A Shooting That Never Happened. The Kolchakites Were Involved In The Death Of The Royal Family? - Alternative View

A Shooting That Never Happened. The Kolchakites Were Involved In The Death Of The Royal Family? - Alternative View
A Shooting That Never Happened. The Kolchakites Were Involved In The Death Of The Royal Family? - Alternative View

Video: A Shooting That Never Happened. The Kolchakites Were Involved In The Death Of The Royal Family? - Alternative View

Video: A Shooting That Never Happened. The Kolchakites Were Involved In The Death Of The Royal Family? - Alternative View
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This topic remains one of the most sensitive in the history of Russia. So far, only one thing is indisputable: the family members of citizen Romanov were killed. According to Anatoly Ivanko, the shooting was the result of an agreement between the Reds and some Western countries, in whose banks the personal gold of the royal family was kept.

England allegedly feared that the release of the Romanov family would lead to the restoration of the monarchy in Russia, and therefore the British bankers refused to help the White Guard, dooming it to defeat. Meanwhile, not only the motives, but the very moment of the elimination of the owners of gold is a big mystery.

Shooting connoisseurs are familiar with such a concept as the "bullet dispersion ellipse." If the shooting is carried out by sane people with normal vision, when they see the target in front of them, then no matter how badly they are, no matter how badly the weapon is shot, the scattering ellipse can be used to fairly accurately judge the location and dimensions of the target.

The sad practice of civilized states since the invention of firearms has developed techniques for implementing the execution procedure. All the scenes of executions recorded with the help of painting, photographic and film technology long before the start of the “red terror” are similar to each other: a line of victims at the wall, executioners - opposite a few meters away, reading the sentence, command, volley, finishing off, medical imprisonment, unmarked graves. In this case, bullet holes on the wall behind the victims' backs are usually located at the level of the chest in a line with slight deviations above and below.

The painting in the Ipatiev house explains the reason why Kolchak twice replaced investigators in the case of the shooting of the royal family. The first, Nametkin, having studied the location of holes on the doors, in the wall, in the corners of the veranda and on the floor in one of the rooms on the first floor, could not help but conclude that no execution of eleven people could have taken place in this room. The second investigator, Sergeev, was forced to agree with the first that the location of the holes did not correspond to the version of the shooting of the royal family. Only the third of the appointed investigators, Sokolov, without challenging the description of the location and accuracy of the holes, continued to develop the desired version: no matter how the bullet holes were located in the doors, jambs, walls and floor, the execution of the royal family took place here. 11 people were subjected to it,including the Romanovs who have nothing to do with gold. Jurassic for some reason needed to lead the "condemned" into one of the smallest rooms of the Ipatiev house (No. 2), passing by rather large ones with better sound insulation.


What is the picture of the location of the holes? “In the eastern wall,” writes Sokolov, “Sergeev found 16 destructions: on the eastern wall there are 16 depressions into its thickness, similar to traces of bullet penetration or traces of blows by some hard weapon. When examining the aforementioned depressions by means of a probe, it turned out to be impossible to determine the direction and length of the channels due to the fact that the probe, on the way of its penetration into the channels of the depressions, encounters crumbling parts of the plaster. For the sake of convenience in describing the location of the recesses, all of them during this inspection are numbered in the order of their distance from the corner of the left arch to the door jamb adjacent to the right arch, and the height at which each recess is from the floor was also measured."

The average height of the holes, therefore, is 73.3 centimeters from the floor, that is, approximately at the level of the groin of a person of average height - below the organs that can lead to death in case of damage.

Promotional video:

Six holes at the knee level and below (55-22 cm).

Four holes at mid-thigh level (61–66 cm).

Three holes at the groin level (71-75 cm).

One hole above the head of citizen N. Romanov (168.8 cm).

That is, we have 14 holes out of 16, unable to lead to lethal consequences.

One hole in the abdomen (88.8 cm). And only one at the level of the upper part of the chest of a person of average height (142 cm).

Some of the holes had neither staining with blood, nor traces of tissue in the bullet channels, therefore, the arrows missed from a distance … two meters. And if we take into account the length of an outstretched arm with a revolver, they missed from a distance of one meter, shooting at the knees and below.

Half of the eastern wall of the room in which the execution was allegedly taking place was occupied by a double door. There was not a single hole in it, although in films and in artistic reconstructions, figures of people occupy this space, and the width of the door is deliberately narrowed.


Moreover, in the left part of the eastern wall, where 16 holes are concentrated, the maximum deviation to the right of the left arch is 164.4 centimeters. It is clear that eleven people can only be placed in such an interval in three rows. But then 16 holes could not have formed in the left part of the eastern wall of the Ipatiev house.

A revolver's bullet, literally blunt, is unable to pierce three bodies in a row and penetrate several centimeters into a tree. Moreover, hitting the tibia or femur, it would change its trajectory and would also hardly save energy to go deeper into plaster and wood. But we have 16 holes with horizontal channels perpendicular to the plane of the wall. Consequently, not 11 people were shot, or, since the bulk of the holes at the knee level and below, we have to assume that they shot at someone who was first on his knees, then lying on the floor in room 2. Moreover, the fire was fired from room 1, that is, from the hallway, and someone was shooting back from room No. 2 at the door leading to the hallway, at the attackers, as evidenced by the holes in the jamb and the door itself. This someone was probably trying to get upotherwise it is difficult to explain why six out of 16 holes are located at the knee level and below.

Against Sokolov's version, there are traces of blood on the floor of the veranda leading to room No. 1, as well as damage on it, including the destruction of part of the glazing.

When introducing into circulation the version about the royal family assets, which England became interested in, one should not forget that a significant part of Russia's gold reserves was in the hands of Kolchak. He had to pay with the command of the Czechoslovak corps, with the Americans and Japanese for the supply of weapons and ammunition. It is difficult to assume that the restoration of the monarchy was beneficial to the actual owners of gold - the supreme ruler of Russia Kolchak, the command of the White Czechs, the USA and Japan.

Valery Podguzov