Stone Artifacts About Which Little Is Known - Alternative View

Stone Artifacts About Which Little Is Known - Alternative View
Stone Artifacts About Which Little Is Known - Alternative View

Video: Stone Artifacts About Which Little Is Known - Alternative View

Video: Stone Artifacts About Which Little Is Known - Alternative View
Video: Indian artifacts pocket effigies 2024, September

Probably, in the entire history of excavations and archaeological research, specialists have come across whole mountains of stones, differing in their structure, size, shape and other characteristics. But these stones, which will be described in the article, are slightly different from the rest. And now we will open the veil of secrets of their history.

So, let's start with the "Stone Book" or as it is also called: Gal Pot. This stone is located in Sri Lanka, in Polonnaruwa. In this place, a large temple complex is enclosed, where this exhibit is contained.

Its dimensions are quite weighty - 9m x 1.5m x 50cm. And the weight reaches an impressive 25 tons. The caretakers of the complex claim that the stone was brought here thanks to elephants from Mikhintale, which is located a hundred kilometers from the current position of the artifact.

Descriptions of the deeds of King Nissanka Malla are engraved on the Stone Book. And if you look at the end of the stone, then between the two elephants you can see the goddess of prosperity and welfare Lakshmi.


The image on the stone is worked out in such detail and detail that it becomes incomprehensible how the ancient masters achieved such detail if they had only hammers and chisels, and the perfect symmetry indicates more that the drawing was applied by a certain apparatus rather than a human hand. He looks so perfect. But the official version says that hard work is everything.

Stone of Destiny (Stone of Destiny) or Skun's stone:


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At first glance, this stone is unremarkable.

An ordinary block of sandstone weighing 152 kg, but there is an assumption that this particular stone was part of the pyramid at Saqqara. It is better known as the Scottish coronation stone.


The Skunk Stone is a sacred relic of Scotland. After all, according to legend, it was this stone that became a pillow for Jacob, and when he slept on it, he saw a majestic staircase reaching heaven and angels who walked up and down it.

Over the years, the monarchs of England and Scotland have been crowned on this stone, and even the kings of Dal Riada have also been crowned on it.

But, unfortunately, not everything was so good for Scotland. In 1296, King Edward Long-Legs of England took this stone as a trophy and brought it to Westminster Abbey. There he was placed under a wooden throne (the throne of St. Edward), where later the coronations of the English monarchs took place.


Stone discs are the next artifacts of the past that undoubtedly deserve your closest attention. You may be asking, "What is so surprising about them?"


If you carefully examine these artifacts, you will see that their surface is perfectly sanded and a special delicate pattern is applied to this polished surface. and it's almost like a CD in size (the only center section is slightly thicker).

The thing is that these discs are cut from jade. This stone, which even with modern technologies, is very difficult to process. After all, any impact will lead to the fact that the stone will split corny. The only option from modern tools can only be a diamond cutter (but after all, the ancient craftsmen did not have diamond cutters).

Similar discs have been found in China. The material from which they were made is also jade and the age of these discs is 2000-2500 BC. e. There is one more small surprising detail on these finds: on the surface of the disc there are small hemispheres located at the same distance and almost perfect in shape.


So how did they cut jade without diamond cutters? A riddle to which scientists have not given an intelligible answer.