with variation of the laser frequency and analyze the output signal. If the skull acts as a carrier of information, then at some directions of the laser beam, this information can appear in the output signal. Although it is not at all necessary that this information will have the form of a holographic image. It is possible that the analysis of the output signal will require additional decryption efforts.