Who Are The Mysterious Finds In Antarctica Related To? - Alternative View

Who Are The Mysterious Finds In Antarctica Related To? - Alternative View
Who Are The Mysterious Finds In Antarctica Related To? - Alternative View

There are many mysteries associated with the ice continent. For some time now, scientists have been replaced by the military and it is they who make sure that no strangers get to this continent, and tourist routes pass in strictly outlined places in the coastal zone. The top officials of the leading states, as well as the leaders of some religious confessions, visit it periodically. A no-fly zone has been established in the area of the South Pole, and there is a steady manifestation of the UFO phenomenon.

But this is not all the mysteries of Antarctica. Due to climate change, various anomalous objects of clearly artificial origin periodically thaw on the surface of the continent: giant pyramids, ancient cities, huge hatches and even huge objects similar to the aircraft of antediluvian civilization. Some of these objects have already been written about earlier. Nevertheless, the level of silence and secrecy associated with Antarctica is striking, and the findings of virtual archaeologists are either completely ignored or discredited by various hired "troll factories", which usually do not ignore this topic.

So in recent days, American ufologists reported that they found two mysterious devices with a diameter of about 30 meters lying on a snow-covered surface, one of which looks like a flying disc. It is not clear to whom these objects actually belong and whether they are related to extraterrestrial civilization, or to the secret developments of the Nazis, who built their city under the ice shell, called New Berlin, or, perhaps, these are devices of a very ancient antediluvian civilization. And I must say that information about the discovery of such ancient flying vehicles in the Arctic and other regions of the Earth periodically emerge, but is never commented on by the official authorities.

So what is so carefully hidden from us - the presence in Antarctica of an alien intelligence, New Swabia or artifacts of an ancient civilization? Of course, any information on all these topics is hidden and hushed up. However, given the apparently unreported finds of giant pyramids and ancient structures, as well as secret excavations carried out on the continent, these objects have been here for many thousands of years and only after warming, which led to the melting of the ice shell, began to melt from the centuries-old ice in various parts of the continent. So, in this case we are talking, most likely, about the artifacts of an ancient antediluvian civilization, known as the pre-Adamites, i.e. existed "before Adam."

Therefore, it is most likely that both discovered flying discs have been lying in the ice for thousands of years. What is characteristic is that another artificial structure was discovered 6 kilometers away from them, called by ufologists "an abandoned station". And this once again confirms that these artifacts have nothing to do with an alien civilization, despite the fact that most ufologists adhere to this particular version. But, most likely, this is a deliberate attempt to divert us from the truth, sanctioned by the American special services, which are no longer able to stop the "leaks" about the ancient artifacts of Antarctica, so they decided to blame everything on the aliens, in which, as you know, the majority of ordinary inhabitants does not believe.

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