Statues Of King Og And Queen Magog From The Sacred Land Of Atlantis - Ogygia - Alternative View

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Statues Of King Og And Queen Magog From The Sacred Land Of Atlantis - Ogygia - Alternative View
Statues Of King Og And Queen Magog From The Sacred Land Of Atlantis - Ogygia - Alternative View

Video: Statues Of King Og And Queen Magog From The Sacred Land Of Atlantis - Ogygia - Alternative View

Video: Statues Of King Og And Queen Magog From The Sacred Land Of Atlantis - Ogygia - Alternative View
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Six miles off the coast of Galway (west of Ireland) are the Aran Islands. In the ancient legends of the inhabitants of the mainland, they appear as the dwellings of giants and servants of magic, and in later legends they are directly connected by Ha-Brasil and the Isle of the Young. Many ancient customs have been preserved on these islands, and the locals still use wicker boats, described almost 2,500 years ago by Hamilcon, a traveler from Carthage. According to L. Spence, all these fortifications were built according to the plan of the circular capital of Atlantis. One of them, Dun Angus, or Fort Angus, on Ainismore Island, stands on a cliff over 90 meters above the ocean. The center of the ruins consists of a powerful oval enclosure or citadel (measuring 45 by 40 m on the inner surface), and two concentric outer walls that do not form a complete circle, but end at the edge of the cliff. These walls have terraces at the top, which can be reached via flights of stairs. The fort is built of large stone blocks of local limestone from 1 to 2 m. Another similar structure, Dab Keiten, or Black Fort, also on Ainismore, is located on a promontory at an altitude of 120 m above sea level. Tradition claims that the Fir Bolg lived in them, who settled in Ireland and the surrounding areas after the death of their oceanic homeland.

Not far from the southwestern tip of England, shallow water lies what remains of Lioness Island. About 20,000 years ago, as S. Andrews writes in his book Atlantis. Following in the footsteps of a vanished civilization”, the colony of Atlantis was located on this island. Gradually, the land of Lioness began to split into pieces, and the debris that remained on the surface of the water was later called the Isles of Scilly. Refugees from Lioness flocked to the southwest of England and founded the Holy Kingdom of Logre. The inhabitants of Logra resorted to geomancy in an effort to improve their relationship with the universe. Drawing on their technical knowledge and engineering skills, they constructed the huge natural signs of the zodiac using the local landscape. Logra's largest earthen sculpture includes a 30-mile circular site near Glastonbury. These signs located on the embankments can only be noticed from the air. The head of each zodiac figure was turned to the West - where their lost culture had once been. Guénon believes that the name of the Kingdom of Logre comes from the name of the Celtic Lug (Lug), which brings to mind both the idea of "Word" (Verbe) and the idea of "Light" (Lumiére).

A very strange earthen pattern can be seen near Dorchester in the south of England. There is the town of Serne-Abbas (Abbot of the town of Serne), where there is a 180-meter image of a naked man holding a club in his right hand. Some researchers believed that this figure refers to Hercules-Hercules, but this is not the case. According to Joseph, this man depicts the ancient king Gog-Magog, who was usually painted with a huge club in his hand. Gog-Magog was a representative of the people, according to Joseph, who, according to legend, were the first to set foot on the uninhabited land of England to populate it. The people that this king brought here were descendants of the titan Albion - the brother of the titan Atlas.

One of the Tuatha de Danann tribes was called Oghma. Joseph writes that Oghma is the leader of these tribes from the Land of Youth - Irish Atlantis. Oghma (Ogmiy) was portrayed as an old man, dressed in animal skins, with a club in his hand; the ears of the people standing next to him were connected to the tongue of God by thin chains. He was called the "sun-faced" (grîanainech), combining enormous physical strength with a visionary gift and sophistication in the craft of poetry. Ogmius introduced a script in Ireland, which was named after him. Oghma, also called Kermate, which means "honey-mouth," became the god of literature and oratory. Oghma had seven sons, among them were famous heroes: Tuirenn, Cairbre, who became a professional bard of the Tuatha de Danann tribe. Oghma was considered the creator of the famous Celtic alphabet, Ogam. Ogam is the oldest form of writing,originating in Ireland and spreading throughout the UK. Ogamian inscriptions have been found in Scotland, the Isle of Man, South Wales, Devonshire and Silchester, Hampshire, the ancient Roman city of Calleva Attrebatum. This letter was intended for inscriptions on vertical stone pillars and walls. The characters for letters were dots or oblique notches.

