The Theory Of The Existence Of A Civilization Of Gnomes - Alternative View

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The Theory Of The Existence Of A Civilization Of Gnomes - Alternative View
The Theory Of The Existence Of A Civilization Of Gnomes - Alternative View

Video: The Theory Of The Existence Of A Civilization Of Gnomes - Alternative View

Video: The Theory Of The Existence Of A Civilization Of Gnomes - Alternative View
Video: Was There An Advanced Civilization Before Humans? | Answers With Joe 2024, June

Most modern people do not believe the numerous tales and myths of various peoples of the world that tell about separate races of people who are called gnomes, trolls, elves. At the same time, all the peoples of the world in their epic have references to creatures that can be called gnomes.

Strange as it may seem, but in the twentieth century a theory appeared, according to which it followed that in ancient times Africa, Madagascar and India were united by a certain continent, which, as a result of a natural disaster, was flooded with water. According to the theory of Phillips Klettor, it is this flooded continent that should be the center where the ancestors of man first appeared. He called this continent plunged into the abyss - Limuria. In addition, after lengthy research, Klettor came to the conclusion that there were various races of humanoid creatures that appeared as a result of evolution. There were races consisting exclusively of creatures of enormous stature, which then entered world legends as giants, and there were, on the contrary, creatures that were notable for their small stature. Of course, classical science was biased towards the theory. And after the death of Klettor, his theory was consigned to oblivion. However, a discovery made in 2000 forced scientists to look at this theory in a new way.

The beginning of the story

During the study of caves in 2001 on an Indonesian island, American archaeologists discovered the skeleton of a humanoid creature only 1 meter tall. At first, scientists suggested that they found the bones of a child who was lost in the underground catacombs and died of exhaustion. But after careful analysis, it was found that the remains belonged to a completely adult individual. The find itself was at least 18,000 years old. A natural question arises: what kind of creature could it be?

Scientists have considered many hypotheses. Among them is one rather interesting theory, which is that scientists have discovered the remains of a certain human species that once lived on earth. The most interesting thing is that in the myths of the Indonesians there are stories about small people who settled in the mountains. This myth says that little people who came from far away were doomed to death by their own gods. After all, all their cities and villages were flooded, and only a few managed to escape death. In the legends of local aborigines, mentions have been preserved that these creatures were engaged in the manufacture of various ornaments, had a rather nasty character and were hostile to people. But if you help this creature, then it could thank its savior with various gifts. The locals called these creatures Ego-Bobo.


The analysis of the remains of the found man was carried out in the capital of Indonesia - Jakarta. The research was led by Professor Peter Brown. As a result of research, scientists were able to conclude that the creature was female. It was also noted that a strongly sloping forehead with protruding supraocular ridges and a powerful lower jaw resemble homo-erectus, but its size is completely unusual. It's not about height and weight, but about the strikingly small volume of the cerebellum. According to the calculations of researchers, the brain volume of this woman did not even reach 1/3 of the brain volume of a modern person. However, according to research, this creature did not have any diseases and survived to old age and died as a result of natural processes in the body. Surprisingly, even on the territory of Russia, numerous legends have survived,which I tell about strange underground inhabitants.

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Legends and myths of the northern lands of Russia

Some researchers are sure that these creatures still live, as confirmation of their hypotheses, they cite various ancient legends and modern cases. For example, an old manuscript, which is kept in the Bryansk library, testifies that in 1698 a certain dwarf, very reminiscent of a fairy-tale gnome, frightened one Ural miner. The creature was no more than 1 meter tall, it stood at the entrance to the cave and held in its hands a bright crystal, from which a lot of light emanated. As soon as the creature saw the person, it immediately disappeared into the ground, leaving the crystal in the place where it had stood shortly before. It was not possible to determine what kind of mineral it was.

Inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula: Lapari and Sami have many different legends about mysterious dwarfs who once settled underground. The natives call them saigo. Legends say that, sometimes putting your yurts in a new place, you could hear indistinct sounds that came from underground. According to the stories of old-timers, it follows that these sounds very much resembled the speech of an intelligent creature, in addition, at night, from cracks in the ground, sounds similar to hammer blows on an anvil were heard. This served as a signal to immediately move the yurt to a new place, because it closed the entrance to the dwelling of the inhabitants of the underground. Also, the Lapps were afraid to quarrel with them, because since ancient times it was believed that dwarfs are evil and vengeful creatures and there was a reason for that …

Legends about small underground inhabitants who perfectly work iron and are distinguished by their vengeful, explosive character have survived among all peoples inhabiting the north of Russia. For example, the peoples of Komi claim that it was the gnomes who taught people to forge iron, and their witchcraft had terrible power. Dwarfs could cause earthquakes, extinguish the sun and use weapons that could destroy a huge number of their enemies.

