UFO Witnesses In Russia - Alternative View

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UFO Witnesses In Russia - Alternative View
UFO Witnesses In Russia - Alternative View

Video: UFO Witnesses In Russia - Alternative View

Video: UFO Witnesses In Russia - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, October

Another form of intelligent life

Galina, 56 years old, Kryachki village, Volgograd region:

- I live on the Dono-Medveditskaya ridge - this is an abnormally active zone in Russia. It borders on the homeland of Vadim Chernobrov (founder of "Cosmopoisk" - a non-academic organization for the study of anomalous phenomena - Ed.).

As a child, I saw an object similar to the one that appeared in the descriptions of the Fatima miracle (a UFO phenomenon in Portugal, which was mistaken for the Virgin Mary). While on Arkaim, they photographed an interesting object, calling it the "second moon". Interestingly, after a couple of months I read Vadim Chernobrov's book “Medveditskaya ridge. Riddles of Volga Region Anomalies”episode where people also saw two moons.

Collage: stoddartist / instagram
Collage: stoddartist / instagram

Collage: stoddartist / instagram

The Earth has always had, has and will have external contacts. We even have some kind of tips written in special sources: "Agni Yoga" by the Roerichs; "Book of Light" (Haratyi of Light). In ancient sources, there are a lot of examples about Gods who descended from heaven, about wars with those who flew from the depths of Space in spaceships. Even when reading the Bible, there are lines that speak very eloquently about a certain contact. How not to get interested in such a topic?

Agni Yoga is a theory of communication with high intelligence. The practice is to communicate with fire. According to sources, fire speaks in the Medveditskaya ridge. See for yourself - a candle flame draws interesting pictures.


Promotional video:

The world is multidimensional, and many forms of intelligent entities exist next to us. It so happened that if they talk about UFOs, they mean the "technique" of those about whom we have little idea, their "vehicles". Less commonly, it is about the forms of life that live among us. And most of them are not aliens, but our planetary neighbors. I share the point of view of those who consider plasmoids to be another form of intelligent life. We ourselves will look something like this, a bundle of energy, when we leave our physical body.

Beware of the gray aliens

Artem (name changed at the request of the hero), 20 years old, city of Timashevsk:

“Even the Egyptian pyramids point to clear extraterrestrial interference. Their blocks lie so tightly that even a sheet of paper does not pass, and at the entrance to the pyramids strange manuscripts about flying ships and helicopters are written. In ancient Egypt, most likely they knew about UFOs. According to scientists, the pyramids were built by people, but people cannot drag such blocks up. Apparently, the Egyptians used other technologies or someone's intervention.

Collage: stoddartist / instagram
Collage: stoddartist / instagram

Collage: stoddartist / instagram

I do not treat aliens very well, especially the so-called "gray" - they kidnap people. I have not met with them, but I saw ships, but I can say: aliens, like people, are good and evil. I recommend not to approach the ships, and it is better not to come into contact with them, because we do not know if they are dangerous. I myself am not expecting a meeting, but it would be interesting to look at another form of life. When they meet with us, they will already be able to cooperate with the authorities, especially with the United States.

I know of a couple of prime examples of UFO capture. The first case is the Roswell incident (in 1947, a "flying saucer" allegedly crashed near the city of Roswell in New Mexico, USA - Ed.). The second case was already in the USSR, when the UFO was dragged to the Kapustin Yar base. Apparently, the meeting has already taken place, but we will be silent about it for a long time, because the time has not come yet. Although the forecast indicates that we may meet them as early as 2037.

I saw UFOs myself three times. On one occasion, I was close to an inverted saucer object. While I was near, I could clearly see it, but after 15 minutes I felt a jolt and fell. Getting up from my feet, I found that the clock had stopped. After such contact, I suffered from severe headaches.

If I just look at the sky, I notice hanging red circles

Gleb, 17 years old, city of Syzran:

- I have a mini telescope and have been observing the Moon for 3 years. Sometimes I see black dots flying from the moon or towards it. If I just look at the sky, I notice hanging red circles.

Collage: stoddartist / instagram
Collage: stoddartist / instagram

Collage: stoddartist / instagram

About three years ago, a strange object was observed on the Usa River. It looked like a flat, thin plate that glowed yellow and orange. In 2017, already in Syzran, I saw something that looked like a red month, which suddenly began to disintegrate into large red balls, which flew in different directions.

There were photographs of UFOs that I saw, but I had to delete them. My parents did not believe me and told me not to suffer from garbage.

There will be no fear if you are friendly with them

Vladislav, 24 years old, Bugry village, Leningrad region:

- As a child, I saw a UFO and an alien flying in it, so I believe in them from an early age. Now I watch it whenever possible. I began to notice that UFOs appear in the evening. For the first time, I began to notice a year or two ago mysterious UFOs in the shape of a ball, which hover in the area of St. Petersburg from 21:00 to 1:00, for some time I saw them almost every day. Just yesterday I noticed two objects.

Collage: stoddartist / instagram
Collage: stoddartist / instagram

Collage: stoddartist / instagram

When I began to observe, I did not attach any importance, I thought military drones, helicopters or airplanes, it is not difficult to distinguish them. Then he began to compare it with weather conditions, with a change in the wind, in case it were Chinese lanterns or meteorological balloons. UFOs appeared even in rain or strong winds. They hovered in the air, then began to move slowly and instantly accelerated. There is no particular activity in winter, only closer to spring.

I have long dreamed of meeting aliens, especially those who will help in the development of technology. But the military and special services are still hunting them. People need to change their attitude towards other creatures and not try to catch them by force. There will be no fear if you speak friendly with them, I'm sure.

People are already ready to communicate

Eduard, 27 years old, Moscow:

- Many relatives said that they saw a UFO: a flying saucer, a luminous ball, in which one could see a figure resembling a man. There are many planets in our galaxy, and it would be silly to say that there is nothing on them. Life on them is one hundred percent, and we are not alone, this can be proved even by the theory of probability.

The films show a wide variety of relationships between humans and aliens, and none is devoid of logic. Here we must put ourselves in the shoes of the supposed aliens who are superior in development to us. What would we humans do if we found out that there is life on another planet, which is in the Stone Age, or just launched its astronauts into the stratosphere? Naturally, we will not immediately come into contact with them, it would be more correct to observe them, to understand their traditions and worldview.

Collage: stoddartist / instagram
Collage: stoddartist / instagram

Collage: stoddartist / instagram

As for the "receiving" side, even in the era of the Roswell incident, people were not ready for such communication. Now the situation is different, and I am a living example of that.

During the shooting of the photo, I did not notice anything unusual. It may have been a defect.

Photo of Edward
Photo of Edward

Photo of Edward.