UFO Or Play Of Nature: Stone Discs Can Be Extraterrestrial Artifacts - Alternative View

UFO Or Play Of Nature: Stone Discs Can Be Extraterrestrial Artifacts - Alternative View
UFO Or Play Of Nature: Stone Discs Can Be Extraterrestrial Artifacts - Alternative View

Video: UFO Or Play Of Nature: Stone Discs Can Be Extraterrestrial Artifacts - Alternative View

Video: UFO Or Play Of Nature: Stone Discs Can Be Extraterrestrial Artifacts - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

Recently archaeologists often find stone discs that resemble flying saucers, but scientists still cannot figure out their purpose, and therefore tend to attribute them to the play of nature. However, many experts consider them to be extraterrestrial artifacts left by aliens for posterity.

For the first time, a mysterious object was found near the city of Belovo in the Kemerovo region, when a coal mining company was removing rocks that hid minerals. Then workers at a depth of 40 meters noticed a 200-kilogram stone miracle, after which video and photos from the scene were published on the networks. Previously, tusks belonging to mammoths were found on this site, but they were located higher than the ancient artifact. The disk was immediately handed over to scientists, who found out that the composition contains mudstone and calcite, and he himself had lain in the ground for 260 million years. Then the researchers of anomalous phenomena and UFOs drew attention to an unusual find, which was first at the disposal of science. Until now, the found analogs simply disappeared and could be extraterrestrial alien ships.


They argued their words with a different composition of the stone, which for such a long period of time could simply destroy its real molecules, replacing them with natural substances. Only he was able to maintain the primary form, which needs research. Then scientists were going to scan an object with a laser to find information, and ufologists advised them to check the structure that could have its inclusions. The journalists did not wait for the results of the experiments, because they decided to simply hide them from society, and the artifact took an honorable place in the Kemerovo museum. All events took place in 2015, but the history of the discs did not end there. A new analogue was discovered during the study of the Medveditskaya ridge, which has become the most popular anomalous zone in the country. Fireballs often rush here, destroying forests in their path,and also there are fireballs flying over underground tunnels, after which they are replaced by UFOs.


Specialists of "Kosmopoisk" have already noticed 10 stone disks of 4-meter diameter on the territory, and this artifact had impregnations of metal. Analyzes have found tungsten in the ancient object, which does not belong to natural formations. Therefore, it may be an extraterrestrial technology left behind on our planet. UFO scientist Scott Waring has often mentioned such metal seen in UFO crash sites, and identical disks are found on Mars. Before such events, Chinese builders in Huangu were preparing a site for a mine and removed strange objects with perfect shapes. This news caused a sensation in the media and discussion among scientists, where skeptics attributed the findings to natural phenomena. They hypothesized about the rivers that created masterpieces of stone, and also suggested that they could be the ancient weapon of the people. But the huge weight of the objects debunked this opinion, because only giants were able to lift them.


In the 30s, the scientist Zhi Pu Tei, together with his colleagues, during an expedition on the border with Tibet, discovered a burial with small mummies, near which there were disks with inscribed mysterious signs. Then it became known about the aliens who landed here in ancient times and became gods for the local tribes. The new finds have caused controversy among the luminaries of science, who categorically do not want to recognize their alien origin. They are confident that ordinary stone could pass through a nodule, where the space between the particles is filled with cement. As a result, it takes on a variety of forms, including UFOs, but such hypotheses were immediately questioned by their colleagues. Nature can work wonders, but it is not perfect enough to create the perfect look for an item by adding a rare metal. Skeptics consider objects to be ordinary household objects of antiquity,but many researchers believe they were used for other purposes.

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The ancient people had contact with aliens, which has already been confirmed by many historical documents, so that they could make a kind of aircraft of the gods descending to earth. But who could be the master of such a miracle? Humanity then did not have high technology or it was helped by the teachers of civilization who lived before its emergence. Then the legends of the Atlanteans or Hyperboreans become reality, because they really existed before the global catastrophe that destroyed their opponents. Also, disks could be made by humanoids, supporting their cult, after which they were placed in temples. They foresaw the death of earthlings and left extraterrestrial monuments for posterity, so that they always remember who brought knowledge here and protected their ancestors, taking care of their improvement. Perhaps these teachers will still visit Earth in the future,in the meantime, questions about ancient miracles remained unanswered.

Author: Irina Reshetnikova