In different parts of Wales, there is a legend about "Llun Savatan" - a huge kingdom ruled by King Helig Voel ap Glannog from his capital, the city of Pristholm. Suddenly the kingdom was swallowed up by the sea. The name of this king, writes F. Joseph, is remarkable - it contains the word "og", which is characteristic of the names of heroes associated with Atlantis and the Flood in other parts of the world. Another Welsh legend about the sunken land "Llus Elisap Klunog" not only repeats the syllable "og" in the full title of its king Elisap, but also makes this name very similar to the name of the king of Atlantis Elasippus ("rider").

Celtic folklore, Spence writes, is almost always dominated by the Morgan fairy. She is always associated with the sea, ocean waves. On the island of Avallon, Morgana heals King Arthur, she is also the Lady of the Lake, Lancelot's nurse, Merlin's jailor. "Morgana" means "child of the sea", according to Spence, she personifies the ocean in the image of the abyss of oblivion, unconsciousness. "Mor" is a Welsh word for "sea," and possibly Morgana, the very sea that Pliny the Elder, in his Natural History, states that the dead had to cross it to reach the kingdom of Cronus, or Time. For the Celts, the sea was indeed a path to another world, a concept that is often found in many myths, and the Celtic "place of the dead" was invariably located in the Western Ocean. Morgana is the Irish goddess Morrigan, the raven, the same as the Roman veils - that is, fairies. Morrigan, or Morrigu,means "Great Goddess", this supreme Gaelic goddess resembles the fierce Hera, symbolizing the moon. The cult of the moon was accompanied by magical rites and bloodthirsty rituals. The Morrigan was portrayed dressed in military armor and holding two spears in her hand.

As Louis Charpentier points out, there were two characters: male and female. Morgan is a "gant from the sea" or "giant who arrived from the sea", like Morgana. The myths called them giants, because the aliens were tall blond with blue eyes. In France, there are numerous legends about the Atlantic newcomers "Zhanakh", "Jacques", "Antah", "Antaeus", who flooded into the shores of Western Europe in the post-Flood period. The word "Gant" softens and turns into "Jean".

Irish traditions speak of the island of Avallon, often identified with the islands of the Blessed or the Happy. Here people achieve unearthly bliss, they have a certain elixir of youth, which allows them to preserve their lives indefinitely. As Spence says, Avallon is associated with druidism. He is mentioned in stories such as Tom Rhyme or Honest (i.e. Druid) Tom, Dane Ogir, as well as in other ancient Breton legends.

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Celtic legends speak of Bran as the son of the ruler of the underworld. His wife Guenhwyvar turns out to be the daughter of Ogirvran. This character was a giant of enormous stature, he was the owner of a magic cauldron, from which three muses were born; Ogirvran was also the patron of all the bards, who revered him as the founder of all arts. Moreover, his name, which goes back to the archaic ocur vran, means "evil crow", that is, the raven is the bird of death.

Galfried of Monmouth in the book "History of the Britons" (XII century) writes that in ancient times Britain was inhabited by giants under the leadership of Goemagogue with 12 of his companions. The Britons fought him successfully until they won. Goemagog's height was 12 cubits (about 6 m) (21). An interesting detail: on the Homeric island of Scheria lives the king of the happy faeacs Alkina. A council of twelve kings (Basileus) reigns on the island, and Alkina is the thirteenth. Since Homeric Greece did not yet know the monarchy, the Phaeacian "polykoyrania" should be considered as an idealized image of an archaic polis that arose as a result of the merger (synekism) of small family-clan groups headed by the tribal leaders-Basilei. The Goemagogue apparently had the same generic structure.

Modern scholars of Celtic culture say that Gog, the son of Gog, is the name of a giant whom Brutus the Trojan is believed to have defeated in Totna (Devonshire) during the conquest of Britain at the end of the 2nd millennium BC. e. In the Bible, Magog is called the son of Japheth (in Greek myths, this is the titan Iapetus, the father of Atlanta, Prometheus and Epimetheus - the Atlantic trace). Thus, it turns out that Magog is McGog, that is, the son (descendant) of Gog. Subsequently, folk fantasy made Gog and Magog evil giants.

King Og statue

Ancient legends tell of the land of Ogam, or Ogig, which was once located near Ireland.


Today it is located at a depth of 90 m under water, on a shallow shelf that stretches almost to the very Atlantic ridge. Legends say that at one time it was possible to get to Atlantis by Ogama, following a wide, well-lit road for many months. Lucullus Hansen in his book "Ancient Atlantis" (1969) wrote that since the Middle Ages in London towered a huge granite statue of Og - King Ogam - and a statue of his wife, Queen Magog (at the entrance to the City, now at the town hall). It was destroyed by bombing during the Second World War.

