Little People At A Ravine In The Suburbs - Alternative View

Little People At A Ravine In The Suburbs - Alternative View
Little People At A Ravine In The Suburbs - Alternative View

Video: Little People At A Ravine In The Suburbs - Alternative View

Video: Little People At A Ravine In The Suburbs - Alternative View
Video: Scary stories at night. Makosh or Reckoning Erofei Gnarled. 2024, September

This story was told about twenty years ago by a certain N. I. from Moscow. The man wanted to share the event that frightened him, but did not dare to reveal his name.

- In 1972, in mid-September, I was returning from the city of Dolgoprudny. The time was late. Having reached the village of Novy, I decided to walk the remaining five kilometers.

Outside the village of Shemetovo, near a ravine, I suddenly fancied squeaky voices. At first, I did not attach any importance to this (maybe my ears are ringing). But after a few steps from the side, behind, at first a faint, and then ever increasing glow appeared.

A moment - and there was a flash, after which the light went like waves and little people appeared on the border of light and darkness.

From surprise, I shuddered and stopped, I was already shaking. As soon as I got up, the little men immediately darted into the darkness from the illuminated space. I stood motionless, watching the bright waves of light pass by. And from the darkness came laughter and some squeaky babble.

At the edge of light and darkness, jumping, waving, laughing and babbling little men appeared again. The sound of their voices was clear. Goose bumps ran over me, and my body was covered with a sticky cold sweat. For some time I could not think. I froze in a daze. Gradually I came to my senses, and a thought flashed through my mind - am I crazy?

I moved on. Waves of light ran ahead of me, and the little men screamed loudly, laughed and began to jump high. For some reason, they preferred to stay at the edge of light and darkness, being in the twilight, occasionally pushing each other into a bright strip.

Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that the light passed in strips, then fading out, then flashing again with renewed vigor. It is impossible to describe the light; it must be seen.

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Describing humans is also not an easy task. Growth from about thirty to sixty centimeters, faces and the whole figure are about the same as those of people. Clothes like rubber overalls. Hair is long curly, dark in color, when jumping up and down.

In my opinion, there were about one and a half to two dozen. I can't say for sure. Having walked about a kilometer with them, I finally calmed down, seeing that they were not doing me anything bad.

Cheerful little men accompanied me to the village of Boboshino. Before reaching two hundred meters to the extreme street lamp, the wave of light froze. The light began to fade slowly. Little men scurried about in the fading light. Together with the light, my fellow travelers and their voices blurred. In a moment, they disappeared forever.