Civilization Belongs To Insectoids - Alternative View

Civilization Belongs To Insectoids - Alternative View
Civilization Belongs To Insectoids - Alternative View

Video: Civilization Belongs To Insectoids - Alternative View

Video: Civilization Belongs To Insectoids - Alternative View
Video: XINDI AVIAN-AQUATICS-INSECTOID: Index Addendum 2024, May

From the new book by Sergei Morozov “Civilization. Cars. Specialists.

This is not to say that contemporary Russian authors often raise big topics. In this case, the very title of the book: “Civilization. Cars. Specialists”claims a great historical and cultural style.

The book is, in fact, about civilization. About how she is born, how she lives, and most of all, how she dies. According to Morozov, the existence of the majority of modern civilizations is either dying or posthumous non-existence. The process of dying of civilization is presented as three separate sections: historical and cultural (in the first chapters), techno-biological (in the key text), biosocial (in the chapter "Insectoids"). The main emphasis is placed on the mechanisms of social organization of life: how people behave and organize themselves in different historical times. At the same time, parallels are drawn with the organization of the social life of insects. For example, the older the culture-civilization becomes, the more insect component in it becomes in all spheres of life and the less freedom.

Sergey Borisovich Morozov was born in Moscow in 1970. Independent researcher, writer, historian. Author of the books "Conspiracy against the peoples of Russia today" (1999), "Sex and rank" (2011). The creator of sociobiological concepts "corporate-clan system", "the world of fighting nations", "evolutionary highway", "reflexoid". Author of popular science articles and materials, including conspiracy theories. Morozov's works are interesting because they are located in the intersection areas of the intersection of scientific fields: history and biology, sociology and philosophy, political science and evolutionary psychology.

Civilization. Cars. Specialists”is a kind of hidden book. Published by Akadempost, but distributed mainly through the mailbox [email protected].


Civilization is turning into a hive. And every element, every person on the planet, every group performs its assigned function.

Who runs the hive? Not just one program. Material carriers of programs are contained in specific people as parts of the brain, innate and stitched through culture. When all programs interact, they become cramped, and they restrict each other.

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The hive is run by many programs, a collection of programs. They are not related, they are found in separate insects. This collection of algorithmic programs that limit each other seems to be a coherent program. But this is not - by analogy with how animals did not find the maternal instinct - many separate instincts were found.

Each person is somewhat intelligent in himself, but he is limited by other people. The limitations themselves have a structure, and as a result of their resultant, a person ceases to be reasonable, and engages in unreasonable activities. By analogy, a bee builds hexagonal honeycombs in the same way - and only such honeycombs converge into a network. As a consequence of the many separate actions performed, a machine arises that makes honeycombs a certain shape. In exactly the same way, a machine arises in people, and this machine does the same actions, for example, it increases economic efficiency in the same way - by increasing the specialization of people. And the specialization of people increases by reducing the universalization of people.

Anthills also wage wars, as do nations. But this is still the life of insects. Anthills are waging wars, but they don't know they are waging wars.

Ant queens don't tell the ants what they should do. The queen ant, like any other ant, also does not know what is happening to the anthill in general. Ants do what is written in them from birth, sometimes adjusting their actions in connection with the exchange of signals, the system of which is also embedded in them from birth. For example, pulling food is more important than pulling a stick. No food to lug around means to lug a stick. The later the humankind, the more similar it is to an anthill, including in terms of management. The rulers may no longer give orders to their subordinates - the subordinates will act according to the accumulated inertia, and this will be enough for some time to survive. And permanent survival is impossible.

Ant queens don't rule. It is difficult to imagine, but in fact, a person cannot stand at the head of powerful human beings. And the insect cannot. No one stands at the head of powerful human beings, because it is impossible to stand at their head. And it is critically difficult to negotiate with the power that is scattered.

If you give a person freedom, then he will begin to show human qualities - he will begin to realize himself through this freedom. This implementation is contrary to the insectoid principle - everyone must be functional, and only consume what is just as functional (and one-dimensional). Self-realization, declaration of oneself as a human being can lead him to superiority. This also contradicts the insectoid principle - everything is inherited, including superiority. Moreover, superiority and hierarchy in general can only be in one system, in one-dimensional.

The concept of "need" can really exist only in human society, and in post-human society - as an atavism (economic need-uselessness). Insects have no one to say "need". And there is no "why is it necessary". Insects have no concept of the need for performance, but there is performance.

The level of understanding of the task decreases from individual to group. It is not about the correct understanding of the problem, but about the idea of it, the clarity of this idea. The ant carries a stick to the anthill, and it fulfills its task. And the anthill does not know its task. A person knows that he has to work and start a family. But the larger the group, the more vague the task becomes, up to humanity, which has no task at all, until the appearance of an alternative humanity, even theoretically. The ant always carries a stick to the anthill. If at the first stage of the life of an anthill this is correct for an anthill, then for the second it is wrong, since an anthill that has exceeded its normal size begins to die from imbalances in its size. The student has a clear idea of why he is studying;and the education system has extremely vague ideas about what it prepares the student for.

An insect can look like a human. This is an insectoid: an insect that looks like a human being. There is such a direction of horror films. In civilizations, it is found as a norm. Later civilizations are composed entirely of insectoids.

For a civilization to consist of insectoids, people need to be brought out. To destroy is not, since people still do it, but to squeeze out of the light is the most rational and reasonable. They start with the lower social classes, when they are taken out, guest workers are brought in, and then all people in general are living out of the world.