“Old people from Galway in Eastern Ireland say:“The King of Galway was the greatest king ever. He had three crowns (emphasis mine - A. V.), and one crown meant that he owned Africa, from where he received gold and beautiful jewelry. He sent one of his sons to Africa to create a great kingdom there that has existed for a million years. Another son lived in the west in the land of the setting sun, where all good people go after death. Then there were no ships, only boats; because then there were no seas at all, but only rivers and lakes. And this whole great land was called Eire. In those days, everyone was a fairy or an evil spirit. They danced in the air like leaves in the wind and when the right music was playing. It was beautiful sad music because it was full of desiresand when people want something, they sigh. And the devil was jealous of them because everyone was so happy and carefree. So he sent for many poisonous snakes; but good Saint Patrick came and banished all the snakes forever, and sent the devil to the west, where he probably lives to this day!"

“Galway folklore gives us some impression of this vanished land of Eire - Atlantis. There was, say the old people from Galway, “a beautiful high road (emphasis added - A. V.) with many lights all the way to the Islands of the West, or the Blessed, and these islands were during many months of travel along this great road. At some intervals, other roads diverged from this road, which led to other parts of the Great Kingdom of Eire or Iera. One road led to a wonderful land where all people were black. Further north, all the people were tall and handsome and rode in golden chariots. They had huge buildings like never seen before in Ireland. And these buildings did not have stairs, because in those days everyone could fly”(HT Wilkins,“Secret Cities of Old South America.”London,1950. Translated by Alexei Vagabov).

The most important information about the sea king from Atlantis Ogygos was obtained telepathically by Alex Bran in December 1979. Bran wrote down the most complete version of the text titled "Atlafolion - Revelation from Ogigus" only in January 2006. Ogyges (Ogigos) here means the mysterious king - doppelganger of brother Atlanta. This secret king-priest is located in the most sacred land of Atlantis - Ogygia. Atlanta's daughter Calypso lives on Ogygia (from the Greek calypto - to hide, to hide). After the catastrophe, the place of refuge for Ogiga became a cave (grotto), which is a consequence of the preservation of the post-Atlantic Tradition (according to Guénon). The cave, in this case, is a more suitable place for the development of a new spiritual center, and, therefore, for the concealment of preserved knowledge and initiatic sanctuaries.

Uten writes that under the forest of Fontainebleau (France) there is a complex labyrinth of ancient underground galleries of unknown origin. There is a cave of Oga (Augas), where the Atlantean priests may have performed their magic rituals. It is noteworthy that it is in Fontainebleau that Gurdjieff arranges his school. In France, there are two sacred places: the area of the island of San Michel and Fontainebleau, through which there are two entrances to the underground cities. According to Uten, in these dungeons one can see the two thrones of the secret ruler of France. This information is based on ancient Gaulish and Celtic traditions. One of these legends tells of the existence of a secret state in France, ruled since the conversion of Gaul to Christianity by an extremely closed, secret society under the patronage of St. Michael the Archangel, the winner of the Dragon. Mount San Michel was once erected on the site where the Druidic underground temple "Dragon's Sanctuary" was especially revered.

Numerous legends speak of the arrival of the Atlanteans under various names in the countries of Western Europe, including the Mivrian Antiquities of Wales (1870). Their leader, Wotan-One, was revered until Anglo-Saxon times as a god who, thanks to his ability to command natural forces, was a powerful warrior and conquered terrible serpents. Later, Christianity made the Archangel Michael the successor of Wotan in the role of the victorious serpent fighter. Everywhere the name of Wotan was diligently replaced by the name of St. Michael. An ancient, flawless straight ley line in prehistoric England, originally designed to capture energy and later serving as the direction of serpentine processions, was dedicated to the god Wotan.

We believe that at the heart of the Order of the Keepers of the Atlantic Tradition lies the legend of Ogiga, a secret priest-king who hid the Atlantic knowledge and wisdom of the bygone Tradition, first in Ogygia (now the Azores), and then transferred them to the mystery centers of Western Europe. This name is well known to us almost all over the world - it is the oldest god of catastrophes, Og or Ogygos, the son of Poseidon, during whose reign the first flood happened. There is no doubt that Homeric Ogygia is named after Ogygia himself. One of the Atlantean colonial possessions called Og was once on the territory of present-day Peru in South America (according to Casey). In general, the root "og" can be found in many countries of the Old and New Worlds. Alexander Afanasyev in the book "The Mythology of Catastrophes" gives an impressive list of countries in which this name is associated with the flood, gods and heroes. According to Afanasyev, the word "og" is not a name, but a title of antediluvian kings (compare Gog and Magog). Atlas also once bore the title "og". Strabo gives the name of a certain mountain Ogiy, which seemed to be the refuge of the Gorgons and the Hesperides. Based on the names of the Gorgons and Hesperides who lived here, Mount Ogius could mean the Atlantus facing the mountain. This means that Ogiy is just another name for Atlanta. We find the root "og", for example, in Celtic mythology: Tίr na n-Og - "The Land of the Young." The same root can be found in the word "Ogenon" - Ocean. This means that Ogiy is just another name for Atlanta. We find the root "og", for example, in Celtic mythology: Tίr na n-Og - "The Land of the Young." The same root can be found in the word "Ogenon" - Ocean. This means that Ogiy is just another name for Atlanta. We find the root "og", for example, in Celtic mythology: Tίr na n-Og - "The Land of the Young." The same root can be found in the word "Ogenon" - Ocean.

