City Of Gods - Antediluvian Chernobyl? Or Why The Aztecs Had Many Siamese Twins - Alternative View

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City Of Gods - Antediluvian Chernobyl? Or Why The Aztecs Had Many Siamese Twins - Alternative View
City Of Gods - Antediluvian Chernobyl? Or Why The Aztecs Had Many Siamese Twins - Alternative View

Video: City Of Gods - Antediluvian Chernobyl? Or Why The Aztecs Had Many Siamese Twins - Alternative View

Video: City Of Gods - Antediluvian Chernobyl? Or Why The Aztecs Had Many Siamese Twins - Alternative View
Video: Aztec Sacrifice 2024, September

The ancient Indians, with the help of a more advanced civilization, could fly into space. They lived in large cities, the fate of which turned out to be mysterious

Larger than Rome. The largest of the ancient cities of America is Teotihuacan, which means "city of the gods." The Aztecs never hid the fact that their ancestors came to the ruins of this city many centuries later, after it was abandoned by its former inhabitants.

The city is impressive today. A space 4-5 km in diameter has not yet been fully excavated. It is divided in two by a perfectly flat and wide road two and a half kilometers long, which abuts against the majestic pyramid of the Moon. The Aztecs called this avenue the Road of the Dead, knowing that it led to the pyramid of people intended for sacrifice.

The view of this road evokes an association with a runway. By the way, the road of the dead is strictly parallel to the Milky Way, and the pyramids and temples of Teotihuacan are located at distances proportional to the distances between the planets of the solar system. The city is a map of the starry sky overturned to the Earth.

Moreover, the Road of the Dead is oriented towards the North Pole. But not strictly, but with a deviation of 15 and a half degrees to the east. That is, just to the southern coast of Greenland, where the pole was located before the global cataclysm, which entered the mythology of many peoples as the Flood.

During excavations, archaeologists discovered dams and sluices, a system of canals and huge pools, strange in an arid tropical climate: the gigantic evaporation of water turned the whole idea into nonsense. According to the hypothesis of Alfred Schlemmer, a specialist in technical forecasts, these basins formed a system of long-range seismic monitoring - according to ripples on the water surface, ancient scientists could predict impending earthquakes, frequent and terrible in this area.

According to the number of residential buildings remaining, archaeologists have determined the population of the city at 150-200 thousand inhabitants. It turns out that he was one of the largest in the then world.

But suddenly, in the 8th century AD, the city suddenly becomes empty.

Instead of Atlanteans - mutants

What happened?

An invasion of enemies or an uprising of the urban lower classes against the authorities? But during the excavations, neither the remains of soldiers, nor weapons, nor battle scenes on wall paintings, nor portraits of rulers were found.

Maybe famine forced residents to leave the rich city? But aerial photography shows: there was a vegetable garden near each house. With such an organization of the economy, the subsistence minimum of products was guaranteed.

Irrigation facilities, which are more advanced than in other countries of the Ancient World, also exclude the version of lack of water.

Nevertheless, something terrible happened, which made the city empty.

The answer lies, in my opinion, in one paradoxical find made by Leopoldo Batres - a man to whom his relative, then Mexican dictator Porfirio Diaz, granted the exclusive right to dig Teotihuacan. At two sites in the city - a giant pyramid of the Sun and an inconspicuous two-story building - Batres discovered layers of mica. This fragile and expensive material is not mined in Mexico. The analysis of metal oxides contained in mica allowed us to conclude that it was mined in the territory of modern Brazil, two thousand kilometers to the south. All the mica that covered the edges of the pyramid was sold by the rogue Batres. And for some reason I didn’t covet into two layers of mica that separated the floors of a two-story building. They are still in their place today. And nobody knows what for. In the guidebooks, the building is called the ridiculous phrase "mica temple".

Since the mica was specially transported from afar and so carefully placed in the structures, it means that its role was great. Of all the guesses, one stands out: mica, a material that absorbs fast ions, could have served as an insulator that protected the inhabitants of the city from radiation. In that case, of course, if they possessed the secret of nuclear fission.

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Probably, the inhabitants of Teotihuacan, trained by ancient scientists (most likely aliens) to use nuclear energy, had an accident in the VIII century, similar to the Chernobyl accident. A rich and beautiful city that had been built for two thousand years, in an instant it became uninhabitable. People had to hastily leave their homes. For six long centuries, the excellently worked stones of palaces and temples, pyramids and dams were overgrown with grass and shrubs. And only centuries later, the half-savage Aztecs re-populated the city, without realizing what the empty buildings were intended for.

Perhaps even by the XIV century, the radiation had not yet completely weakened. Therefore, mutations took place. In particular, a lot of Siamese twins were born, whose portraits are so many in the collections of Mesoamerican museums.

Savely Kashnitsky