Bullying of people occurs not only from the compensatory motives of representatives of the authorities - it is a rudiment, albeit degenerate, but human. Over time, more and more bullying does not come from human nature, but from the nature of insects. A mosquito buzzing at night does not know that it is mocking a person. In the same way, insectoids do not know this. And insectoids over time become farther and farther from people, and understanding is less and less.

Insectoids and insectoid and generate completely insane, enchanting evil, which is increasingly common and growing in late civilization. Why and why? They have no "why" and "why", they have it comes from inertial processes, previously defined as programs. Increasingly, when a search is conducted for the perpetrators of bullying people, these perpetrators are not found - it turns out that either everyone, or no one, the subject of evil dissipates as they approach him. And this really works and gives orders to the human-beehive linkage system. And she will command, if people with human morality are not opposed to her.

The power of the human being tries to present the power itself as an extramoral system, as a large insect, a single human being, who has no good and evil, there is only functioning. The government presents itself like a church, which, according to the dogma, does not make mistakes as a church, but does not exclude the possibility that any official of both the government and the church can make mistakes. But as a result, it still turns out - power is beyond good and evil, and it has put itself beyond these limits. And the transcendences of good and evil, as you know, are not in the direction of good, but in the direction of evil, where human evil ends and inhuman begins. And where Bosch's insects begin.

So the fight against man by destroying everything human is inevitable.

Insects / insectoids attack unaccustomed, unlike. Most talented children are turned into pathological neurotics by their parents at a very early age. Civilization is finishing off the few remaining.

When there are only insects around, there is no one to speak or listen to. Insects have no culture - literature, poetry, philosophy, and the like.

The vast majority of information, as it turns out, does not carry any information, but is pure buzz. This is especially true of information that is listened to in the background. Insects buzz - but there is no being, and there is no eventfulness.

The struggle in postmodernity is a struggle for freedom against insectization of life, which is the absence of freedom. And the fight for freedom is a fight against a human being.

A person can build a human being only in an unconscious state. An attempt to build a human man will deliberately lead to a conflict between human nature and the anti-human, insectoid task. Otherwise, a human being is built in an altered state of consciousness, when a person is turned off and an insect is turned on. An insect cannot understand a person, even if it is a disabled person.

Because at a particular moment there is no man in the insect, and then he will no longer be.

Civilization belongs to insectoids. They run in a civilizational humankind and perform their functions. And they don't understand people.

People in the human race do not even imagine how few of them are. Or it seems to them that they are completely unique, single, and it is not clear who is running around them. In general, it is clear who. Insectoids and people similar to insectoids.

In civilization, not something abstract, like culture, is exhausted, but everything human, starting with the most complex and ending with biology.

Only a human can notice the replacement insect. For example, he wants to communicate in a human way - and insects are all around, moving their antennae, they simply do not understand humanly. And the insectoid will not notice this change; for him it is natural, he was born in this insect, formed and lives.

The performer - the writer, the artist, anyone as the performer - needs listeners. The audience is his, the performer, the environment. Survival depends on the environment - how well it matches the environment. And if there is no environment at all, then survival will not work.

Developing the idea “the problem is not what they are. And the fact that we are not, "you can add:" the problem is not that there are insectoids, the problem is that nobody else is visible except for them."

From the side of a person, the absence of a person in another is seen, not the presence of an insect. Understanding "these are insectoids" reconciles with reality and opens up opportunities for further decisions.

“But people seem to somehow survive” - this is the main argument from which it follows that in general everything is correct, both the path and the truth, etc. In fact, civilized people do not survive. They degenerate and die out. Civilizations are replaced by other people, minimally affected by civilizations. And the process is constantly repeated. This is a meat grinder constantly waiting for the next batch of human flesh. Minced meat cannot be turned back.

And this is the principle of irreversibility: from the living you can make the dead, but not vice versa; you can make an animal out of a person, but not vice versa; you can make a machine out of society, but not vice versa. Sometimes it seems that you can; this illusion is caused by the substitution taken for rebirth-regeneration. The degenerated aristocracy is replaced by a living bourgeoisie, and it seems that the nation has revived. But it is not living from the dead, unhealthy from the sick; a replacement has occurred in the nation; if all the fish in the aquarium died and new ones were launched there, it can hardly be called regeneration (according to Gumilev). Social systems, living systems in general are not reformed. They die and new ones take their place.

The selection result - what kind of people will be - also depends on the environment in which people find themselves, from which side to look at these people. Civilization is an environment, an unnatural environment, displacing the natural environment, going through the process of degradation and degeneration of the natural, replacing it with artificial and unnatural. The latter is usually weakly viable, and then only at first. Then it becomes completely unviable.

Socialist, Mandarin and insectoid systems proclaim welfare for all. Or later - at least a consumer minimum for everyone. And in general, the idea is becoming popular that in these times the “common man” can “just live”. But since the further, the more everything degenerates, the more everything breaks down, the more the system becomes anti-human, then the further - the more words about welfare and the more poverty. In insectoid systems, poverty deprives the vast majority of the population of economic freedom. Including basic freedoms to buy most of the goods. Not enough for life itself, and the average level is reduced painful reproduction. Most of the children are sick, and with every generation they are more and more sick. In order for healthy children to be born, a healthy human environment is needed. It may seem obvious, but insectoids have no concept of "obvious" in the human species.

When a person has no freedom, he will not be able to express himself. To which the insectoid ideology says: and it’s great, you don’t need to express yourself, you have to be an invisible cog that does what is prescribed for him - from birth. This approach destroys a person. Therefore, insectoid systems live only on the people inherited from previous systems. When these people end, the insectoid system also ends.

Human life can be insectoid for a very short time, it can only be life on the corpse of a nation or civilization, and only as long as the corpse is eaten up by insectoids.