Alien Astronauts Visited The Earth In Ancient Times - Alternative View

Alien Astronauts Visited The Earth In Ancient Times - Alternative View
Alien Astronauts Visited The Earth In Ancient Times - Alternative View

Video: Alien Astronauts Visited The Earth In Ancient Times - Alternative View

Video: Alien Astronauts Visited The Earth In Ancient Times - Alternative View
Video: "Aliens built the pyramids" and other absurdities of pseudo-archaeology | Sarah Kurnick 2024, October

In the distant past, extraterrestrial civilizations have visited our planet many times. Archaeologists often find evidence of this.

From the very beginning of the existence of mankind, it was surrounded by unknown forces, "gods", "messengers", "angels" and other creatures that are not from the Earth, in other words - aliens from other worlds. All these contacts are reflected in ancient texts, in particular, in the Mahabharata and the Bible. Today, experts are inclined to believe that in ancient times there lived supernatural beings with incredible technologies.

If a modern man were to witness the arrival of a UFO and exit from the "dish" of a certain creature, he would be able to determine that this creature is from another planet. And having carefully examined the technologies, he would have come to the conclusion that they are of extraterrestrial origin. But if a person saw something similar 5 or 10 thousand years ago, how could he interpret it? He would interpret such a phenomenon as "divine", and would call the beings themselves "Gods." The explanation is simple: celestial aliens could do what the inhabitants of the ancient world could not even imagine.

After studying ancient texts, some scientists came to the conclusion that representatives of ancient cultures, in particular the Incas, Aztecs and peoples of the pre-Incan civilization, could witness visits to planet Earth by alien beings and their technologies, which influenced the development of these civilizations.

It should be noted that a lot of information has been collected so far, which proves that in ancient times the planet was visited by space guests. At the same time, these guests were misinterpreted by ancient people, they were perceived as “Gods”. And all because ancient people did not have knowledge about the technology of interplanetary flights.

Many ancient civilizations that have been studied by archaeologists and researchers have myths with references to divine beings who flew in from the stars and communicated with ancient earthlings. The ancient Incas, Mayans, Aztecs and other civilizations left mentions of aliens who descended from heaven. But perhaps the best evidence of the existence of alien civilizations in the past is the ancient biblical texts. The Israelites walked through the desert, led by a mysterious light, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Ark of the Covenant and the visit of Elijah and Enoch to paradise - these are just a few of the stories in which extraterrestrial beings appeared. Similar stories can be found in the Mahabharata, where there is a description of the war between the gods.

The existence of flying machines in antiquity is evidenced by references in myths. However, the most famous are vimanas - flying machines described in the Ramayana and Mahabharata. Allegedly, they could fly not only within the atmosphere of our planet, but also moved into space and even to other planets.

In Sanskrit texts there are many references to the fact that the gods fought in the sky using vimanas equipped with deadly weapons.

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In addition, in ancient texts, entire space cities are mentioned, revolving around the Earth like huge orbital stations. Vimanas flew from these cities and could carry up to a thousand people.

In addition to the texts, mysterious figures and rock paintings have survived from ancient times to the present day, which are very reminiscent of the costumes of modern divers and astronauts. Similar finds are found in all corners of the world.

Of course, not all people who have little to do with science believe in the reality of visits to our planet by extraterrestrial civilizations in ancient times. Purely theoretically, modern people know for sure that aliens visited Earth, for which there is sufficient documentary evidence. Moreover, even nowadays some people observe glowing balls and "flying saucers" in the sky …

But to understand whether a modern man will ever be able to meet a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization and enter into direct contact with him, one must turn to antiquity.

It should be noted that the surface of our planet is in some way a museum of antiquities, keeping traces of events that have taken place on Earth over the millennia. And you just need to learn how to read them correctly in order to find the real traces of visiting aliens.

Interestingly, in the past few years, the search for traces of alien aliens has gained quite a lot of popularity. Moreover, it has already been possible to find a lot of interesting facts that, although they do not have a direct connection with alien aliens, still deserve special attention.

