An Amateur Explorer From The Urals Found The City Of Kitezh On Satellite Maps - Alternative View

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An Amateur Explorer From The Urals Found The City Of Kitezh On Satellite Maps - Alternative View
An Amateur Explorer From The Urals Found The City Of Kitezh On Satellite Maps - Alternative View

Video: An Amateur Explorer From The Urals Found The City Of Kitezh On Satellite Maps - Alternative View

Video: An Amateur Explorer From The Urals Found The City Of Kitezh On Satellite Maps - Alternative View
Video: Ural Mountains | Come and visit the Urals, Russia #5 2024, October

In his opinion, the disappeared city is not at all in Lake Svetloyar, but in a swamp three kilometers from it

The city of Kitezh, the Russian Atlantis, haunted by researchers for several centuries, has been found - said Valentin Degterev, a radio amateur from Nizhny Tagil. This is not the first time a man announces to the whole world about the high-profile discoveries that he allegedly makes, simply by studying satellite maps of the world - either the disappeared Boeing will find, then the crashed UFO in Antarctica will find it, and now he has seen it in a swamp near Lake Svetloyar outlines of the city.


Valentin Degterev regularly reports on all his discoveries in his video blog on YouTube and on the Kont social journalism platform, where he positions himself as a “specialist in the genre of searching for various artifacts”. The news about the discovery of the city of Kitezh was no exception - the researcher spoke in detail about how he “found” the disappeared city on the map.

- There is a large swamp three kilometers southeast of Lake Svetloyar. Its coordinates are 56 ° 47'53.54 "N, 45 ° 3'45.11" E. I would never have paid attention to him if I had not seen the clear lines of the destroyed buildings, - Valentin Degterev admits. - Apparently, in recent years, the swamp has become quite shallow. It is unlikely that something is noticeable from the ground, but from space it is clearly visible that in the depths of the swamp the ruins of the city have been preserved.

According to Valentin Degterev, the length of the discovered object is approximately 420 meters, and the width is about 280 meters. This roughly coincides with the legend about the size of the city - although, frankly, for a flourishing medieval city, such dimensions are somewhat small. In the middle there is a noticeable wide strip - the "main street", narrower ones intersect it strictly perpendicularly, and along the edges the object is bounded by smooth, but quite distinct lines - as if it were the remains of a wall that protected the city.

- Why hasn't anyone seen him before? I think the swamp has become shallow recently, and in the days of the USSR, no one would even have thought to look for a symbol of the religious culture of Russia, ” suggests Valentin Degterev. - Therefore, besides this satellite image, there is, alas, no other evidence. And it would be interesting to check all this in practice …

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An amateur researcher from the Urals found the city of Kitezh on satellite maps /
An amateur researcher from the Urals found the city of Kitezh on satellite maps /

An amateur researcher from the Urals found the city of Kitezh on satellite maps /


According to legend, the city of Big Kitezh was founded by Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich on the shore of Lake Svetloyar in 1168. The city quickly became prosperous, and the population grew richer every year - but did not forget about the soul. Therefore, when Khan Batu approached its walls to burn down houses and take the men prisoner, and the women as concubines, the city miraculously turned out to be hidden in the thickness of the purest water of Sveta Yar and protected from invaders.

- The Lord did not allow the Basurman desecration over the Christian shrine. For ten days, ten nights, the Batu hordes were looking for the city of Kitezh and could not find, blinded. And hitherto that city is invisible - it will open before the terrible judgment seat of Christ. And on Lake Svetly Yar, on a quiet summer evening, one can see walls reflected in the water, churches, monasteries, princely mansions, boyar mansions, courtyards of the townspeople. And at night you can hear the dull, mournful ringing of Kitezh bells, - this is how Pyotr Melnikov-Pechersky wrote the legend in his novel "In the Woods".

Meanwhile, the earliest mentions of this legend refer only to the 18th century. Gorodets monks told Peter the Great about Kitezh, trying to captivate him with a beautiful story so that he would give money for a monastery. And the book "The Kitezh Chronicler", where the legend was first written down in literary form, was formed among one of the most radical Old Believers' views - "runners". Therefore, according to historians, its antiquity and reliability are highly doubtful. Although this did not interfere with numerous studies of Svetloyar and its environs, one still wants to believe in a miracle.


Dmitry Antonov, historian, archaeologist:

- The proposed location of the city of Kitezh is the Kerzhenets river basin, where peat extraction has been carried out for more than a hundred years. And these outlines of the “city” found by Degterev are very similar to what remains in the swamp after them. Most likely, peat was mined there before the war or during the war years - and, by the way, almost all the swamps in those parts look the same. And that very wide "street" may even have been a narrow-gauge railway. Although, of course, on a satellite map, this site really looks like a city, so it is easy for a layman to "bite" on it.

In fact, the probability that the city of Kitezh actually existed is rather small. This confirms, firstly, the "youth" of the legend, and secondly, the fact that Lake Svetloyar is much older than the hypothetical city of Kitezh. So, if it is of glacial origin, then the mammoth could hardly have time to sink in it, let alone the whole city.