Undoubtedly, in Ancient Greece there was a special elite Order of the Guardians of the Atlantic Tradition. Among those who knew the secrets and secrets of the Western Hesperid Islands (Atlantis and their mysteries) were: Homer, Hesiod, Thales, Philolaus, Theopompus, Therekides of Syros, Gellanik, Pythagoras, Solon, Critias, Socrates, Pindar, Plato. Ferekid, for example, mentions an ancient map on which "the Ocean, the Earth and the Halls of Ogenon are painted" (see "Lords of Ogenon. Mythology of Atlantis", "Sea colonies of Atlantis").

On Ogygia, the Solar Man of the Mysteries, the Universal Savior, was worshiped, the sacred mysteries of Atlantis were performed here. The underground grotto was preserved even before the 13th century. BC e. (at the time of Odysseus) some relics associated with the cultural heritage of the Atlanteans. The cave is a symbol of the "concealment" of knowledge, it is a kind of spiritual center, and then a place of initiation. Later, the symbolism of the underground cave will turn into the symbolism of the Hollow Earth, where the remains of highly developed, technogenic civilizations are still located.

Perhaps Ogygia is not the name of the island, but its epithet “ancient”, “primordial”. Guénon speaks of the polar position of the letter G and its convergence with the letter I, which for the secret society of the "Adepts of Love" was also the first name of God. The set of four Gs, placed at right angles to each other, forms a swastika, "a symbol, like the letter G, of the Pole Star, which itself is a symbol, and for the operative Mason the actual seat of the hidden central Sun of the Universe, Jah." This letter is the first in the English word God (God) and in some cases was considered as a substitute for the Hebrew letter "iod" (iod), the symbol of Principle or Unity - due to the phonetic similarity between God and iod. It may also be added to this comment that Cosma Indicopleus referred to the land of the antediluvian Western people as the Land of Yod. According to Emilio Pelaez, the islands of the Rias Bajas archipelago off the coast of Portugal are arranged in the shape of the letter Yod, where he places the Gardens of the Hesperides. Do we not have here with the global landscape changes of the Atlantic areas, which the Atlanteans carried out in memory of their ancestral home?

Gogi and Magogi still guard the London City Hall building

It is now well established that by the time Henry V ascended the throne, the gates of the town hall were decorated with sculptural images of giants. In 1554, two stuffed giants took part in the solemn parade in honor of the Lord Mayor of London, and in 1605 the master of ceremonies named them Corineus and Gogmagog. Here is how the famous researcher of the history of ancient London, Peter Ackroyd, writes about this: “Gremagog is a giant who, by means of magic, was turned into twins Gog and Magog, who became the patron spirits of London. It was hypothesized that each of these fierce brothers, whose statues have stood for centuries in Guildhall, the building of the City Hall of the City of London, guarded one of London's twin hills. Previous versions of the sculptures of Gog and Magog have stood for over 200 years. They were carved in 1708 by Captain Richard Saunders,to replace the even more ancient statues of willow and plaster, damaged by fire, mice and rats.


If you participate in the solemn parade in honor of the Lord Mayor of London, you will see that at the beginning of the procession there are two figures woven of willow rods. These are fierce looking but kind giants Gog and Magog - guardian spirits of the City of London. Gog and Magog have been participating in the Lord Mayor of London parade since the reign of Henry V.

Modern Wicker GogMagog is the main participant of the Lord Mayor's parade of London

The statues of Gog and Magog that currently stand in the London City Hall are the work of sculptor David Evans. They were donated to the city by Sir George Wilkinson, alderman, and at one time the mayor of London. Sir George Wilkinson was mayor at the time when the previous versions of the sculptures of Gog and Magog were destroyed (this is the period of "lightning war"). The image of a phoenix on a shield in the character's hands tells us that this is Magog.


In 2006, thanks to the efforts of the Company of Basketmakers, the real wicker Gog and Magog returned and again took part in the Lord Mayor's parade of London.

Author: A. A. VORONIN

Based on materials from the books by Alexander Voronin "Sea Colonies of Atlantis" (M., Veche, 2004) and "Treasures and Relics of Lost Civilizations" (M., Veche, 2010)
