Asura - Slandered Titans Of Light - Alternative View

Asura - Slandered Titans Of Light - Alternative View
Asura - Slandered Titans Of Light - Alternative View

Video: Asura - Slandered Titans Of Light - Alternative View

Video: Asura - Slandered Titans Of Light - Alternative View
Video: CRIUS - Titan God of the Constellations #GreekMythology 2024, September

In one of his books, a certain author (we will omit his name, but on his forum he calls himself Az) wrote the following about the asuras:

"it was a cannibalistic state and it was ruled by the Inhumans:" Many escaped them, giants, not like people."

In the Vedic texts they are called Asuras. Asuras in the cosmic plane are antagonists of Suras - solar gods, from the word Surya - the Sun, Asuras are adepts of Darkness, Chaos and Destruction, the second meaning is demons, Destructors, Executioners in human form. Asuras may have good education and even good manners, wear ties, and not even know that they are Asuras, but they are Inhumans."

- (my answer) - I have the first question - why do you then call yourself AZ?

Here is Ace - I will easily explain. For the Ases (Aza) - they are the Asuras - Light Ases (ur-light) - are my ancestors. And the Aryans and Slavs in general. Otherwise, the Slavs would not have spoken from ancient times the pronoun in the first person Az, As, and the Germans did not have a saga about Asah - the ancestor gods on Earth.

We (As, for example) live in Asia, the country of the Aes. Favorite goddess of the Slavs - Lada - she is Azovushka, the Swan Princess who has brothers-God Tyry, titans … yes, Asia retreats to the East. Once it was at least throughout the continent. BEFORE Zeus-Yahweh kidnapped Europe … and from there, from the west, the crusaders, the blacks, the conquerors of the culture of Judo-Christianity began to press "drang nah ost".

--- In Slavic mythology, Asa is the Solar dynasty of Yasuns - the light, heavenly gods - and the Lunar dynasty opposing them, Dasuni - the dark, underground, night gods.

Yasun's knowledge was called Yasna. Hence the expression "bring CLARITY." Yasna - the scripture of Ases, later renamed VEDA (that which leads, guidance) for those who do not have a CLEAR CONSCIOUSNESS, who do not see.

Promotional video:

In the mythology of the Slavs, Germans, Iranians, Asa, Asura are bright gods, heroes, civilizers, teachers.

This is the Dasyu, the Hindus are enemies. After all, today they are run by Dasuni, the moon gods, who demand dasya - service, slavery. Krishna, for example, is directly called the god of the lunar dynasty.

But Rama (Veles) is solar.

And the Asuras, even in Hinduism, were not cannibals, they were Rakshasas. You may be strong in Egyptology, but apparently not so much in Vedism, in particular Indian.

Of course, Hinduism made the asuras - bad, because the suras - striving for light, consumers of light, energy eaters - and not at all "solar", otherwise where will you go to the moon gods: Chandra, Indra (Zeus-Perun-Jupiter-Yahweh), Krishna, etc..? The sunny, light gods are just asuras. And they are opposed by cunning and thieving suras, the lunar dynasty of the gods. The suras became the “good” GODs of Hinduism because in historical science, good always triumphs over evil. Whoever won is good. For history, or rather Propaganda, is written by the winners …

Even in spite of the fact that this was the beginning of the degradation of humanity into half-animals and slaves, the era of darkness, the domination of the parasitic gods.

You YOURSELF, it seems, do not like gods-masters ….?

Moreover, if we take AVesta (the original message) of the Iranians - then they have just Asuras, (Ahura, Ashura) - for people, and the sura-gods are enemies of humanity and tyrants.

The main of the first, Ahur Mazda (Asur the Wise) is a bright hero.

In the primary sources, just Asa, Asuras are called the first, primordial. Which, by the way, means the very word Az, As (original, master, master, best) - it is not for nothing that this is the FIRST letter of the Russian alphabet. Note that Buki (gods) follow in the trail of Azam. Learn AZA, my dears …

We even look at the Sanskrit-Russian dictionary:

asura - 1) living, divine, spirit, deity. 2) enemies of the gods

asurya - spiritual, divine, demonic, divinity, spiritual world.

it is noticeable that even in India, burned by the gods, the asuras are not so unambiguously negative. Although they are assigned the role of demons in the paradigm of God-abiding Hinduism….

Although if we trace the etymology of the term Demon itself, Daimon is a genius, one who has surpassed the gross mind. This is exactly what the titan-asura-demons were.

And the whole civilization of India was built by them - the asuras. For example, the best palaces in the era of Magabarata were built by the Maya asura - he also built a palace of miracles for the Pandavas in Indraprastha.

And when Lord Krishna came and arranged the battle on Kuruksetra, this civilization collapsed. For she held on to the brahmanas (lords of brahma), on kings and leaders such as Drona, Bishma, Karna, etc. And Krishna does not even hesitate, openly says: “I created this war to destroy all asuras, for they do not worship me!”… and according to Indian mythology, Kali-yuga begins just from the time of the end of the Battle of Kurukshetra, which was muddied by Krishna, the founder of the first openly Godrabic religion.

So who is God Krishna and who are the asuras - those who do not want to bow to him? …

Or are you more lovable than half-hearted Hare Krishnas with their Baba, mind-numbingly zombie religion, who also swear asuras?

