Descriptions Of Hell And Paradise From People Who Have Been In A State Of Clinical Death - Alternative View

Descriptions Of Hell And Paradise From People Who Have Been In A State Of Clinical Death - Alternative View
Descriptions Of Hell And Paradise From People Who Have Been In A State Of Clinical Death - Alternative View

Video: Descriptions Of Hell And Paradise From People Who Have Been In A State Of Clinical Death - Alternative View

Video: Descriptions Of Hell And Paradise From People Who Have Been In A State Of Clinical Death - Alternative View
Video: Man Says He Went to Hell and Back 2024, July

- Hell? These are snakes, reptiles, unbearable stench and demons! - said nun Antonia.

This woman experienced clinical death during an operation in her youth, while still an unbelieving woman. The impression of the hellish torments experienced by her soul for a few minutes was so powerful that, having repented, she went to a monastery to atone for her sins.

- Paradise? Light, lightness, flight and fragrance, - Vladimir Efremov, a former leading engineer of the Impulse Design Bureau, described his impressions after clinical death. He outlined his posthumous experience in the scientific journal of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

“In paradise, the soul knows everything about everything,” Efremov shared his observation. - I remembered my old TV and immediately found out not only which lamp was faulty, but also which installer had installed it, even his entire biography, up to the scandals with his mother-in-law. And when I remembered the defense project that our design bureau was working on, we immediately came up with a solution to a complex problem, for which the team later received the State Prize.

Physicians and clergymen who spoke with resuscitated patients note a common feature of human souls. Those who had been in heaven returned to the bodies of earthly possessors calm and enlightened, and those who looked into the underworld could not get away from the horror they saw.

The general impression of people who have experienced clinical death is as follows: heaven is above, hell is below. The Bible speaks in the same way about the structure of the afterlife. Those who saw the state of hell described approaching it as a descent. And those who went to heaven, they took off.

In some cases, when a person was absent on earth for a very long time, he saw on the other side of the border the same pictures of hell and paradise that the Holy Scriptures paint. Sinners suffer from their earthly desires. For example, Dr. Georg Ritchie saw assassins chained to their victims. And the Russian woman Valentina Khrustaleva - homosexuals and lesbians, fused with each other in shameful poses.

One of the brightest stories about the horrors of the underworld belongs to the American Thomas Welch - he survived a sawmill accident.

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- On the shore of the fiery abyss, I saw several familiar faces who died before me. I began to regret that I had cared little about my salvation before. And if he knew what awaits in hell, he would have lived quite differently. At that moment, I noticed someone walking in the distance. The stranger's face radiated great strength and kindness. I immediately understood that it was the Lord and that only He could save the soul doomed to torment. Suddenly the Lord turned his face and looked at me. Just one glance of the Lord - and in an instant I was in my body and came to life.


Often, having been in the next world, people take church orders, not hesitating to admit that they have seen hell.

Pastor Kenneth Hagin experienced clinical death in April 1933 while living in Texas. His heart stopped.

“My soul is out of my body,” he says. - Having reached the bottom of the abyss, I felt the presence of some spirit nearby, which began to guide me. At that time, an imperious voice sounded over the infernal darkness. I did not understand what he said, but I felt that it was the voice of God. From the power of this voice the whole underworld trembled - so leaves on an autumn tree tremble when the wind blows. Immediately the spirit released me, and the whirlwind carried me back up. Gradually the earthly light began to shine again. I found myself back in my room and jumped into my body like a man jumps into pants. Then I saw my grandmother, who said to me: "Son, but I thought you were dead."

Kenneth became a pastor of one of the Protestant churches and dedicated his life to God.

Descriptions of heaven are always the opposite of stories about hell. There is evidence of one of the scientists who, as a five-year-old boy, drowned in a pool. The child was found already lifeless and taken to the hospital, where the doctor announced to his relatives that the boy had died. But unexpectedly for everyone, the child came to life.

“When I was under water,” the scientist said later, “I felt that I was flying through a long tunnel. At the other end of the tunnel, I saw a light that was so bright that you could touch it. There I saw God on the throne and below people, probably angels, who surrounded the throne. When I got close to God, He told me that my time had not come yet. I wanted to stay, but suddenly I found myself in my body.

American Betty Maltz in the book "I Seen Eternity" describes how immediately after her death she found herself on a wonderful green hill. She was surprised that, having three surgical wounds, she stands and walks freely, without pain. Above her was a bright blue sky. There was no sun, but the light was spreading everywhere. The grass under her bare feet was a color she had never seen on the ground - every blade of grass was alive.

The hill was steep, but the legs moved easily, without effort. Around Betty I saw bright flowers, bushes, trees. And then she noticed a robed male figure to her left. Betty thought it was an angel. They walked without speaking, but she realized that he did not know her. Betty felt young, healthy and happy.

“I understood that I have everything I ever wanted, I was everything I ever wanted to be, I went where I always dreamed of being,” she said when she returned. - Then my whole life passed before my eyes. I realized that I was selfish, I felt ashamed, but I still felt care and love around me. My companion and I approached the wonderful silver palace. I heard the word "Jesus". A gate of pearls opened in front of me, and behind them I saw the street in golden light. I wanted to enter the palace, but I remembered my father and returned to my body.

Russian Boris Pilipchuk, who survived clinical death, also spoke about the shining gates and the palace of gold and silver in paradise: “Behind the fiery gates I saw a cube shining with gold. He was huge."

The shock from the bliss experienced in paradise was so great that after the resurrection Boris Pilipchuk completely changed his life. He quit drinking, smoking, began to live according to the commandments of Christ. His wife did not recognize him:

- He was often rude, but now he is always gentle and affectionate. I believed it was him only after he told me about cases that only the two of us knew about. But at first it was scary to sleep with a man who had returned from another world, as if with a dead man. The ice melted only after a miracle happened - he named the exact date of birth of our unborn child, day and hour. I gave birth exactly at the time he named. She asked her husband: "How could you know this?" And he replied: “From God. After all, the Lord sends us all the children."
