Star Parents Of The Atlanteans - Alternative View

Star Parents Of The Atlanteans - Alternative View
Star Parents Of The Atlanteans - Alternative View

Video: Star Parents Of The Atlanteans - Alternative View

Video: Star Parents Of The Atlanteans - Alternative View
Video: Atlantis and the Creation of Races - Matías De Stefano 2024, September

At that distant and beautiful time, many nannies, doctors and educators from among the star aliens worked in the kindergarten of infant humanity. The methods of their biased upbringing were so different that they often quarreled and scrupulously fought each other. In space disputes, educators constantly entangled their biorobots, peacefully grazing on the cozy continents of the Earth. Aliens experimented with human chromosomes from time to time. More than twenty alien humanoid races have added their chromosomes to the DNA of earthly humanity. The most decisive influence on earthlings was made by the four star peoples. These are the Lyrans, Sirians, Pleiadians and Zetians. The peoples that emerged from the constellation Zeta Seti are sometimes called "gray".

During the last plunge of Lemuria into the open ocean depths, our creator gods, the Lyrans, behaved like loyal enemies of humanity. They threw their "flawed children" to be torn apart by the hungry waves of the Flood, while they themselves departed on their technically imperfect ships to conquer new planets and experiences. Outwardly, our fathers looked like rock-like giants with regular Caucasian features. Their skin was white, like an unwritten sheet of expensive paper, and their hair was blond, like daisies, on which love had not yet been made. The Lyrans' eyes - cornflower blue, hazel, or feline - compared to ours, were unusually large and deep. One of the main character traits of the creator gods was homespun authoritarianism. The numerous peoples of the Lyra constellation were the first to populate the planets Bega, Sirius and the Pleiades,which were uninhabited before them. And everywhere the Lyrans sculpted from local clay and raised themselves biorobot assistants, who were often destroyed to replace them with more advanced ones. This honorable role of harsh and cruel parents was painted in the colonial scenario by many ossified dogmas, selfish laws and far-fetched rules. The people of the Earth and other young planets worshiped them like ears of wheat to a torrential thunderstorm, and at the same time were recklessly afraid. The symbols of this group of stellar aliens were images of cats and birds, since the teachers of the Lyrans were other, more highly developed gods, who outwardly resembled these animals …This honorable role of harsh and cruel parents was painted in the colonial scenario by many ossified dogmas, selfish laws and far-fetched rules. The people of the Earth and other young planets worshiped them like ears of wheat to a torrential thunderstorm, and at the same time were recklessly afraid. The symbols of this group of stellar aliens were images of cats and birds, since the teachers of the Lyrans were other, more highly developed gods, who outwardly resembled these animals …This honorable role of harsh and cruel parents was painted in the colonial scenario by a set of ossified dogmas, selfish laws and far-fetched rules. The people of the Earth and other young planets worshiped them like ears of wheat to a torrential thunderstorm, and at the same time were recklessly afraid. The symbols of this group of stellar aliens were images of cats and birds, since the teachers of the Lyrans were other, more highly developed gods, who outwardly resembled these animals …

Another group of stellar aliens who have never left their children unattended are the Sirians. Snakes and dogs were the symbols of these cute aliens. Sirius' teachers were the lizard civilizations from the Capella region in the constellation Auriga, and the dog-headed humanoids from Vega. Hence the shape of the symbols. The Sirians descended from the Lyrans, who first populated the planets of Vega, and then colonized the planets of the three Sirians as lively Vegans. Outwardly, they differed from the Lyrans in darker skin, darker eyes and hair, and somewhat smaller bodies. Although the bottomless eyes of the Sirians were the same inhumanly huge. If the inquisitive Lyrans manipulated people for mercantile purposes, seeing in earthly humanity unsuccessful versions of biorobots, then the Sirians have always sought to help humanity disinterestedly. They have repeatedly saved the guilty earthlings from complete destruction by the Lyrans. Sometimes, because of people, “family” wars broke out between the parents.