Where is that Great India now? Where are the Krishna flying vimanas and whitmaras? (they say that they are heirs of the Vedic culture. In fact, fanatical slaves of the One who just destroyed this culture). Where are the technologies for creating pure iron (have you heard about a several thousand-year-old pillar made of pure iron?), Where are the lords of brahma, where is the rise of thought, technology and arts? And this is all - in the distant, pre-Krishna past India, which, left without great men-asuras, was raped by whoever, and Greeks, and Arabs, and Turks, and Europeans ….

And of course the Asuras are not people (those lying under Yuda, servants of the Lord God). Simply because they are HUMANS (whole and eternal, immortal anthropomorphs).

Yes, they are not snotty-sentimental like people, and somewhere they may even seem cruel to the slavishly degraded look of people.

But this is natural - would you slobberly kiss and love with a stinking bum, for example?

But today's little people are almost without exception stinking - stinking in body, stinking, stupid, stupid slaves of the system and their gods - forever living between the whip and the carrot from the owner ….

Another quote from his, this "sign" of the book:

"In one ancient Vedic text it is written that in the age of Kali, the Asuras will be the gods of people." ©

- (answer) Can I have a link to the text?

For, according to my observations, it is just the opposite. In Kali Yuga, the gods are those who defeated the asuras (titans, ases). For example, the same Krishna, who directly says that he came to Earth to destroy the asuras. And then he gives his own ideology: “worship me, think about me incessantly, serve me, offer me prayers”, etc.

Krishna is the god of the last millennia? Undoubtedly - in the whole subcontinent …

Or Yahweh-Sabaoth-Allah - is he an Asur? On the contrary, the country of Asura Asiriya (the paradise of the Ases), Babylon, Aryan (Iran) and her Scythian warriors are centuries-old enemies for him (Yahweh) and for his people …

But where is the civilization of the Assyrians now, where is the great Aryanam-vaeja? …

But the civilization of the Jews under the leadership of the god Yahweh - crushed almost the whole world …

Or did we have the last millennia not Kali Yuga, but on the contrary - the golden age?

The Golden Age, by the way, is called Krita Yuga differently - the era of Creation, Creation. And they create in it - asuras, titans, magicians. Hence the stable expression "titanic work" …

Even at the beginning of the Kali Yuga, the asuras continue to invent and build. Like the same Maya asura, engineer of the wonderful palace in Indraprastha and the builder of flying ships, viman. Cite quotes from Magabarata and Ramayana?

But as they say from the Ases in the Germanic sagas:

“And the light aces - a wandering horde, I was also looking for a place in the West"

Light Ace - AsUra …

In the Vishnu Purana it is said that the Asuras of the present Manvantara appeared before the Devas.

Moreover, initially even the Vedic gods are called asuras:

“We soften your anger, O Varuna, Worship, sacrifice, libation.

O power asura seer, O king, take away the sins we have committed! " © RigVeda (Spoken Vedanya).

(quote from another book about asuras and devas)

“Late Indian myths made Asuras in all cases the personification of evil, a likeness of theological demons. However, this is a later simplification (in fact, a deliberate distortion), which conflicts with the early texts of the Vedas, where the highest and revered gods are called Asuras. In the Greek tradition, the same distortion occurred, as a result of which the Titans, including the Lord-Uranus and the Savior-Prometheus, by virtue of their mere belonging to the Titans, found themselves among negative characters, among the carriers of evil.

The war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, described in the Mahabharata, was historically already at the time of our rising arc. It was a war between predominantly Devas (the core of the Fifth, current, Root Race) and predominantly Asuras (descendants of the Fourth Root Race, descendants of the Atlanteans). At the same time in the camp of the Kauravas there were also positive Asuras - the Atlanteans who were delayed in development, and "demons". Positive Asuras were against the war with the Pandavas, but were brought to the battlefield by their king and leader and, due to the laws of military honor, had no right to refuse. At all times, soldiers had to fulfill their military duty. The Mahabharata warmly describes the simple-minded, straightforward Asuras, and some commentators, seeing in these heroes kindred spirits, suggested that the Mahabharata originally expressed the interests of the Kauravas (Shaivites),but was later reinterpreted by the Vishnuites. Of course, this is not the case, if only because of the rhythm and imagery of the text, which have obvious signs of the author-Deva. These Asuras were described as really positive people. When Arjuna on the battlefield saw them as his opponents, whom he had to defeat, he lowered his bow, because he loved and respected many of them as his mentors. " ©

I would like to note that the author of this text is clearly mistaken about “our ascending arc,” because the era of Kali Yuga that came after Magabarata cannot be called an ascent for humanity.

Moreover, according to the very text of the Magabarats, the Pandavas over and over again killed the heroes-asuras - by deceit and cunning of those unworthy of the code of honor of the kshatriya.

So Bishma, Drona, Karna, Duryodkhan and others were killed….

So who were these devas-Pandavas, who achieved victory by deception and meanness? Good heroes?

Yes, they could not even enjoy their kingdom - their conscience was tortured and they went on a ritual pilgrimage of death (to the mountains, freeze and die of exhaustion).

But a couple of Asuras, CheloVeks, who fought against the Pandavas and Krishna, are still alive (As met the testimonies of their contemporaries about them): Kripaacharya, and Asvatthama. They are even referred to in the Vedas as charanjivas - eternally living….

---Yes. There is a difference between Asami, Clear, Asuras, Azami, Titans - and Dasuns, Suras, slave-owning gods.

--- Ace explained, and it's everyone's business to choose whom to look up to …

Victor Asov