The Nenets, living on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, say that before the appearance of people, “Sirtis” lived here, who knew how to work with iron and, with the help of forged tools and weapons, repulsed the raids of wild animals and were engaged in deer breeding. When the ancestors of the Nenets came, the dwarfs did not want to live in the same territory with large people and went underground. These gnomes still remind of themselves, for example, on the Kamenos peninsula.

Researcher of the culture of the peoples of the north A. V. Kostomarov told the case that when he visited a Nenets settlement, he was invited to a local pasture. While showing their herds, the hospitable Nenets did not notice how one of the deer strayed from the herd and headed towards the rift. And when Komarov drew attention to this, the Nenets pretended that nothing was happening. For a long time they did not answer the questions of the scientist, until the shaman of the tribe told the scientist that the animal, against its own will, fled from the herd and went to the crevice. All the inhabitants of the settlement were sure that this animal was chosen precisely "sirti". Therefore, he should not stop the deer, so as not to anger the powerful dwarfs.

The Russian explorers who settled in the Urals also have the impartation of relatively small people who have an attractive appearance, beautiful voices, excellently process iron, making various tools and weapons from it, a characteristic feature of all legends about dwarfs living in the bowels of the mountains is their extraordinary rancor. This character trait of the piedmont inhabitants is reflected in the legends of the inhabitants of the Urals.

Crimea and the dwarfs

Some researchers believe that mysterious dwarfs can live in the Crimea. For example, there are many unexplored caves and underground cities on the peninsula that were created by an unknown civilization. It is believed that mythical creatures can hide in these catacombs. So, in the 1980s, a group of eight teenagers found the cave. The teenagers decided to explore the unknown catacombs. Taking lanterns and torches with them, they went to the cave, but as a result of this expedition the children were lost. After wandering in the dark for a long time, they were very tired and found themselves at a strange flat stone. When the children saw two small creatures on it, they were very frightened. In a state of panic, the unsuccessful explorers ran through the galleries of the underground catacombs,and after a while, having got out of the dungeon, the teenagers told the adults about this incident. After that, a small search event was organized in these caves. And when the same stone was found, on which indistinct traces were found, it was not possible to reliably determine what the prints were.

Contemporary evidence

These creatures do not like to appear in crowded places. But in the mid-1990s in the area of the city of Kashtym, which is located in the Urals, an elderly woman, picking mushrooms in the forest, unexpectedly discovered a humanoid creature. The growth of the creature did not exceed 50 centimeters, the head had a strange elongated shape, the arms were not proportional to the size of the body. For several months the creature lived with an old woman, helping with the housework. "Alyoshenka", and this is how the locals called this creature, expressed himself exclusively with gestures and sometimes uttered melodious sounds that resembled the chirping of birds. Surprisingly, the pets obeyed Alyoshenka and did exactly all of his orders. A few months later, the creature simply went back to the forest, but when it returned, it was in very poor physical condition and died a few days later. Numerous photographs remain, which confirm the existence of "Alyoshenka". However, this story is very mysterious and mysterious, because the old woman who discovered the creature died in speed.

It can be assumed that this creature is the result of a human mutation or some kind of military experiment, but in 2012 an event occurred that struck the entire world community. In the town of Scarabra, which is located on the coast of the Orkney Islands, a 16-year-old girl disappeared, who went with friends to the mountains for a walk. Considerable resources were allocated to locate her, but all efforts were in vain. However, in 2016, local fishermen, mooring to a lonely island in the middle of the sea, found a man dressed in animal skins, who was insensitive. This person turned out to be a girl who disappeared 4 years ago. After a long rehabilitation, she could not remember what happened to her during all this time. The doctors determined that she had not been sexually assaulted. The question arises,where she was all this time and how she got to this deserted island. Also, she could not explain how she managed to live there for such a long time?

In 2012, archaeologists discovered strange ruins and underground houses on the same island. Caves were dug in the hills, the walls and floors were lined with clay bricks, there were beds, tables, chairs, and a fireplace on which to cook food in the room. Also, in a separate room there was a supply of charcoal. However, the oddity was that the ceiling height was 1.20. In other words, even a medieval person would be very uncomfortable in such a room. If we add to this that in the chronicle of the 12th century, there is a record that claims that fairy creatures, gnomes and elves live in these hills, it becomes obvious that archaeologists stumbled upon a settlement of a human species that is unknown to science.

In 2015, miners discovered in Northern Ireland, a layer of tree species behind which was a void. After they opened it, the remains of a human being were found in a wooden coffin. The growth of the creature did not exceed 1 meter. After analysis, it turned out that the remains are more than 20,000 years old. The material from which the coffin was made is a tree species unknown to science. The main question was, how did this creature end up in the coal rock, which, according to scientists, is more than several million years old? There is no answer to this question yet.

Thus, we can conclude that there is another branch of the evolutionary development of mankind on earth, whose representatives have survived to our time, but are still hiding from the attention of mankind.