The Pleiadians were another important group of star civilizers who helped restless humanity to survive, grow and get stronger. Our Sun is the eighth, most extreme star in the Pleiades. Therefore, when some of the Lyrans went to populate the Pleiades, they first colonized 4 of the 12 planets orbiting the Sun. Having populated Nemesis, Phaethon, Mars and Earth, the quick Lyrans went to the planets of the Mayan star. The symbols of the Pleiadians, constantly returning to their "ancestral home" -Earth, were birds and all kinds of winged figures. Outwardly, the inhabitants of the Pleiades looked like their ancestors, the Lyrans, only they were much lower than them, like reduced copies, but more highly spiritual. And today they look like earthlings, only graceful and prettier than us, and we sometimes confuse them on city streets with 13-year-olds. If the Lyrans and Sirians were, as it were, the fathers and mothers of people, then the Pleiadians were our older brothers, constantly interceding for the beaten Atlanteans.

The beginning of civilization in the constellation Zeta Seti was also laid by the Lyrian humanoid race. There was the planet Apex, similar to our Earth, like two drops of tears are similar to each other. Numerous Lyrian peoples periodically conquered this generous and well-fed planet from each other. Races have mixed, Apex has turned into a "genetic cocktail" of numerous humanoid species. The Apexian peoples proved their sense of righteousness to each other in detail with the help of atomic and hydrogen cudgels. As a result of such weighty criticism, lush vegetation and a lush atmosphere began to rapidly disappear on the planet. Some of the unreasoning Apexians left the bald planet and sent their ships to the constellation Orion. But the majority of the depressed population began to dig gigantic tunnels and cost underground shelters, preparing for the complete cessation of "land" life,As a result of long and painful mutations, the Apexians have learned to live inside the planet without sunlight and atmosphere. Over time, their growth decreased to 120, and the size of the skull increased to 40 centimeters in diameter. After such an unnatural selection, the mortality rate of women in childbirth rose sharply. Women stopped giving birth, as they were terrified of dying at the same time. In order to survive as a race, the Apexians abandoned sexual reproduction after dizzying experimentation. They resorted to the old and reliable way of cloning their own kind, replicating reference cells. Scientists at Apex changed their own genetics so that the purified organism began to perceive invisible frequencies of light and then convert electromagnetic vibrations into heat and energy. The refined bodies of the Zetans learned to absorb X-rays,the weakest vibrations of the atoms of transuranic elements, like sugar absorbs water. For hundreds of thousands of years of "underground" existence, the Apexians deliberately enlarged their eyes, changed the structure of the pupil, reduced the growth of the body, got rid of the reproductive and digestive organs. The bottomless pupils of the underground inhabitants grew to the size of their eyes and began to absorb and transform into food the light waves of the etheric and astral world. All this springy time, the forehead Apexians stubbornly pondered the reasons for their conflict and quarrelsomeness, despondently chewing on the thought of a ruined planet. In the end, they came to the golden conclusion that they had put themselves and their planet on the brink of extinction due to their emotions. Then scientists created a general neurochemical structure of the people, in which any external thing caused the same reaction in every individual. Through genetic manipulations and changes in DNA spirals, they got rid of individual feelings and desires and integrated into a single people-organism. This helped the unsmiling inhabitants of Apex eliminate the motley internecine wars and crimson strife that reigned in Lyrian culture.

However, various isolated groups of Apexians politely introduced their distinctive features into the genetic and spiritual structures of underground communities. The brightest and noblest, by the standards of earthly mankind, of them those whom we conditionally call the Zeta Seti civilization. There are several dozen other groups of Apexians who have inquired in detail about increasing their power over spiritualized matter. These we childishly call dark forces. But most of the inhabitants of Zeta Seti occupied an intermediate position between the ideologies of the dark and light Apexians. It is them that we call the unfortunate word "gray". In essence, they represent a mirror image of the near future united earthly humanity.

All these peoples long ago came to the surface of the apex that had recovered and settled in the space of nearby stars. The most negative in our understanding, the Zetians colonized the planets of the Orion constellation, in particular the Betelgeuse star system. The muscular planet Arya became their white-stone capital, the symbol is a black swastika inscribed in a red circle. Since the time of Atlantis, representatives of all three groups of the Apex have been present on the untwisted Earth constantly. They came from the salty skies of sorrow, from the bitter winds of separation, and mixed the gene pools of Earthlings and Zetans in space laboratories. And then they themselves reincarnated in the "improved" subraces of the Atlanteans. The immortality of the gods has ended.

From the book: "Alien civilizations of Atlantis". Author: Boreev Georgy

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