So, in particular, in many parts of the world were found the remains of gigantic structures that have survived from ancient times. One of these structures is located in Lebanon, in the vicinity of the Anti-Lebanon mountains - the famous Baalbek terrace. This structure consists of slabs, each of which weighs more than one ton. All of them were cut down in local quarries, after which, in some unknown way, they were transferred and raised to a great height.

On the territory of Central Africa, in Costa Rica, large stone balls were found, reaching more than two meters in diameter and having a regular geometric shape. These balls are made of white lava, but the most interesting thing is that these balls are located among banana plantations, in a flat area, where there is not even a hint of lava rocks.

Of course, it can be assumed that they were created artificially, but in modern conditions, with the availability of special equipment and technologies, making such balls is a very difficult task. Therefore, it is simply impossible to assume that ancient people could do this without any adaptations. It is also interesting that these stone balls are located in strict accordance with the cardinal points.

Among the archaeological finds are rock paintings and frescoes found in the Sahara Desert. One of these images shows the figure of a creature that resembles a man in a spacesuit.

Some experts have suggested how to explain all these findings. According to scientists, the ancient structures are in some way monuments erected by aliens as a memory of their presence on Earth. In addition, such structures can be mistaken for huge rocket pads, specially built by extraterrestrial cosmonauts. And the stone balls could well have been landmarks for the "plates" of aliens.

On the other hand, it is very difficult to prove that all these assumptions are true. And all because the appearance of all these structures on Earth can be explained not only by the appearance of alien aliens. They can be interpreted based on more rational reasons. So, for example, gigantic structures belong to different historical periods and are located in different parts of the world. This alone casts doubt on their connection with alien civilizations. And to assume that after visiting the planet, the aliens decided to build all these structures throughout the planet is devoid of logic. At the same time, if we assume that all these buildings were erected by people, the question arises - how did they manage it?

There are many other questions as well. So, if you study the history of mankind in more detail, you can see that one pattern can be traced throughout its entire course: the higher the level of development of civilization, the less effort and resources it spent on its creations, and the more they met the assigned tasks.

If we take on faith the assumption that the structures were erected by highly developed alien civilizations, then it is completely incomprehensible for what purpose they needed such large and largely useless structures that required such forces.

If we analyze the assumption that the Baalbek Terrace could be used as a launch pad for alien ships, then it also raises a lot of doubts. It is extremely difficult to imagine that aliens, going to an unknown planet, used ships, which require a specially equipped platform to launch, because if it could not be built, they would be trapped.

In addition, it raises doubts and the assumption that the alien guests with their giant structures wanted to leave a memory of themselves on our planet. On these buildings there is no indication of when the building was made and by whom.

No definite facts can be said about stone balls. There is nothing surprising in their arrangement, since even chaotically placed objects can be easily connected with a straight line in such a way as to obtain a correct geometric figure. On the other hand, it is difficult to say unequivocally whether these balloons served as landmarks. The balls discovered in America could well have been used for such purposes, but exactly the same balls, only much smaller in size, were found on the territory of Russia, and they certainly could not serve as pointers. They are also perfectly round. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that all these balls are of natural origin.

As for the rock paintings and frescoes found in the Sahara, it must be said that the similarities between the creatures depicted there and the astronauts in spacesuits are quite remote, and you can make out it only with a fairly well-developed imagination. It is necessary to remember about the peculiarities of the style of the ancient artists who lived in that area. Thus, there is nothing unearthly in the ancient frescoes and rock paintings. All these facts gave rise to scientists to make the assumption that ritual masks, which were used quite often, could serve as a prototype for these images. In other words, the rock paintings found in the Sahara are of a completely terrestrial origin.

Some experts cite myths and legends about angels and gods who descended to Earth from heaven as evidence of visits to our planet by aliens in ancient times. However, it is impossible to recognize as undeniable arguments based solely on ancient chronicles. Of course, there are certain phenomena that people take for "flying saucers" and aliens, but in most cases these are either optical illusions or secret tests of equipment or weapons. Be that as it may, but to this day there is not a single convincing evidence that "flying saucers" have even a distant relationship to extraterrestrial civilizations.

Summing up, we can say that from a theoretical point of view, the possibility of visiting our planet by extraterrestrial aliens exists. But at the present time there are no concrete facts that would prove that such a visit has already taken place. Perhaps people just haven't found this evidence yet …